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About markusletifer

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  1. markusletifer

    Last Resistance - Join the humanity's last

    Location: Portugal Age: 31 Steam username: http://steamcommunity.com/id/merkus_letifer/home Where did you hear about us?: On the Dayz Forums. How often do you play video games?: Basically everyday. What kind of games do you most enjoy playing?: Shooters, MMO's and RPG's What do you expect to get out of joining the Resistance?: Teamplay experience, result/objective oriented gameplay. What made you choose this community over any other organized community?: It's easier to reach. Were you ever a member of any previous Clans/Guilds/Communities? If so, which? Why did you leave?: Several in the past 15 years. Clans were disbanded due to RL commitments. What other kinds of hobbies do you have?: Guitars, Computers, Paintball and P*ssy! Anything else you'd like us to know?: I have +1k hours played in Arma 2/CO/ACE/Dayz all combined. My job description allows me to play +8 hours per day if there need be...
  2. markusletifer

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I love barbed wire to build "mouse trap" bottlenecks in some buildings and other strategic points on the map. Why should the devs remove something out of the game just because it needs a fix???! I'd rather have it but trust the devs for a fix on the item duping going on in the game right now. 07
  3. markusletifer

    Best place to hunt for bandits?

    As a bandit who hunts other bandits I must say anywhere with loot is a good place to hunt for them. D-bags that focus all their energy in killing noobs with nothing to offer instead of focusing on the next best thing to do, should be irradicated from the face of the earth. It's usually this kind that Alt+F4's in face of a battle or when they get surprised/flanked. Everytime I get back to the southern cities to help a buddy out of there, I keep running into groups of 3-5 people, fully stacked, sniping the $h1t out of newly spawned players. Those bandits usually get shot down with a bullet in the back of their necks, execution style. They are usually so bad that they're found sitting almost next to each other in obvious places and with no overwatch support. Make sure to empty a whole clip on their heads to minimize the chances of a successful "Logofsky" . And please, give them my regards! Cheers 0/
  4. markusletifer

    Hackers, and the state of the standalone game?

    Hackers are becoming nice... In the past few dayz, I've been cheered by hackers approaching me in a friendly way. I know, it's weird right? And it wasn't just a handfull. It happended several times in several diferent servers. It happened more times when I was alone and undergeared rather then when I'm with a gang. The hacker teleports to my position, I say whatever...he says "friendly!", scares me a little bit with his big a§§ sniper rifle. makes sure I'm unarmed, and out of nowhere he spawns a few ammo crates right next to me. He starts rearming himself, I get behind him and crack his skull with an hatchet. :D I guess he doesn't have godmode on!!...He comes back just seconds later, but I stay in as I have nothing to lose besides my position in the map up north. I keep waiting for the worse, but I get surprised again. He comes again baring gifts for the poor and undergeared. What's wrong with this picture?? It a shame I play in servers with no name tags, and wasn't able to identify them. Should I swallow my pride and take stuff he offers me, or should I just keep killing him until he quits on me? Why are hackers being nice to us? I demand my good old nasty hackers back! Is it the infection? I'll leave you to it...
  5. markusletifer

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    After 48 hours I must say I'm pretty satisfied with this great bunch. I managed to keep my 3 week old gear even though I've died a couple of times. We got hacked a couple of times because, you know...haters gonna hate... We had "accidental" squad wipes involving grenades, followed by long sessions of laughter :D, etc.... There's some really great, helpful people in this bunch and I'll be stickin' around. Maybe after the website is available we can get a decent mature team out of this to ingress on Arma 3. Who knows!? Markus Out 07
  6. markusletifer

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Thanks Striker. I'll check your TS first thing when I get a chance. By the way, what are your prime times in DayZ?
  7. markusletifer

    Introduce yourselves

    The name is Markus. I'm an Arma HC player with over 2000 hours played in both Arma 2/ OA and PR. I've been playing DayZ since the game came out. I have a couple of buddies who I usually run with and gear up, always trying to uphold the rules of "good bandit" conduct. Helping new players, killing fully geared trolls in Elektr/Cherno and dodging hackers are my three favourite hobbies in the game. I've been playing it solo for most of the time given the trust issues or the lack there of...when it comes to new encounters... In 80% of the situations the new player tries to "get you" as soon as they get a weapon in their hands. Which in this game. is the way it's supposed to be and I'd like it to reamain that way. I am a firm believer that if you see yourself as a good hearted bandit, there are always ways to help players under pursuit by high geared trolls. I've been doing it from a distance and I've already managed to help full gangs out of some tough situations. And rarely when I have to get closer I basically use the rattlesnake approach to every new encounter. I'll help you. You don't look for me. If you come closer than x meters from me, I WILL shoot you. On a different approach, if you have something I want for myself or for my gang members, I usually try to reason with high end geared players, trading or death threats usually work in the same level of efficiency. Avid twitchtv streamer. Looking for bigger gangs to hang with and ambush some dirtbag squads. Markus Out 07
  8. markusletifer

    =ATS= is Recruiting International Clan

    Age: 31 Hash: Markus Letifer TZ/Country: GMT0 - Lisbon / Portugal TS3: Can't do without it. Website usage: Willing to use any type of comms hub. Distinctions: I'm that kind of guy that likes to bring perfection when it comes to play the objective. Gets the job done. Most of all and above all, I'm supposed to have fun. Prefered roles: In order of preference - Spotter > Sniper > Support > Medic. I'm currently stacked out with all I need to do surveillance duties. NV FAL + DMR, M9 SD, Ghilly suit + 1 spare, NV goggles, Rangefinder, and essentials. I've been playing solo since Dayz came out and I got tired of hunting for D.bags attacking people with no gear, evading hackers, overwatching the airports for the same type of D.bags and their wrong doings. Hate camping Cherno/Elektro unless I'm playing the "good bandit" XD. But yes, I'm still a bandit...with a conscience. Peace! 0/
  9. markusletifer

    Preferred Kit Loadout

    1 - FAL With NV scope as the primary. (Rare) 2 - M9 or M9SD for side weapon 3 - Range finder + NV goggles 4 - DMR (in the backpack) 5 - Large Coyote Backpack 6 - Ghillie Suit + Drinks + Cooked meat (Not a veggie here...) +Morphine/Painkillers and of course, heightened senses and an eye on the back of your head. This is my current setup. - minus a Bicycle. B*tch stole my bike last night.. : (
  10. markusletifer

    Brand New Clan

    You guy use anything besides skype for comms? Like Ts3, Mumble or Dolby Axon?
  11. markusletifer

    need help dayz black screen fade!

    Exact same problem here. I still can move and go to the inventory for a split second there while the screen is fading.. Also noticed the status "symbols" are all there, but no status window is shown on the top right corner (the one that has the kill counter, blood, etc...). Can we have some feedback about this? Is it a client side bug? Or do we have to re-install? Thanks in advance!! Don't wanna lose my full coyote here....sad face...