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okarr (DayZ)

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Everything posted by okarr (DayZ)

  1. okarr (DayZ)

    Players decreasing ?

    are you suprised? personally i have retired after having been thunderdomed one too many times. wont continue to play in its current state. i guess i ll be back once this goes standalone.
  2. 37 here. let me know how best to get in touch.
  3. okarr (DayZ)

    US 1347 3 people with AS50 TWS's @elektro

    great job netsky on catching them in the act. finally some names to the shit that has been happening on the server.
  4. okarr (DayZ)

    Multiple DayZ accounts (useful for shared computers)

    right click both your registry files and select "edit". compare the two files. are the keys different? happened to me as well that i accidentally exported the same key twice :) furthermore... are you using this as an additional launch parameter in dayzcommander or sixlauncher and have "launch using steam" disabled: -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -world=empty -noPause
  5. when you are on a home server that is being attacked by hackers for 24h straight you start to agree with the whole "disconnect it from the hive"
  6. okarr (DayZ)

    Multiple DayZ accounts (useful for shared computers)

    monkah, combine operations does not contain BAF and PMC (the DLC in question). if you however have this DLC on your first character and it is not installing on the second please try the following: after you have run the batch file to delete the folders, run the registry file for your second character, then run the file dataprecacheprocessor from dlcsetup\baf after that dataprecacheprocessor from dlcsetup\pmc (game will launch after each install, let it do so and exit out) this should install the DLC for your second char. once done reexport the registry. you should now have correct registry keys. after that you can run the reg file for your appropriate character, delete the folders and launch via six or dayzcommander and it should trigger the reinstall (btw, there is no need to switch steam accounts, you can stay logged into your first one. just make sure that you are using this start parameter so the game is launched via the beta folder and that "launch using steam" is disabled in dayzcommander: -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -world=empty -noPause )
  7. M107+ammo+rangefinder i d settle for that. will stop by the TS as time allows. is there a giveaway time announcement on the forum aswell or is this a promotion for the TS? edit: yes or as50 still cant believe my tent ate it before i could fire a single shot :(
  8. okarr (DayZ)

    Tent mechanics - please clarify

    tent ate my as50. true story. :(
  9. okarr (DayZ)

    Found an M14 AIM, how rare are they?

    given that the FN FAL supposedly only has a 0.87% chance to drop at a crash site... why am i finding it all the time??? :(
  10. okarr (DayZ)

    Multiple DayZ accounts (useful for shared computers)

    you run your reg file to change to the character two. then you delete the folder BAF and PMC in the arma 2 oa folder. then you launch your game via dayzcommander or sixlauncher or directly as combined operations. this will trigger a reinstall of the DLC with the appropriate encryption of the DLC files for your current character. i do the delete via a batch file: del "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\BAF" /F /S /Q del "D:\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\PMC" /F /S /Q
  11. okarr (DayZ)

    Buildings with no loot?

    you need to spawn the zombies and then you theoretically need to wait 10 minutes to be certain loot has spawned. but lets face it. the game is slow paced with all teh running as it is any way. screw waiting ten minutes. i have seen way more empty spawn points than full ones since .4
  12. okarr (DayZ)

    Found a Chopper Crash Site...No loot?

    my understanding is that loot spawning on crash sites has nothing to do with a player being nearby. it is spawned on server start and stays there (or maybe spawns over a certain period of time). seems like it was picked clean.
  13. okarr (DayZ)

    Multiple DayZ accounts (useful for shared computers)

    btw sorry to disappoint but the method i posted using mod folders to have both characters logged in with the DLC enabled (even if you purchased it twice :( ) does not infact work. so if you need to log both chars in for whatever reason. just delete BAF/PMC/DLCsetup from your arma main directory. i spent a lot of time fiddleing with the registry and cfg files but i cant get it to work. arma will always load baf and pmc lite if it cant find the folders and you cant reinstall dlc while the game runs because files are in use. sad panda. this file encryption stuff is very annoying :(
  14. okarr (DayZ)

    Multiple DayZ accounts (useful for shared computers)

    do you have "launch using steam" selected in dayzCommander by any chance? if so try disabling it and use this launch parameter : -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -world=empty
  15. okarr (DayZ)

    chopper meta

    ok so i have been watching streams of choppers and it makes me wonder. once the servers chopper(s) are taken there is not much point any more for the lone wolf or even upstarting group of survivors to go crash site hunting, get a vehicle or set up camp. crash sites are found and looted by the chopper crew within minutes. camps and hidden vehicles are insanely easy to find now due to ground vegitation not being rendered at long distance. i understand that choppers are fun and all but i personally think it has a negative overall effect on the game.
  16. okarr (DayZ)

    chopper meta

    yes true they can be shot down easy enough but still. every thing is way too easy to find with them now. just watch omnikais stream. over the past 12 hours they have found/repaired three choppers. they have been shot at a couple of times but the only destructions where due to a hacker and an admin kick. chopper is not really the pinnacle of dayz imho as it feels too easy to acquire one. rocket often used eve analogies and in that context they should be a lot harder to repair/find. if it took weeks to acquire that would be more in line. maybe the rotor assemblies should be even more rare spawns. i dont have the answers obviously just trying to see what people feel about it.
  17. can some one help me figure out how to get rid of the white fog around zoomed in trees? during the day the white fog is replaced by a black shimmer. it is really weird, i am getting this since i reinstalled, i didnt have this before but i cant find the settings that controls this behaviour. http://i.imgur.com/yuAVl.jpg
  18. okarr (DayZ)

    foggy trees at night black shimmer during the day?

    i think i fixed it by using the default High Setting. it seems to have reverted whatever it is i did :)
  19. okarr (DayZ)

    foggy trees at night black shimmer during the day?

    atoc is disabled in advanced graphics. so is aa and fxaa. this is the black shimmer during the day http://i.imgur.com/0ppgo.jpg http://i.imgur.com/0WfBe.jpg
  20. okarr (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    yep happened to me as well with camo... only i didnt drop my backpack first :(
  21. okarr (DayZ)

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    putting on camo clothing deleted my backpack. now shows a coyote patrol pack again with 8/8 slots. nothing of value lost. also the texture is super low rez even though i have both BAF and PMC.
  22. okarr (DayZ)

    How populated is Green Mountain?

    ... and the OP was never heard from again. loot in the military spawn is often not visible as it is slightly beneath the surface. only ever found ammo up there. place creeps me out.
  23. okarr (DayZ)

    Multiple DayZ accounts (useful for shared computers)

    read a bit further in the thread, i think around page 2 or 3 i post a solution on how to reinstall the DLC so it will work again or how to set it up for multiple accounts via separate mod folders. try this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/32775-multiple-dayz-accounts-useful-for-shared-computers/page__st__20#entry413597