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Everything posted by nikolai_au

  1. nikolai_au

    dayzmod.com - Aug 2012 - Q&A with Rocket

    Is the Military Offroad still in game?
  2. nikolai_au

    You're playing too much Dayz if...

    You see a fuel tanker and think "cool somewhere to fill my jerrycans" happened yesterday driving along, gave myself a break from dayz last night.
  3. rs200nz, he rapes bodies does he? He's probably from NZ and mistakes them for sheep :P ps minute I saw the thread title I suspected it was going to be either a aussie or kiwi :D
  4. nikolai_au

    Banned from Dallas 54

    Their servers would have to be some of the best I've played on. +1 for the admin response
  5. nikolai_au

    DayZ/ARMA Causing Framerate issues.

    quite possible the ddos attacks are causing it? had the same issue last night for the first time since the before the 1.7 patches came out. http://twitter.com/#!/dayzdevteam
  6. nikolai_au

    The definitive VEHICLE SPAWNS thread

    Or they are being hoarded be people running the hack that shows all player and vehicle locations on the map...... pointless taking a vehicle at the moment when the person you took it from managed to track you across the map 4hrs later and somehow finds it and you hidden from eveything.
  7. nikolai_au

    Banned from Dallas 54

    just tried to get you on your mumble strikes but you're afk? this literally only happened 10 15 minute ago
  8. nikolai_au

    Banned from Dallas 54

    Funny this comes up seeing that we shot and killed dorian grey this morning and he had the best of everything on him, we managed to steal the car he had and hid it on the opposite side of the map, out of nowhere, a motorbike approaches us and kills us a few hours later when we logged back in, knew our exact locations even though we were split up and had been still for quite some time once we heard the motor
  9. Is there anywhere you can watch the pcgamer stream if you missed it?
  10. Lol Leo235, I hadn't done anything nice today so I thought this might be my one and only chance..... Wasted my time didn't I
  11. Had it happen to me and 3 friends, I know your frustrations exactly but reinstating gear isn't going to happen.
  12. nikolai_au

    How to practice all weapons in singleplayer?

    Can you suggest how I do this so that I can do this so that 2 people can practise together?
  13. nikolai_au

    2 second stutter every few minutes

    can you do me a favour and take a screen shot of your video settings with the advanced option?
  14. I'll be polite before the rest of the gang get here, The mod is still in development, bugs are expected and we all suffer from them from time to time, just move on, if you can't or don't want to put up with maybe take a break and wait till the game is released.
  15. nikolai_au

    Pistol and Flashlight

    Would it be possible to set up the pistol and the Flashlight so that if you have both and want to swap from the pistol to the flashlight you right click on the flashlight in your inventory and swap it out and the pistol takes its spot on your toolbelt? If you could have it so it only works when you have both? Otherwise everything with the pistol works as is at the moment, ie you store it in your backpack if you want to pick up a 2nd pistol that sort of thing?
  16. Don't know if this is the place to post, but since the 1.7.1 patch has come out I've been getting a script #16 error on the US 7 server, is there any chance a server admin could look, from what I've read it's a script error on the server side? Thanks in advance.
  17. nikolai_au


    Hey Potplanty is your toon name the same ingame? With this reaction would love to see what it's like when you get killed ingame? maybe you could fraps it for us all?
  18. nikolai_au

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    You weren't the guy that ran up to me in the Shopping Centre in Elektro and tried to kill me are you? :) ps how dare you have fun with the mod :P:P
  19. nikolai_au

    your first ever PC specs

    386dx266 40mg Harddrive. Can't remember how much ram Just knew I had to chose between having windows on the computer or Falcon 3.0 Harddrive wasn't big enough to run both at once.
  20. nikolai_au


    Also you'll probably find most of the australian players don't play on the the ANZ servers anyway.
  21. nikolai_au


    I was worried about what it was going to be like when I died, well I died yesterday and respawned on the beach with nothing. Gotta say it's the most fun I've had for quite some time. Yes I have no gun, but I also know that you can lose zombies now. So I did what any terrified person would do I sprinted my guts out at the nearest house I could get into to see if there was anything around, 2nd house I got into I found a weapon and food, yep got hit once and had to bandage but big deal. Honestly I am loving what has been done with spawning and the zombies now are just perfect.
  22. nikolai_au

    Character wipes with patch releases

    I agree with this as well, was thinking could it be that all gear on characters and backpacks gets reset but the toon itself stays alive? That could potentially placate anyone who is trying to keep themselves alive as long as possibe?