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Everything posted by ninjaontour

  1. ninjaontour

    Passing out every time I log in, wtf?

    It does seem to be one server in particular so I'll give this a go when someone's on, thatnks for the help!
  2. ninjaontour

    Got a clan? We got the server for YOU.

    Where is your server based mate? Been looking for a home server with my little clan of survivors to stick to, if the ping is sweet then I'm cool playing there. What's the server?
  3. ninjaontour

    Trading SVD Camo with 3 mags

    M249 with several belts interest you?
  4. ninjaontour

    Dishonest Traders

    While I totally understand that some people will take the "Trust no one, and you won't be nastily surprised" attitude, the best experiences I've had playing this mod so far are those tense moments where there's a standoff between groups of players not knowing if the other's hostile. Some of the guys I play with regularly are just people I've helped along the way on some server or other, and called "Friendly" to. Naturally, some of the better firefights that I've been in stem from moments like those where the outcome goes south and it turns into a bloodbath. I guess what I'm saying is that not every stranger is an enemy, and I speak from experience with others as well as my own playstyle. Although, If I call friendly, and you don't reply, you're in trouble.
  5. ninjaontour

    Passing out every time I log in, wtf?

    Bah, really don't want to die I'm too highly geared and in a PvP hotspot. Guess I'll have to ride it out and see if it stops :(
  6. Due to a recent camp raid, I'm currently overstocked on several weapons that I'd rather trade than keep. BAF AS50 M107 Bizon PP19SD M249 FN FAL NVGs GPS Willing to trade for: Ghillie suits Rangefinders SVD Camo AS50 NATO Clips I am on Skype RIGHT NOW, FIRST COME FIRST SERVED! Skype ID: peter.the.kid.meehan
  7. ninjaontour

    [TRADING] High End Gear

    Unfortunately man I've got literally ZERO NATO rounds, I'm using M107 clips for my AS50 lol. Skype ID is : peter.the.kid.meehan
  8. ninjaontour

    [TRADING] High End Gear

    Trade successfull with ColonelShade. Enjoy the M107 and AS50, buddy. Thanks for the Ghillies and Camo!
  9. ninjaontour

    [TRADING] High End Gear

    Still trading and on Skype. Trading at NE airfield. Skype is above.
  10. ninjaontour

    [tradeing] FN FAL AN/PVS-4

    Deal, I'll trade you whichever you prefer AS50 or M107, skype me now: peter.the.kid.meehan
  11. ninjaontour

    Check this shit for real.

    OP... if you're supposed to be named after the mythical Irish warrior, and I assume that you are, you've only gone and spelt it wrong.
  12. Willing to offer from a selection of items including M107s, AS50s, M249s, M4A1 CCO SDs, Bizon SDs, M16A2s, NVGs, and Rangefinders. Clips for all weapons included. Also have pretty rare ammo for the SVD if you're interested. Also think I have an L85 AWS as well, not sure though. Trading for Ghilles, need a few, just make me an offer. Skype is a must. Available after 18:00 GMT [Edit] Also interested in trading for an SVD Camo, if anyone has one.
  13. If the SVD is camo PM me. Have 3 of those M4A1 CCO SDs and want SVD Camo.
  14. ninjaontour

    [TRADING] High end gear for GHILLIE SUIT

    PM me with your Skype and I'll trade you the M4A1 CCO SD for them, how many magazines would you like?
  15. ninjaontour

    Blurry vision won't go

    If none of that works for you, check Video Options and make sure your 3D resolution matches your screen resolution. If they aren't the same it often causes blur, and sometimes randomly changes.
  16. ninjaontour

    Looking for some L85s...

    I would probably trade my 2 x L85 AWS if you have some decent gear. Looking for Ghillies, SVD Camos,, M4A! CCO SD, and Rangefinders. PM me a list of what you guys are offering and maybe we can do business :)
  17. ninjaontour

    [TRADING] High end gear for GHILLIE SUIT

    If you want the Bizon it's yours, comes with 3 mags at 60 something shots a mag.
  18. ninjaontour

    WTT ? For Ghille and SVD Camo

    I have 2 L85 AWS, what are you offering? PM me I'm not following the topic. Also, to the OP: If this happened on LU you might want to check back to that Ural. Please confirm if the server is correct or not.
  19. ninjaontour

    WTT ? For Ghille and SVD Camo

    Out of curiosity, this wasn't on a certain LU server, was it?
  20. I'm trading all sorts for ghillies, and I'd take an M4A1 CCO SD for the other rifles or gear mentioned in this post http://dayzmod.com/f...__hl__[trading] PM me if you have any particular requests.
  21. ninjaontour

    Who the fuck?

    This. Over, and over again.
  22. ninjaontour

    Snipers are OP?

    DMR isn't even a good rifle, AS50 kills it.
  23. ninjaontour

    [TRADING] High end gear for GHILLIE SUIT

    I think I have 3, if so then that's fine, but if I've only the 2 I'd like to keep one myself. Again, I'll check for you later. Also, not sure of the conversion, sorry.
  24. ninjaontour

    [TRADING] High end gear for GHILLIE SUIT

    I'll be on later after 18:00 GMT. Might be earlier but definitely after, I'll add you then. Looking for 5 in total, and I'll need to check about the L85 AWS, not sure I still have them. It's not a scam, it'll be done fairly. No, it's not. We're not even bandits. Long story short our friend got wasted by a bandit and I followed him back to camp, rattled him and stole his Ural with a load of high end gear in it that we really don't need.