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About boioi

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Michigan, United States
  • Interests
    Computers, games, movies and just about anything having to do with technology.

Profile Fields

  • Bio
    I am a PC gamer who loves to have fun. I play games like minecraft combat arms bf3 and dayz. I can often be found with my clan, Renegade Soldier, we are a good group of guys who just like to have fun. I am mostly friendly and hardly ever PK unless I am in a sticky situation. If you need help, add me on skype, or send me a message and If I am in the area I could probably pop in and help you.
  1. boioi

    Survival Ops - Hard Corps (Dayz Mod)

    Why doesn't anyone play this server anymore? My group really likes to play it, but nobody is ever on :(
  2. Hi. I just read this post. My friends and I have a pretty advanced namalsk squad already. Even though it isn't very organized. We host a teamspeak server and our own website. So maybe if you would like you could come and join/take over our squad. We are already looking for someone who can take a leadership role and take control of our DayZ division and I feel like you could fit the job. Anyways. Age: 15 Time Zone: Eastern GMT -8 Country: United States Speak English? Yep Best squad role? Pointman or mobile sniper Teamspeak? we have our own! So If you would like to we would really appreciate you coming and helping us out. http://www.renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ I'm on our site and teamspeak right now if you want to come talk and about this deal.
  3. BUMP - We are looking for members again!
  4. We are recruiting once again. We play DayZ with anyone, surviving in the wild medic teams private teamspeak server. Everything! If you would like to apply for the DayZ bandit squad. Check out this link http://renegadesoldi...hread#p23351326 And you can go here to register for the Multi-Gaming Clan. http://renegadesoldi...gin/do/register Once you register, you will gain access to a page showing you how to get on our teamspeak. Thanks for checking us out! Hope to see you all on!
  5. We have have plenty of new members and could still use some more. We might get a server of our own soon too :D
  6. Still looking for members! *BUMP*
  7. If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Tactical squad if you wish. Thanks for checking us out!
  8. If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish. Thanks for checking us out!
  9. boioi

    Small Group looking for Player's

    If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish. Thanks for checking us out!
  10. boioi

    Looking for a group!

    If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish. Thanks for checking us out!
  11. boioi

    Looking for team members.

    If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish. Thanks for checking us out!
  12. boioi

    Looking for a group!

    If you register here,http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/ You can come play with us we always have some guys on teamspeak willing to play with people and we never mind taking in new players of all shapes and sizes. You can apply for our Bandit squad if you wish. Thanks for checking us out!
  13. We are recruiting once again. If you would like to apply for the DayZ bandit squad. Check out this link http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/forums/page/1/m/3181025/viewthread/4051000-dayz-bandit-squad-application-thread#p23351326 And you can go here to register for the Multi-Gaming Clan. http://renegadesoldierca.enjin.com/login/do/register Once you register, you will gain access to a page showing you how to get on our teamspeak. Thanks for checking us out!
  14. boioi

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'm stuck out just south of Kamyshovo with low blood and bleeding and probably unconcious. If there is any gracious medic's in or around the area that would be willing to help, that would be awesome. I am not a bandit and I, by no means have any intent of killing friendlies. If anyone could come give me a hand, my skype is thadninjaboioi and I should be available most of today.