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Everything posted by crashchaser

  1. crashchaser

    PVE Servers

    how to make pve servers....when the game is done and fully out............make a mod yourself for pve.....
  2. crashchaser

    building a base or house with raw materials

    if this happens i want claymors...
  3. ORLY all and i do mean ALL i ever find in a barn is fracking hatchets 4-6 of in a single barn oh and wait for it..............jerry cans..............
  4. crashchaser

    weather systems..

    ok first off enough whit all this very heavy rain at night,it seems when night comes then it just has to rain like hell.. Anyway id like to see abit more diffrent weather systems like snow and sutch maybe diffrent season of the year, sommer winter ect ect....
  5. crashchaser

    Global chat server?

    yup bring back global chat system......pretty please..
  6. crashchaser

    Blood/Health Regeneration

    sounds like a really good idea,but id also like to see a Regeneration over time like in real life,like when you log out for the night and come back say like 200-500 points an hour but only when logged out...
  7. crashchaser

    rough map.

    how about when you start the game you hav a rough map over the island,like only the big city´s are on it and you should of course be able to see where you are on the map or something,then the more you discover the more the map fill out tho still in a rough form like roads and stuff,then when you come to a city village or whatever then you could write on the map yourself whatever comment you want,now on the rough map since theres nothing on it except for big city´s you would be able to actually see where you are on it,then when you find a detailed map like the one ingame ,you hav to deside if you want the rough map where you can see where you are,or you want the detailed map where you cant see where you are... hope this makes any sence,english aint my first langue,but anyways just an idea take it or leave....
  8. crashchaser

    ROCKET, Too many hackers. let me password protect my server!

    its he´s server he should be able to whit it as he sees fit.....especially when he pays for it...
  9. crashchaser

    rough map.

    well as you say use real-world techniques, this is used in real world i belive the millitary calls it a patrolmap where they only put down stuff that makes sence to the person writeing it but as said just an idea cause not all knows how to use use real-world techniques,and yes i know go learn then lol...
  10. crashchaser

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    yea seems allmost non of the servers are updated lol,sothey could hav taken there time fixing this anyways..
  11. crashchaser

    Blinking Blackscreen

    i get it too it may be that servers hasnt been updated but i cant be sure..
  12. me too only got to fixing me broken leg in between the fades lol..
  13. crashchaser

    need help dayz black screen fade!

    cant watch the video says its private,but yea i get the black fade too.
  14. crashchaser

    FPS Skipping

    i get it too so does alot of others..