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Gonzalez (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Gonzalez (DayZ)

  1. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    My Story.

  2. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Looking for a young group of bandits

    :o does this makes me a gangster??
  3. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Looking for a young group of bandits

    Yeah, i do think so. There ARE "kids" interested in politics. They have often more knowledge about it then many 18+. And there ARE also "kids" playing on the same lvl like many mature guys. I admit that not every "kid" is a good player, and there are many annoying kids. I also wouldn't prefer to invite every kid in my group. But if you look at how someone writes and acts, you recognize if he is mature or a "kiddie". Just my 2 cents..
  4. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Am I Evil?

    You are the devil...
  5. Man, this is the best story I've ever read. And something like that is the reason why dayZ is that awesome. Thumbs up for you, because you didn't log out!
  6. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Looking for a young group of bandits

    It's hard for young players to get into a clan or a group. It's not the age or the voice what makes you a good and nice player. But I can often understand the old ones.. there are just to many "kiddies" everywhere. Thats dumb for the good young players...
  7. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase only. Studio developed but it would be great if the suggestions from the community will be involved. Community servers would be better. I'm happy for you that it's getting standalone! You deserved it!
  8. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    How can I communicate?

    Hey guys, walking around in elektro, 3 guys killed the zombies around me, and said "hello" to me. Because I had no idea how to response, they killed me. So my question is: how can I "activate" my mic? thanks for your answers, Julian
  9. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    How can I communicate?

    Thx for ur quick answers!
  10. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Your first murder!

    I was chillin at the firestation in elektro. Then i heard gun shots everywhere. So I focused my view on the stairs. Looking down the tower I saw him standin at the window. So i waited until he came up and shot my whole ak mag at him. And the loot was totally awesome (for me): -a couple of blood bags -Makarov -tent -food -map -compass -AKS 74 Kobra and more So I was very happy. But today I was in Elektro, seeing some guy walking around. He hadnt a gun, just a hatchet so i decided to let him go... BAM Hatchet in the head. Never trust anyone...
  11. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Thank you for the update, Rocket! It seems working fine, but it's hard to find servers, with good ping and day atm. On german servers you can see completely nothing...
  12. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Rocket told and warned us that there will be desasters and problems. But at the end there will be an awesome mod. And seriously, it's fuckin FREE! So calm down, Rocket and his team will make it...
  13. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Same problem here, man, i was happy to play and now. Hope Rocket will solve it soon! Best Mod/Game I've ever seen so far.
  14. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Ah, i found the beta builds.
  15. Gonzalez (DayZ)

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    Are there already servers updated to I want to be in Cherno now! With my absolute awesome gear, which is probably only for me an awesome gear, but I'm afraid I will loose it... EDIT: Where can I find which beta build of Arma 2 is installed?