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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. you can get arma 2 FREE + OA , less quality but it works
  2. more a stalker than a theif =P bandit term only means your lawless, so in theory even survivors are bandits when they scavange the supermarked or hospital as it is thivery =P
  3. I just don't get what players expect with " survival" game where both zombies and survivors are your enemy......of course people will kill...you are a living treasure chest of goods (or atleast bandages)
  4. so players that play with friends will have a even bigger advantage over solo players bandit groups> singel sniper problem is not that the murders....but what the heck else is there to do right now when you got your military gear? sit in a supermarked and eat beans all day? there is lack of content after that but hey! it is alpha!
  5. problem is more abuse of this system people will respawn to they get to a place they want to spawn also not solve the problem, f you spawn close to north ,most new players will rush the airfield because it is more attractive than cherno and electro
  6. I think I would take them as hostage instead of a kill (rob....now I give you 5 sec to aggro every zombie and run for your life before I kill you<3) but need to be a animationn that could not be cliped or people will abuse it and bam they got a gun in their hand right after
  7. but they start with bandage! it is faster and safer to scavange them for bandage and painkillers than go to a hospital where a sniper is..... welcome to DayZ
  8. roaraam@gmail.com

    Bad player name

    Found a solution! go into arma like normal, create new profile, make it active and join server
  9. well it is very restricted when you not alowed to have normal name or "A" "R" tested with singel letters
  10. roaraam@gmail.com

    Updating Beta Patch Fix

    did get past wait for server and battle eye unknown version.....now I got badname kicks from battleeye:S tested with my normal name and just the letter "A" and "R"..... Edit: NVM found solution, you just need to make a new profile in arma 2 inside the game
  11. think you mean 1,7,2.3? I am curious , is it maybe the servers not updated their part? I get battleeye unkown version
  12. it is alpha and a mod, there will never be smooth sailng
  13. So I will say I am rather lucky or understood the game flow in this game rather quick . as so far I have zero death after 8 hours and first gun I found where a m1911 and a DMZ so can be the main reason^^ 1. Do spawn loot work like spawn zombies? I notice if there is no zombies spawned around a barn/house whatever there is never loot, true or false? (except for cleaned camps) started to notice this when I did visit 3 hunter lodges, first where no zombies around and no loot. but 2 other hunter lodges did have 2-3 zombies and they both did have loot(DMZ with plenty of ammo yay!) also noticed zombies always spawn around places (outside town) where there is loot, false or true observation? 2. what backpack can carry guns? (like keep my makaroni for the zombies as I not want to waste usefull bullets on easy targets) Why I ask is because I notice when I did try to put items in them they dissapear completly (from inventory,backpack and the ground and just vanish) http://picacid.com/a...ackpack_EP1.png is what I use now because I found a bugged ALICE pack is there a spesial pack or is it a bug or intended? Clarification is welcome 3. is the skin you spawn as (male) random? I notice I always started at the beach with the ugly blue look that you can see from milez away, but today I notice I have more of a black outfit that is much easier to blend in the surroundings (by far for non.military outfits) 4.why do people pickup tincans than drop it? is it because of reseting loot? I thank in Advance for the answers and I love this game so far and maybe consider apply for few DayZ server with my spare server rack/blade server later on(hosted around 30 minecraft server with lowping for EU region but minecraft is something of the past ) ;)
  14. ok thanks, I just hated the white one as it just a big target practice and just don't go with anything
  15. http://dayzmod.com/f...server-general/ is it not that forum you shoulde ask in? they marked with (NO-CDKEY,SAVE VECH) ect in their name is the "pirate server"