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Everything posted by ninjaontour

  1. I don't know what the problem is here, I've over 11k blood, am not in shock, haven't taken damage in over 2 hours. Logged back in just now and passed out with a long ass timer, which is the 3rd instance today spread across 2 different servers. Any ideas guys?
  2. ninjaontour

    Screw the hacking! Finally dogs!

    The mod, as it stands is in Alpha, either deal with the problems like the rest of us, or get lost and quit whining about it. You think the devs don't know hackers are a problem? When the standalone comes out it will be much easier to implement a security safeguard against hacks. At the moment, ArmA is very easy to execute script based hacks in, which is why they're so prevalent. Do you really think it will go standalone without that being addressed? To summarise; The mod is in Alpha, and will remain that way until the standalone is developed. If you can't deal with it as it stands, bye bye. /thread
  3. Have a few GPS and NVGs etc. Also have M14 AIMs, M4A3 CCO. M4A1 CCO SD etc. I'll be trading at 22:00 GMT, August 10th. PM me to arrange further! Hopefully see ya soon buddy.
  4. Looking a Mk 48 with a few belts. Willing to offer: L85 AWS AS50 M107 Bizon PP19 SD SVD Camo Ghillies Have other stuff, if you're looking something in particular just ask.
  5. ninjaontour

    [TRADE] Looking for Mk 48 Mod 0

    I'll be conducting this trade tomorrow night, around 22:00 GMT. I'll be alone, and will only be carrying the items requested from me, and I ask you to do the same. All trades done on Skype (No TS or Ventrilo) Once trades are complete, your details will go into the reputable traders thread. Again, if you're interested in this PM me, don't reply in this topic guys!
  6. ninjaontour


    With regards to the Ural. Where is it now?
  7. ninjaontour

    Searching M240

    I have an SVD to trade for Mk.48, one of the few weapons we haven't got hoarded away in a camp somewhere lol. PM me if you're interested.
  8. ninjaontour

    Are there any good people out there

    There are plenty of nice survivors out there. If you approach me as a friendly 9 times out of 10 you'll walk away from the encounter, provided you don't threaten me outright. I've helped plenty of noobs running around the place with weapons and supplies, but like some others have said I've also been betrayed as soon as I've kitted someone up. That makes it hard to trust everyone I run into claiming to be friendly, but I refuse to let a few bad apples spoil the bunch. Stick at it.
  9. ninjaontour


    First off Jack, I think you've worked this part out for yourself already, is that nobody cares you got killed by a hacker. That's because there's nothing that anyone here can do about it. Not me, not The Dancing Russian Man, not the dev team, and certainly not you by way of sprinkling your tears over us like an unwelcome rain shower. So, that leads me to a second point. All of the crying you're doing in this thread will only make people laugh at you more, I'm doing you a favour by telling you, so don't bitch. The fact that you're acting like a childish clown and getting all insulted only serves to show us that you are either young, stupid, or young and stupid. This is Day Z, bitch. No mercy in this dojo. Oh, and Jack...
  10. You've double posted, and the thread title is a bit ambiguous. Are you selling satchel charges, or do you need satchel charges?
  11. ninjaontour


    Haha the V3S totally sucks compared to the Ural! The Ural's invincible to trees, you can drive it at 100mph into a tree and rip it clean out of the ground without taking damage. I heartily disagree with your comparison, good sir!
  12. If you live in the UK and have shit internet connection I'm afraid it's your fault. If your connection comes down your phoneline, sucks to be you. You have 100mbps connection speeds available on fibre lines, so don't talk balls about bad ISPs in the UK lol.
  13. ninjaontour

    LU131 Autokicking

    Tried several times to join this server, there are a few clan members in the server and every time I connect I get booted. Is there anything being done about this kind of admin abuse? Seems that keeping everyone out of a hive server so your clan can gear up is pretty blatant abuse.
  14. ninjaontour

    LU131 Autokicking

    That's a joke, what a pack of flamers.
  15. ninjaontour

    [CWC] Celtic Warriors Clan Recruiting

    Sweet lol, all the lads I play with are from the North, from Belfast myself. I'd be happy enough to play with ya's some time, just can't be arsed with committing to clan activities is all.
  16. ninjaontour

    [CWC] Celtic Warriors Clan Recruiting

    I conduct all trades by Skype. No need to sign up to a website if I'm not joining the clan lol. PM me your Skype ID, and the kind of items you're wanting to trade. Be warned though, I don't take traitors lightly, so if you plan on ambushing me instead of trading fairly, you'll be sorry.
  17. ninjaontour

    Dishonest Traders

    Having conducted several successful trades over the last week, I've come to realise that letting one's guard down is likely to get you rinsed out by some cowards out there. When conducting a trade I only bring the items I'm trading with me, and a pistol for dealing with any Zeds I may pull along the way. Even though I'll always lower my weapon, so as not to appear threatening to a prospective trade, as well as being with them on Skype, some people are just lowlife little bitches. I've noticed a thread of trusted traders, but as we all know, in-game IDs can be changed in a few seconds, whereas most people will keep their Skype ID the same. Anyone who attempts a trade and is backstabbed, post IDs here and I'll keep the list up to date. [sKYPE IDS OF COWARDLY PRICKS] - ByeI'mSkype>HelloI'mSkype - sadraddude - sk8ercade A personal note to you three little pussies, if you ever grow a pair between you, you've got me on Skype, hit me up and I'll be happy to dominate you in an honest firefight.
  18. ninjaontour

    [CWC] Celtic Warriors Clan Recruiting

    I'm Irish, but not really looking to get into a clan. Trading however, that I can do for ya no sweat! Anything ya need man just fire me a PM and I'll see what I can do :)
  19. ninjaontour

    Dishonest Traders

    Haha I totally wouldn't do that, trying to build a reputation as an honest trader! I think it's pretty shitty to screw people over on a fair deal. All the guys who killed me got was an M249 and their Skype IDs in bright green in the forum.
  20. Kamenka? Just let a Z eat you and respawn lol.
  21. ninjaontour

    Losing 2 AS50s in 10 minutes

    Sounds to me like you're a ghosting fag. Try and justify it all you like, you're still an asshat.
  22. ninjaontour

    ExLie Clan

    Beans for you, sir. All day long.
  23. ninjaontour

    ExLie Clan

    Fuck you, and your clan of dickwads lol. That video is just embarrassing, you're a complete asshat. Anyone who abuses their server like this doesn't deserve to have one, and I'm glad there are players out there like the one who took the video, willing to show you up for the gutless little pussies you are. I also thought your thread title was a typo until you continued to use it all the way through your post. Good luck with Clan DYSLExLie ya fuckin' tool.
  24. ninjaontour

    Dishonest Traders

    I thought about doing that, but I want whoever's trading with me coming on their own too. If I don't use a sniper, it means they don't get to. I may use scouts in future, but snipers seems dishonest.
  25. ninjaontour

    Pass out everytime i log in

    What do you mean incapped at 12k health? Isn't 12k the standard?