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Everything posted by Woggaz

  1. Woggaz

    Admin Abuse US 465

    will see what i can do once the update files are avaliable. currently i cant even get on it to play myself due to running a newer version than the server is
  2. Woggaz

    Admin Abuse US 465

    also did you mean rocket and kicked ? when you typed rockit and kickt
  3. Woggaz

    Admin Abuse US 465

    it actually does in the motd and the fact that you try to reference that. as your way out of a ban. is further admission that you did it in the first place.
  4. Woggaz

    Admin Abuse US 465

    @ MarKeR actually its about every restart that has vehicles and tents not spawn it which is fucking annoying also the rcon program can go and eat a massive dick. every time i log in to it it either crashes or my arma 2 client does. the one fix to the spawns has seemed to be shutting the server down completely and starting it back up from the browser control. @ Zso Sahal barracks loot lolz ? who even goes there any more. crashed helis is where its at. @ corty yes you were banned from the server after you logged off during pvp after we capped your friend in the elektro pub / hotel so you didnt die to us. @ Hakultair also server cant be locked for more than a minute with out it auto restarting which fucks the process up completely again. @yamaftw yes ofc i dont reply the second you post cuz your pubbie ass is the top on my to bow to and answer your ever whim list server is on shut down atm with us wondering if we even pay another month with all the whiney pubbie scrubs that refuse to read the global chat of server is going to be going up and down again until shits fixed. then shit post on the forums acting like i owe them something. dont like that i want my tents and vehicles to be at camp rather than mysteriously invisible when i log in ... go play on another server. there are plenty to choose from
  5. Woggaz

    Admin Abuse US 465

    so much tinfoil hat with you. lol being as he is the other admin for the server its not suprising that he would be on in a different area to let me know if tents / vehicles are spawning yet. and actually when you where on the server after everything was working properly nice log out after your mate died to our ambush :) eat a dick noob
  6. Woggaz

    Admin Abuse US 465

    what ? i kill every player i see. hunt for sport. if theres no targets there is no hunting. not beneficial for my gameplay at all
  7. Woggaz

    Admin Abuse US 465

    oh the tinfoil hat is strong with you mr publord. no tents and vehicles spawning after several restarts. server has been being restarted all day to fix the problem but ofc your entitled to your invalid opinion .dont like that i kick you so that you dont lose all your kit to the wilderness. fine next time i see you and your scrub friend on and a restart is needed i wont try to prevent your noob asses from losing your makarovs and beans play on another server if you like a wilderness spawn every time a restart has to happen. and btw i kill other players seems kind of odd that i would want no other players on right ?