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Everything posted by Scotius

  1. None of my friends have the Day Z mod so I'm looking for someone I can play with. Im cool with more than just one person, and am pretty much down for anything. Message me, potential brosephs!
  2. For the past week I have been having issues in playing the game. So when I was able to connect to a server I was pretty damn happy. That is until I saw what the game world looked like. Nothing is there, except for the ground texture. It's just me and rolling hills of nothingness. No zombies, trees, or buildings. I don't recieve any in-game error message, but obviously somethings wrong. Any ideas?
  3. Scotius

    Cannot Join Game

    Got the game to work. I really don't get how but im thankful. I manually added everything using this method http://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_161768&src_vid=61hYuEgrKzY&feature=iv&v=ECymWpNpEqw After that i booted up operation arrow and couldnt join any servers. So i started up six shooter and tried that and now it's working just fine.
  4. Scotius

    Cannot Join Game

    Went through all that aswell, acegunner :/. At the moment im trying to do what Doom suggested. I'm adding all the mod files manually and downgrading the beta patch to see if that helps. Yeah that loading screen is fucking annoying. Can you hear sound in the background? When I first got that I was so excited haha. Then It dawned on me that nothing was happening. Good luck on your end bro.
  5. Scotius

    Cannot Join Game

    I feel you man. I think everyone that can't play is pretty frustrated. For the time being i'm just going to wait it out until they get everything sorted out.
  6. Scotius

    Cannot Join Game

    Same exact situtation. I've heard some people saying that the issue is with Battle Eye. Supposedly its the last thing to load before you enter the game. Try to reinstall Battle Eye. I've done it and it didn't seem to help any. Hopefully you get a different result.
  7. Been having a lot of issues with ARMA 2. I bought the game a few days back and havent been able to play it without it having some type of error. At first I ran into the loading screen issue. I tried to fix that for a few days, but luckily the new patch came out and took care of it. However, now whenever I connect to a server I get the red broken chain icon and within like 10 seconds the game freezes and I time out. It will kick me after like 60 seconds. What do you think the issue is? I've tried so many different servers, but run into the same issue. I just want to kill me some zombies. I've reinstalled Battle Eye both manually and automatically. Restarted everything. Reinstalled everything. Reupdated everything.
  8. Scotius

    Help - Stuck at "Loading" screen

    When do yall suppose this will be fixed? I've tried so many different things and concluded the problem isnt coming from my end.