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About NotSoFriendly

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  1. NotSoFriendly

    DayZ Unplayable (Hackers, Buggers, Glitchers) Video

    Wallglitching is a known issue which will be fixed soon. This magazine bullshit is a ram infect according to dean (if I remember that right); also a known issue and recognizable by VAC. Other than that try a hardcore server. the pricks seem to love the regular ones. if you know what I'm saaaaying :D
  2. NotSoFriendly

    DUCK HACKERS - DAY 1 - ☆ DayZ Standalone ☆

    Are you sure that's a hacker and not just a massive desync, like the red chain indicates? Talking about desync: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-WJPMHK1rct=16m
  3. NotSoFriendly

    [Video] Part one of a series: One Life, one Chance

    Are you friends or did you just meet? *zoom* yes Hilarious :D I really enjoy your work, keep it going.
  4. NotSoFriendly

    #10 Duck* CROSSBOW - [GERMAN] DayZ:SA

    Recommending ghosting sucks ... anyway, nice video.
  5. Sneaking through a Zed horde, without being noticed, will definitely return :) Can't wait. http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/23y4ko/so_many_people_complaining_about_zombies/
  6. NotSoFriendly

    It has happened...

    Just asking out of curiosity: Who are you to judge the devs and their abilities? Sounds like you got insight, which I highly doubt ;)
  7. NotSoFriendly

    It has happened...

    Yeah, I supposed so. I just expected the devs to fix that before making them a bigger threat. However, I'm happy :D
  8. NotSoFriendly

    It has happened...

    I'm very satisfied with the "new zeds". they're doing a good amount of damage, including bleeding. gotta look for bandages/rags all the time :D spawning rate isn't that bad, imho. altogether everything I was waiting for But: What's going on with their detection ability? I was looting some houses while being crouch & prone - however, they kept seeing and/or hearing me from about 30-50 metres away. Anybody else noticed that?
  9. NotSoFriendly

    [Video] Set Up In Elektro - Don't Trust anyone

    Never trust people with voice changers :D
  10. NotSoFriendly

    Fight ata the tower 2 vs 6

    Gut gemacht :D [well done]
  11. NotSoFriendly

    Elektro Beatdown

  12. Video's quite entertaining. You can clearly see how scared this noob is by his panic shooting through the door (2nd kill) without even someone in sight. I love that kind of playstyle, 'cause it's an easy one popping in after he has emptied his magazine.
  13. NotSoFriendly

    New RCON Tool

    definitely wanted.
  14. Blacklist those pussy's server and everything's fine. They'll be able to play that "I got an explanation for everything"-game to infinity, nonetheless it's suckers like them farming beginners with their AS50s in Cherno.
  15. NotSoFriendly


    I luckily never met a hacker or got killed by one. Just want to bump this thread (: