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Posts posted by Coolstorybruh

  1. I had 200+ kills before I was killed (sniped in the head) for no appearent reason in a village getting some ammo, so I guess my goal is to survive without ever getting killed, and to kill players who kill for no reason what so ever, I mean, when I was killed, I wasn't even looted! I ran back and collected my stuff again, he killed me just to kill me, which annoys the hell out of me. So yes, my goal is to punish other players who are playing the wrong game...

    The game is made for you to get shot, or PvP mode wouldn't be on.

  2. I tried connecting to a decent server just about 10 minutes ago, first time ever trying DayZ out.

    I have all the neccessities, installed files, correct directories, and such. But when I tried connecting to a server, this is the error I received:

    "You are running an incorrect version of DAYZ_CODE, please download this file from dayzmod.com/downloads (You are running version and the server is running version 1.7.2)"

    I checked another thread that I heard about, and someone said something about this only works for certain players? If so, am I in the wrong place? I've downloaded the files needed from the directory on the main page, top left.

    How do I fix this?

    Thanks, Coolstorybruh.
