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Everything posted by wietse02

  1. wietse02

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    This patch is gonna be awesome, at least, that impression do the changelog's give me. But Razor, can you confirm that the time we have to wait is still 1+ month because of the absence of Rocket? Or is the reason that you didn't release the patch yet Bohemia and Battleye?
  2. wietse02

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    They are like my words, perfectly said.
  3. wietse02

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    I completely agree. Are they joking around? We should be waiting for a fucking patch for 3 months? Just don't tell us the changelogs then, don't make us happy with something that won't happen in a month. Damn, I was really happy with this patch but knowing this I hate it.
  4. wietse02

    New patch coming soon to dayz

    Is Dean really to Everest for 3 months? So we have to wait 3 months before they can release 1.7.7? If that's just something you made up, how long is Dean (Rocket) gone?
  5. Dear users, I've been playing DayZ now for some weeks and really enjoyed it. The only think which I really hate right now are the zombies. They are aggro'ed too fast since patch 1.7.2. Before that patch they looked fine, in my opinion. I made a short video to proof that they are simply said "overpowered" right now. I hope you guys understand what I mean. Best regards, Wietse Btw, sorry for the voice. My friend was skyping with me and I don't want to delete the whole sound of the video.
  6. wietse02

    DayZ Bug List

    I can't repair the wheel of an old hatchback yellow car. I have the wheel in my inventory, got a toolbox, but when I scroll the only option available is "repair glass"..
  7. Dear Player/Admin of DE 280, Like 10 minutes ago I was playing on DE 280, a hacker teleported us all to some wilderness island, I quick logged off and didn't die. Some guy, dont remember his name, said in global chat: "Knor is a hacker". My name is Knor and i didn't even hacker, cheat or do anything wrong. The admin says, "Okay" and bans me from the server. I told that to my friend and he said, lemme check the admin again. So my friend said: "Danni is a hacker", just to check the admin, Danni was NO hacker, and BAM danny got banned by the admin. What kind of admin are you? Banning people when someone, you don't even know who, says that that people is a hacker. Look for proof, for other victims, because this is just bullshit. I got banned for nothing and I really liked playing on DE 280, I have some tents and a vehicle. So please unban me, my ingame name is Knor. Regards, Wietse
  8. Hello guys, I like this game. It's awesome and I play it alot. The only thing I really really HATE is that stupid hourglass when you login. Like 1/2 of the time I login I get that hourglass for freaking 5 minutes!!! Just change that. It isn't even realistic. Make it like 1 minute, that's enough for the abusers and I won't be mad anymore. .
  9. Hello guys, Last days I played with a friend on the US344 server and we found alot of shit. We got some nice vehicles and weapons. Like 1 hour ago I killed a guy named "Unknownplayr" near Stary Sobor because he had an ATV and alot of nice weapons. In his ATV were like 5 weapons, alot of Jerry Cans and some other stuff. Like 10 seconds after I killed that guy, his body wasn't even there anymore, me and my friend got the message "no message received for .. seconds". We aborted, checked the server list and the server was offline. I'm convinced that this guy was the admin of this server and he didn't want to lose his vehicle and tents, so he was smart and took down the whole server. Is that possible to track? Because I lost a tractor, motor, ATV and alot of shit because of this server. Thanks in advance, Wietse Edit: Is it possible to change the server name in some minutes? Maybe he changed the server name and its already up now.
  10. Alright, I hope you are not someone joking around, but next time can you please announce that the server goes offline? Now the server went without any notice online and because of that I lost alot.
  11. Before the patch it was fine. I just sneaked around, with X+shift, and was able to control the zombies. Now some zombies are just like the old ones, but some zombies changed and they can now see you when you are 1km away. Just make the old zombies a little bit harder, that will be fun. Now when i'm in a town I need to run into buildings because of the zombies, all the time.
  12. Totally agree. These huge distances are not even realistic for a super-zombie.
  13. I see what some of you guys mean with "You see him, so he can see you". But if you assume that, then why are all the zombies in the area running with him to me? Was that zombie doing something ike screaming to the other zombies "COME OVER HERE, ANOTHER SURIVIVER". It just made it really impossible for me to just walk proned without aggro'ing hundreds of zombies. Bandits just track the running zombies, see me running or hear me shooting, and then they can easily kill me.