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5 Neutral


About gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    why do YOU play DayZ?

    To kill everybody on sight, and to troll them when they're dead.
  2. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    regenerating blood

    Need help regarding rengerating blood. These are my stats, http://gyazo.com/256cc0053e958a09884d74e10b4da515 What else would you recommend? Ive at and drank untill i saw these stats.
  3. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    ★★ Zombie Smashers Dayz Private Hive - 70+ Vehs, 4+ Helis, 2+ Biplanes. (New server!)

    Helicopters at every airstrip, Biplanes at 2 airstrip untouched! Come and play! , Website will be done very shortly.
  4. NO WHITELIST! Our server is basically 1-2 days old! , Meaning most of the vehicles in the map, are at the original positions! We are working on a website which will be giving a re-ward system in it. 25 hours active = Car 60 hours active = Heli These are just some suggestions, We will have more idea soon! Website will be done in 2 days! Server IP -> Teamspeak -> ts3.zombiesmashers.com:9037 Will update thread design later.
  5. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    New server - Need help please!

    Hi, I am working on a server and need help on how to add biplanes, without using rmod or whatever. Thanks for you're help!
  6. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Dayz with McGR3V3Y Ben and Gavin ep 2

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58Vndfb06Xw Thanks!
  7. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    New dayz series

    Video Channel This is my mates channel enjoy :D
  8. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Hacker gets owned! haha

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n39H8h6LfHQ&feature=plcp Wee dickhead hackers get owned, just found this like 5 mins ago ahha, I think they were telported 2 random people and deleting gear and making them fight to death with axes or something. Anyway the second guy is a hacker and spawns a heli then pulls out a rocket launcher with unlimated ammo and kills them all haha! so good :D
  9. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Surviving the North Livestream #1

    When is your stream back online? that was awsome to watch dude, keep up the videos ;D
  10. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Whats being done about all these cheaters then?

    Battle eye, mass banned all hackers. Which means all these new hackers bought new keys. (Another 15£ down the drain) which makes it a little bit better for me, knowing that they are loosing the battle on hacking.
  11. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk


  12. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Are heli's hacked in?

    Saw 2 more helicopters. Defo a new hack out.
  13. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Are heli's hacked in?

    I heard that heli's arent in the game anymore that any are in use are hacked, Is this true?
  14. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Bandit Clan Recruiting

    A bunch of english faggots betryed us today for our enfields! Daftys. If they waited 5 min's we were going north were we had a guy with 2 barrets on him. and a tent with 3 NL fal night visions. Retarded english eh?
  15. gav_hill_2009@hotmail.co.uk

    Bandit Clan Recruiting

    Bumping this up, I'm the leader. If you're english except to be RQ..