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Everything posted by chilled

  1. chilled

    Fuel Spots

    Hey all, I've started this project due to the fact there are no accurate maps which shows (re)fueltanks except for the basic gasstations. So in the course of 2 weeks I found almost all of them.. yet there are still 2 missing. I figured I wasn't te only one wanting a map like this so.. here it is. So now you never have to be worried about you getting stuck in the middle of nowhere without fuel :lol: How the (re)fueltanks look like: The Map: Link: http://i.imgur.com/ghIz0.jpg HD Download: http://tinyurl.com/83jmkz7 (93mb) Cheers.
  2. 1. Make a macro, assign W to it. 2. Set the macro on shift (under the section repeatoptions). (roughly translated from dutch) 3. Done. You can toggle it on/off by pressing the key you bound it to. Works for me, for some months now I might add.
  3. Yesterday we found 2 choppers in a field... Took 1 the 2nd one was kinda bugged.
  4. Nothing special, just better odds in survival now.
  5. So.. we just found 2 huey's in a field. Is it legit. Dont wanna get banned.
  6. chilled

    Helicopters already patched in?

    I know, but this is faster. Since im still playing i have little time. Flyable.
  7. Normally i get the directx error when my shortcut is faulty. Do you have it as a steam game?
  8. Stupid image stuff not working >:(
  9. Arma without any mods loaded. Could do. Easier to make a special shortcut for Dayz. So you have 1 for vanilla CO and 1 for dayz.
  10. Use vanilla CO, instead of dayz mod loaded. With dayz you cant play SP.
  11. Extract in the the Missions folder instead of the MPMissions. Then you can find the The Shooting Range, inside the Singleplayer -> scenarios. Use 'vanilla' CO, works for me.
  12. chilled

    Zelenogorsk should have a Hospital

    Enough walking hospitals in the north :D
  13. chilled

    An-2 Colt (Large Biplane)

    Yes please. Imagine having 11 people parachuting above cherno :D
  14. chilled

    Fuel Spots

    I am? Thats sweet :) Still gonna update this one untill it is finished.
  15. Holland. Perfect to snipe zombies, also bicycles.
  16. chilled

    Most Creative Camp Sites

    5 meters in the forest to the east of the lake near skalka. If he didn't wire it i wouldn't have found it^^ Got myself some mighty fine AS50.
  17. It's not a Ural, its the V3S. Ural is the blue truck with a white cover.
  18. chilled

    Any tips to help stop getting lost?

    They do? lol, never noticed that.
  19. Around 20%, fun thing is.. the low geared players never seem to logout, where as people with highend gear seem to vanish in thin air when there is gunfire somewhere in the distance.