Chern. 4:45am GMT.... The server is dark, You can see no more than 4ft in front of you. Myself and my friend have been scavenging around the city. We had run into no problems and were just done finishing our rounds on the flats by the hospital. before we are just about to proceed outside to the hospital. Whilst stood on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex we notice red flairs illuminate very close by. We run out of the buildings aware we will be trapped in them if anyone comes up. we belt it across the street and up to the roof of the hospital. Able to see the flair still we can now see our man running around close to the factories. we decided the best course of action was to throw him off guard. We throw a couple of flairs down into the street and take up post in a small garage. Soon enough we can hear him running his way to the flair. Gunfire is going off and we can both tell he has a rifle, We are also both sure there is only one. by the gunfire we can determine he is a fairly erratic player and could lead to a very brutal gunfight if we are spotted. We normally try to stay low and move our way out of situations without much hassle. We try not to player kill unless it comes down to kill or be killed. We have got a good feeling of when we are walking into a problem and this was one of them. We couldnt hear anything for a moment. Minutes passed by... Still nothing. We decide to duck our heads out of the garage and make our way to the supermarket and out of the city. as we open the door more gunfire and glass breaking can be heard. He has just opened fire on the hospital right in front of us. We both prone down and slowly move our way out. There is a flair between the 2 flats that we can avoid. As we edge towards the factory district another flair goes up and lands about 12 feet away from us. We duck into darkness quick. we watch him run past. Alice pack. Lee Enfield and most likely full of hospital goodies. We discuss the possibility of killing him for the rewards as we are both running on quite low health around 6k blood each and very little bandages. After a few moments of debate he comes clear into our view he doesn't know we are prone about 6ft in front of him and he is currently looting through a bag on the floor. we decide there and then to let him go. as much of a pain in the ass he has made our last 40 minutes we don't feel like opening fire and drawing more attention to us. Had it of been a quieter village I don't think he would of been so lucky... So If you read this and recognise the story. You were very close to dying sir. We both hope you had a good loot session and hope that in the future you learn to stop flairing your position so much. Finally we made it out of the city unharmed and still on a search for some damn Twinkies....