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ibux (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ibux (DayZ)

  1. ibux (DayZ)

    Remove tents

    yes, but they dont belong in the game now in their curent stat, cause the tents dont work as intended.
  2. ibux (DayZ)

    Remove tents

    well, the items just respawn in the tents after server restart, so you dont realy lose anything.
  3. ibux (DayZ)

    Devil`s castle base

    I was just thinking, it would be cool if who ever takes Devil`s castle or other castles could maybe build defences around it, or maybe trade mountain dew or food there to buy items to defend it. just silly thinking i guess :)
  4. ibux (DayZ)

    Devil`s castle base

    but dont you think a castle is cooler? :)
  5. ibux (DayZ)

    Devil`s castle base

    also, mabey they would spawn random around the map if they switch servers.
  6. ibux (DayZ)

    Devil`s castle base

    yea, that and haxers :/
  7. ibux (DayZ)

    Devil`s castle base

    yea its annoying :( Maybe you could repair the walls of the castle if you capture it
  8. ibux (DayZ)

    Devil`s castle base

    That sounds fun also, but does any one ever go there? would be great if the castle were more worthy of you defending them?.
  9. ibux (DayZ)

    making a bandit clan

    Starting a new european bandit clan if any one wanna join. http://bandit.guildlaunch.com/ need to be 18+ and have a working mic.
  10. ibux (DayZ)

    making a bandit clan

    no, not yet. i just posted to see if there was any interest in making one. doesnt look like there was any bandits up for it.
  11. Walkie-talkies in game, that you could use to talk with people in a 2 km radius. Then you could find friendlys in game with less risk, and team up against bandit snipers, or just send out warnings if you spot one.
  12. ibux (DayZ)

    Get rid of all the sniper rifles

    we need to be able to find those kind of weapons, since haxers bring weapons like as-50 with thermal scoops into the game.
  13. ibux (DayZ)

    Server Day and Night

    It takes alot of time joining servers, at least if you got to join 5-6 servers before finding one.
  14. ibux (DayZ)

    24/7 daylight servers

    my flashlight is not working, and i cant se anything in night time servers.
  15. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    If you find a knife you could use it to cut a piece of wood from a tree. You could make arrows from this combined with feathers from chicken and glue. If you would also find a string, you could combin it with piece of wood, and make it into a bow. You could also construct an arrowhead from metal, stone, glass, or bone, using a toolbox. attaching it to the arrow's tip by lashing the arrowhead to the wood with a string, increasing the damage. You could combine the arrows with a dead zombie to make it poisonus for other players, or cloth combined with a jerry can to make fire arrows, that would set other players on fire.
  16. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    its fine, just needs to be added a quiver to it or some thing.
  17. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    i tought they were immune?
  18. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    What if your in the city and there is 20 bandits there just waiting for some one to give away their location?
  19. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    yes 30 high- quality arrows should be a drop also, giving more damage then self made arrows.
  20. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    So every one and their grandmother know how to use a gun and fix a car, or fly/fix a helicopter, fine. Lets just find that compond bow from a store then, but make our own arrows?.
  21. ibux (DayZ)

    Roaming Military

    yes, lets remove the zombie npc`s also
  22. ibux (DayZ)

    Roaming Military

    They were alerted by local survivors of your banditry? or maybe you killed another player when they were walking near you.
  23. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    skyrim is a survival mmorpg?
  24. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    sure, that would be nice also. but i think it would make the bows more desired if you can make your own ammo.
  25. ibux (DayZ)

    bow and arrows

    how long would it take to make the bow useful? I think you would need to do the same to guns also then.