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Everything posted by Badlightbulb

  1. Hello im interested in join or leading your US divison , im 16 very mature for my age. Ive been playing Dayz since the start and know everything there is to know about it , im an experienced pilot and leader. If i need to i can play on europe servers to play with you guys i dont mind the ping and im generally on most hours of the day once my homework and chores are done. My steam is badlightbulb (should be the 2nd once with a picture of cars) for some odd reason you cant find me through searching my email and my account name is an email so it doesnt work either lol. My skype is badlightbulb also so hit me up and lets game some time.
  2. add me up on skype , anyone that wants to play is free to add me
  3. Add me on skype , Badlightbulb , ill help you out and show you what to do
  4. Badlightbulb

    Can someone help me get started?

    If your looking to play add me on steam ill show you the ropes and anwser any questions , [email protected]
  5. Badlightbulb

    Stuck on wait for host

    Every server i join i get stuck on wait for host , just updated to the newest beta patch and it started happening. any fixes?
  6. Hello , whenever i pick up .45 ACP or 1911 ammunition i cant actually change them back and forth between each other. Same thing goes for DMR > M24 , ect. thank you
  7. Badlightbulb

    .45 ACP to 1911 Conversion

    Bump!!!! Need help please!