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Everything posted by Dickhat

  1. Dickhat

    Concerned about Standalone Interiors

    Zombies are getting various tweaks in the standalone. For one they won't be Usain Bolt anymore and will "shamble" at a decent speed. They will follow you into buildings. These are the ones I can think on the top of my head right now. And like someone posted, zombies are getting a decent AI that is being made from the ground up so they don't use half the soldier's AI from Arma anymore.
  2. Dickhat

    Removal of NVGs and Thermal Scopes

    I actually think military grade equipment should be really ultra rare. That includes military guns, ammo, backpacks, clothing, accessories and everything. Guns should be rarer than they are too, as should ammo.
  3. Dickhat

    Electricity in towns

    I might be really wrong on this but aren't power stations supposed to work on an automatic mode even if no one is around? So wouldn't it make sense to have lights and electricity in the large capital cities and maybe some smaller ones? Nobody turned off the big dam electricity power plants so a lot of them should still be running on their automatic mode.
  4. Dickhat

    Dead after 20 days

    Nice blog post.
  5. !Cool stuff starts at 2:35. At 10:20 he arrives at a city.
  6. Not get blown easy? 20 hits of LMG or 1-2 rounds AS50 is what it takes if I'm not mistaken. Hell, 1 shot with almost everything if aimed right will blow your wheels and already fuck up your life. Ours get stolen all the damn time no matter where our camp is or which server we choose, guess we are unlucky as hell then. Steering cars through town is very difficult, you can't even drive through the garbage piles. I'll think about what I'll do when the next update comes.
  7. Dickhat

    The Latest Patch

    In before "-laugh sound- Alpha!" crowd comes around your thread. Better?
  8. What server was that? I might want to play with people like that.
  9. Dickhat

    The Latest Patch

    inb4 lol alpha crowd
  10. Dickhat

    Will ammo now start being valuable?

    I get anxious, my aim is terrible, the ironsights in this game are quite bad and when they are running there is no way you can go for a headshot.
  11. Dickhat

    Is a pdw a big deal

    PDW can use a lot of ammo types. Use dayzdb.com to get info about stuff you don't know.
  12. Dickhat

    How Long Do You Scout?

    Sometimes I'll spend like 20 minutes scouting. And I never move inside a city without a overwatch. Plus I never move inside a city without at least one friend, so we only go for cities with at least 3 man teams.
  13. How about a mining light helmet that can spawn in industrial points?
  14. I hate violence but I love guns and melee weapons too. They are just so beautiful and their mechanisms so cool to take apart and care. I would never shoot someone and I'm what you would call the most carebear player ever but I still love guns.
  15. Dickhat

    Will ammo now start being valuable?

    It will be a big change for sure. Way more people will be running with AKs and Lees instead of AS50s and M14s. They just need to do something about handgun damage, it needs to be at least 2 shoots kill for every handgun. Having to unload a 1911 on a zed to bring him down is too much and if the ammo will not replenish this will be very bad.
  16. Shh, quiet! We don't talk about Green Mountain.
  17. Dickhat

    Logical suggestion - Remove NVG?

    Yes, it's Alpha like a lot of people say. Let's try taking it away and if it doesn't work we bring them back. We should take the Alpha time to break the game and make stupid decisions and see how they go anyways.
  18. We don't go to Green Mountain.
  19. Dickhat

    I'm not a bandit.

    I'm new life? u wut m8
  20. Dickhat

    The ping auto kicks

    Same boat as you OP. It's so hard to find a decent server that doesn't kick me for ping.
  21. Dickhat

    Weapon Holster

    Press ctrl twice with your primary. Not possible with secondary.
  22. Vehicles aren't worth at all for me. They attract to much attention, get blown very easily, get stolen all the time, you have to find parts to repair, hard to drive in towns, have to stop on places to fill up the gas. It's just a really big chore. The concept is cool but there are just way too many ways to lose what you worked hard to achieve and it's just not worth it. The most fun you can have in this game is running along the shore talking to random people and killing bandits. The best part of DayZ is the first hours when you are completely new and out of gear, unafraid of losing stuff and you can actually go and interact with people. Having things - cars even more - makes you cautious and retracted and thus more prone to KoS other players. You don't wanna lose your car, of course, that means you will take less risks. I don't really know what could be done to solve this. These are just some thoughts I had from my play time so far. Cars are not worth the trouble.
  23. Your time has come to take the journey. Go.
  24. I almost got fired because I don't sleep at night anymore so I'm always tired and sleeping at work. My boss came yelling at me saying that if I come to work late once more I'm done. Thank god today is Friday and I can play the whole weekend.
  25. Dickhat

    [Temp. Closed] DayZ Walking Militia

    Thanks I'll try talking to him.