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About sargothi

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    On the Coast
  1. sargothi

    Im done, hackers win...

    Yeah there are a lot of hacker programs out there to dowload and so far supposedly 11,000+ people have been globally banned. I'm not saying this is bullshit but there may be loop holes to get in anyways. The amount of hackers I've seen are definitely growing. It's a pain when they can summon any gear, summon any player to them, be invincible, etc. I don't blame you for being frustrated and many guys here are going to put you down and call you names for bitching about it. Don't listen to them. It is a new mod and that's the problem with "free" online games = more cheaters. On a brighter note, DayZ is going to be a standalone game now so perhaps down the road these assholes will be dealt with. Until then, just play something else. http://dayzdev.tumblr.com/
  2. sargothi

    Spawning in buildings = no yield?

    Ah disconnected for about a minute then came back and there was yield.... nothing good, but yield.
  3. I thought I'd try to be cheesy and disconnect while inside a medium yield building thinking after a server restart that I'd get all the fresh loot (finally!) but when I did, the building was completely empty! Is this mod programmed on purpose not to give yield when spawning in a building like that or is it just glitched? Man and I was all excited for nothing.
  4. sargothi

    Beta Patch - game runs slllloooow

    So the graphics thing isn't just me? It's the server? Icky. That's disappointing. Looks like crap on low settings and now the zombies aggro from a crazy distance.
  5. I just got home from a camping trip today 7-13-2012 and noticed there was a new beta patch. After installing the new patch, the game runs VERY choppy. I've always had the graphics blasted on high and now after this patch I have to set the graphics ridiculously low for the game to run smooth and not laggy. Anyone else having this issue? Oh and yes my graphics drivers are updated.