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About Race_Tech

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    On the Coast
  1. I was on a pretty fresh spawn and encountered another survivor entering a house just after I had left it. We both had hatchets and were both obviously pretty fresh so no point of fighting. I worked my way down the road from the house dodging zombies and then threw a roadflare back at the house just to make him shit himself a bit,
  2. So I had been alive for a day or two at this point and I’ve been playing solo. I had just finished looting the houses down the hill from Zub castle and was beginning up the hill when I hear gunfire from up near the castle. Immediately I hit the deck assuming the gunfire was directed at me, but after a second or two I realized they were too deep through the woods to see me. Yes there were two distinct gun reports. So I quickly move off of their probably line of travel, which had also been mine, by about 30 yards and go prone in some bushes. About 30 seconds after I got settled in, here come two survivors tearing down the hill with a train of 6-7 Z’s behind them, occasionally pausing to shoot one or two on their way down. It turns out they dropped two at the exact spot where I had been sitting a minute earlier, and continued on their way down the hill. They didn’t see me… first bit of conflict avoided. Just to be cautious I continued to wait there in the bushes for a while and listen to the gunfire to determine where they were and what they were doing. After another minute or so the gunfire stopped, so either they ran out of zombies or ran out of blood. Considering they were toting an AK and a shotgun I’m assuming the first was true, so I continue to stay put for a bit longer hoping they would keep on their line of travel down the hill and I wouldn’t draw attention by getting out of cover. After another minute I was just about to get up and continue on my way up to the castle when survivor 1 comes back up the hill to loot the zombie bodies. I take aim but hold fire, he is still facing straight up the hill and hasn’t seen me yet. Maybe I can still make it out of this alive. Then between looting the two bodies he turns and faces downhill, and in doing so sweeps his view straight past me. I don’t know if he saw me or not. Do I shoot? Not shoot? Wait to see if he turns back to me? Fuck it. Arrow through the head, he belly flops. Surge of adrenaline. First murder. Holy Shit! Ok keep it calm, there is still another one out there who I have now lost track of because I was busy killing his friend. Crap, did he get word out to his buddy before he died? Are they on teamspeak telling exactly where I am? Don’t know, I stay put. This spot has worked twice now, why risk moving? Most likely survivor 2 is on his way back up to meet his buddy, and when he finds him dead he will be on the offensive. A few seconds later here comes survivor 2 back up to his buddies body and begins looting it, facing straight towards me. Adrenaline overload. Arrow through the head again, belly flop number two. After making sure it was finally clear to leave my hiding spot, I go loot their bodies, and find a few things I had been desperately looking for. I consider taking the AK but there is limited ammo, and my crossbow has just done a spectacular job of keeping me safe and undetected. I survived another couple days before being murdered myself, looking for a silenced automatic weapon. I got greedy and wanted the best of both worlds. To the survivors I shot, read this and know it was not my original intention to shoot you. It was just a heat of the moment decision after I had been cold bloodedly murdered on several previous survival attempts. That being said, the adrenaline rush was fun, so congrats on being my first… and second! ;) This bandit life might not be so bad...