Date/Time: 07.13.2012 (5pm) What happened: Deco/reco and back to an old position with old stuff (news not saved) Where you were: Upon a hill near starysobor What you were doing: just before deco: a simple recon with google *Current installed version: 1.7.2 *Server(s) you were on: Fr 21 (beta 94700) *Your system specs: 2.4 Ghz dualcore 4gb Ram Win7 Nvidea Gtx 260 (896mo) *Timeline of events before/after error: just run in the forest, some loot in nadezhdino and direct run to Starysobor.. almost playing 2-3h before deco/reco. I drop some item near Nadezhdino for pickup other items.. when i reco, i popup very faraway from stabir (near the church of Kumyrna), i have my old stuff and lost : knife, steak, some soda can and food can, bandage, amo for pistol 1911.. and maybe other stuff i don't remember... really frustrating indeed :(