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About Monad

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Monad

    Humans are the enemy in DAYZ not the Zs

    I agree with Goster here. I trust most players I meet, but I'm not stupid about it either. What happened to you is a pretty extreme case of douchebaggery considering the guy could have just capped you while you were weak and saved himself the time and resources. I warn people of my approach, and it usually works. If you ever see me saying 'friendly,' you can trust that I won't pull a fast one on you.
  2. Aw man, that's too bad. I was really excited about this idea, and was even going to volunteer for 'night shift'...I guess there is no night shift. :T
  3. I think it lends an interesting look at a potential direction for the mod - that zombie-concentrated areas can simply never be entirely cleared. Maybe it would be more interesting if it was flat-out impossible(or maybe just very improbable) to hold a city the way we can now. Maybe instead, towns are only worth entering as smash-and-grabs; get what you need, get out, make sure you have a plan the entire way. Most of the upset about the zombie numbers lies in how people are used to hunkering down until the zombies stop coming, rather than trying to make an opening to escape. I just think it is worth a look to see how these spawns change player behaviors before flying off the handle and saying the game needs to be tweaked one way or another.
  4. Monad

    Introduce yourselves

    Gentlemen. Name's Monad, got sucked up in the hype surrounding this excellent mod just a few days ago. My download of Combined Operations is almost complete, I expect to be in the field and scavenging tomorrow. Will be recording my early experiences via Fraps and we'll see how that goes, probably play a few days before joining up with We The Free. :> Look forward to seeing you out there. I'll be friendly, and hopefully you will be too.