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Everything posted by Charlieraf

  1. What can I do now as a hacker spawned me 18k+ out into the ocean and now the respawn button is gone I am kinda stuck
  2. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    trooper is a trooper but also a motorbike thief :P lol
  3. Charlieraf


    that is a C130 K and the engine start panel is above the picture. you will need to turn the battery then the AC power on and start the Aircraft boot sequence followed by starting up the GTC/APU which inturn will provide an airbleed system to start the main engines.. need more???
  4. Charlieraf

    IF this was an actual game...

    - Game purchase only with the option of a VIP purchase (extras? guaranteed slot on server?) - Studio with community input - Kickstarter yes
  5. Charlieraf


    well u just admitted you hack so i kinda guess its time to say goodbye
  6. i keep getting kicked from games with the message BattleEye Failed to update. i have ran six launcher verifed and still keep getting kicked even when i have a decent ping. any reason why this happens?
  7. Charlieraf

    SVD camo

    i have been looking for ages for an SVD camo and i still am to this day. is anyone able to help? i am willing to trade almost any other in game items for one. just hit me up here or on steam :)
  8. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    did my first ever murder yesterday :( as a medic i avidly avoid shooting people but i was on a resupply mission and i parked my bike in some trees way out of sight and this ghillied up L85 toting bandit decided to try to steal my motorbike. (my only means of fast transport to patients to heal and get out the hot zone) fired a warning shot at this he decided to mount my bike and try to ride away. 3 shots with my SD camo later and my first ever murder :( with this i took the ride back to my tent and then all of a sudden died. after the long ass march back to my body i notice the only things missing were the items i looted from the bandit i killed. suspect yes but its a game
  9. Charlieraf

    Pay attention and use Direct Chat!

    9 zombie kills and 2 murders well looks like your a loot hungry bandit too
  10. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    crap base got raided so cant run any medical mission till i find a new tent to place in a new area
  11. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    its a risk we take thats why we usually work in pairs and Vet our clients first
  12. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    can you provide a link to your steam so i can add you as searching your name does not work
  13. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    NVM logged on to home server to find my blood was back up to 10k lol
  14. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    a fellow medic in need of a medic here :P in kamyshovo 860 blood dont have a blood pack but can repay it when i get to base to resupply
  15. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    anytime dude. just after you left someone started shooting at us lol
  16. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    all sorted cheers cole a random survivor came past and picked me up so there is hope for the human race yet!
  17. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    need medical assistance at Prud lake. i have all the required items just need someone to apply them to me. no laughing at me Brian lol
  18. Charlieraf


    Ok so what would everyone class as the best weapons? I have had an AK74 and an M107 but for my next lot would an m4a1 camo sd and an SVD camo be the optimum weapons of choice?
  19. Charlieraf


    Yah got NVGS so don't need anything with a flash just want to know what the best weapons in the game
  20. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    nag Big Loaf lol picking up Flame 81 as we speak Edit* if we can find a server we can both join
  21. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    ok so had one person add me on steam but never replies. so i am gonna call it a day. see you guys on sunday
  22. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i am just coming on to jump in to Stary so i can help. i dont have bloodbags but i have morphine and bandages steam name in signature
  23. Charlieraf


    two admin are the only people online and if anyone joins they kick them out. think this is classed as admin abuse dont you?
  24. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    on a rescue mission to story atm if anyone needs help on the way
  25. Charlieraf

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    cheers for the reply cole trooper was in the area and managed to patch me up then i patched him up :P