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Everything posted by Dickhat

  1. Dickhat

    Female characters.

    If they are unarmed? I try to "negotiate" with them if you know what I mean. If they cooperate I give them some beans and maybe even a gun or take them to the market so they can get some gear. If they don't cooperate I shoot them. If they are armed I shoot them.
  2. I gotta work all day long. It's such a pain. When I get home I try playing with some bros but everyone lives half the globe away so it's really hard to play together at all. Plus I'm always so tired and ugh, working is just really bad. Weekends though, I freaking love weekends. I play for like 30 hours straight on weekends.
  3. Dickhat

    BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

    You are really trying to greentext outside of /v/? Oh boy.
  4. Dickhat

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Eh, the only good ones that leave you thinking where the ones were people commented about the bus stop in the middle of nowhere and the sidewalk you can find at 040120. Also the people talking about the no name island on the south shore got me intrigued. Those are the kinda of legends we need, just short insights about things people heard about. Longer tales about ghosts and lights are just kinda silly and boring. Things that actually leaves you thinking "that might be real" are the cool ones. The other stories aren't creepy or anything, just plain silly and not believable. Only weird thing that ever happened to me was when I was playing at a night server at like my first week ever. It was the first time I ever played it at night so I was going to Balota to look at the hangars and I saw this goat just chilling in the middle of the road. The disturbing thing is that it was looking directly at me in the middle of the night and that he stood right in the middle of the road. It was the first time I saw a goat in this game so it really scared me. DayZ can be really unsettling sometimes but mostly I feel like it kinda lacks that creepy factor thing that makes games really eerie. I fee like playing Minecraft can be scarier than it by miles. I guess I feel like that because of the Arma engine which is pretty weird so you kinda get used to bugs and what not and everything seems like a big bug instead of something scary.
  5. Ugh, I keep getting OA.exe has stopped working now. I think I don't love you anymore. :/
  6. Thank you so much. Words cannot express how much I like you.
  7. Hi. I have a really silly question. So, if I hire your services I can have a server for myself and a couple of friends ONLY to play on? Is that like that? Every option covers that? I have a group of like 6 friends and we would like a place only for us. A server only us could connect to.
  8. My friend is getting the same problem. He installed the game today - I bought it yesterday for him on the Steam sale - and he can't get into any server. This is so frustrating.
  9. I might be up for it but I don't wanna join a big clan. If you guys are gonna roll with a maximum of 4 people then count me in. Hit me up on my Steam so we can chat.
  10. Dickhat

    People are horrible.

    Most of the people here are "lolsobadass bandits" that KoS everything. I'm trying to like this game but there are days were I think I'm playing some kind of CoD with zombies game instead of a zombie apocalypse survival simulator. Oh man you sure showed him. Are you sure you are 40? Have you been bullied in school and now you have to take it on anonymous people on the internet? Grow up, pal. PvP is a nice element of the game as is the tension created by it. However people are, just like this guy, killing people "for teh lulz xDDD" instead of having a reason. This just frustrates other players and drives them to the same path turning the game into a "CoD with inventory and zombies" sort of game. Yeah in a real life situation we would have deranged psychos that would KoS everyone just "for teh lulz" but this is a mechanic that isn't fun to most people in a game. Another thing I think is really important to think about is that the human being is a social animal. We don't feel bad about killing people in game because we still got people to talk irl, therefore we don't feel alone in game. If we actually could only talk to other survivors we would think twice about killing them because you would feel alone. In my opinion things like blood transfusions are the way to go to solve this problem in dayZ. Items/actions/equipments that are really good but require more than one player to be used. Maybe instanced housing where the players could fix their house and for that you would need large amounts of material and work so you could go lone wolf and finish your house in 3 months or team up with 2 other survivors and fix it in a third of the time.
  11. Dickhat

    Ok so my guy became a cow... what now?

  12. Dickhat

    So today i met a bandit.

    I guess you're right. Bandits rob people, murderers murder people.
  13. Dickhat

    I just killed a man.

    First time I ever saw a survivor was in Balota airfield. He climbed the radio tower where I was looting and he stopped and stared at me. Both of us had axes. So I got on voice and said "Hey!". Instead of replying with anything he started closing in while swinging his axe so I just gone up to him and killed him. I tried, he wouldn't reply. Not my fault.
  14. Look out guys, we've got a badass here.