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Everything posted by NInja115

  1. Hello, I'm sick of being killed by bandits in this game, last time I died I was pretty much the peak of my game, had an M249 with 1 mag and I was running around the map looking for things to build me a base with. I encountered two bandits and before I knew it they opened fire, I ducked behind cover and was about to set up my M249 to waste the hell out of them when I heard the shot, coming from behind me and M107 wielder fired his 50. round at my head, I died. Now I want to set up a group of survivors who will work together to vanquish this bandit plague once and for all. Steamid:http://steamcommunity.com/id/Thisendsall Skype: joshvd1
  2. NInja115

    Bandit list.

    Two guys that hop servers every now and then are kill on sight bandits, names are Andrew and Reece, at the moment they are packing M4's and an M24 - I ran into them and got slaughtered. Watch out for them, they don't give mercy.
  3. NInja115

    The Bandit Hunters

    I'm in but Im in Australia
  4. NInja115

    Quick Q: Glock 17 using M9 mags?

    In real life finding full M9 mags makes it capable that you take out the bullets and put it in the G17 mag, making it completely possible.
  5. I think a reward system would be helpful towards the game, but what would it reward?? How many zombies you killed, how many bandits died at your hand, how far you have ran? It's really difficult to see what kind of reward system you are going for because, even if it pops up with achievement you killed a zed, then what. What do you receive for wasting ammo. You can maybe get crafting recipes when they implement crafting, but that is a longshot, what would you get rewarded with ?