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Jeffrey1 (DayZ)

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Posts posted by Jeffrey1 (DayZ)

  1. Hey, i am interested in playing. I am only 15, but, I'm not some squeaky faggot. I am very strategic, and am looking to experience the realism in this game. I consider myself an above average player. I am best with DMR, M24,enfield or other snipers or long rifles. but, I am also decent at using assault rifles, ie. AKM, M4A1 etc. Skype: Jeffr420 Steam: Kyku.on add me :) I really want a team mate. FYI, I usually KoS if they have a weapon. And if they don't, I like to fuck with them ;P or sometimes try to make friends.

  2. Why aren't you complaining about not being able to vote?

    Well, Voting is directly relative to general knowledge and decision making abilities based on information presented to the voters. Children can not effectively handle this information. It would not make sense to allow such young children to vote as, they have hindered decision making abilities and can be easily convinced to vote for a certain party because of something their friend said, who the "cool" person to vote for is(Peer pressure), or some irrational pre conceived notion that Obama will give them candy and Romney won't. It doesn't make sense and he understands that. FYI, I'm 15.
