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Everything posted by drewsta

  1. drewsta

    DayZ Standalone Discussion

    Don't forget to take a break and look out your window occasionally folks. What if Dean said "bugger it I'm scrapping the whole standalone, it's too hard'? The community would be up in arms and you would probably burn him at the stake for obvious reasons. The banter, personal opinions and rubbish that get thrown around in these forums is what keeps the hype and interest rolling. I'm here typing this, you're here reading it so we are still curious. "I'm not buying it" or "It will fail" really means nothing in the end because as soon as it's released, you just know the servers will be packed full. How long it stays that way will depend on updates and new content I'm guessing. Countless times playing Dayz Origins and the servers dwindled to just a handful of people, most gave it away saying it was not as engaging etc. Then a new update was released and you struggled to even get a slot the same server for weeks at a time. We are creatures of habit and I fully understand the Standalone will simply not reach expectations for some but for most we will be in there making it our own. Dayz Standalone is eventually coming wether you have patience or not, what you do with it is up to you. Just another opinion.
  2. Remember folks, dayz is just a virtual world with restrictions. How you play and interact directly reflects what excites you at any given time. What you choose to do in game isn't going to affect your real world except occupy your time. I'm sure many of us choose to approach the dayz virtual world with a real world attitude when it comes to decision making but if you die in game you can still get up off your chair and go to the fridge for your favourite beverage etc. I'm a firm believer that because our real lives are not directly affected by in game decisions, those decisions can often be taken lightly. Try and be honest with yourself, if there was a real zombie apocalypse and you had to come to terms with the death, sounds, smell and frightening realization that there are violent flesh eating neighbours close by, what would you do? Would you grab the nearest weapon and simply barge outside and start slaughtering or sit in the dark and ponder your next move? You can question and thread about "KOS" all you want but the simple fact remains it's here to stay. I understand it's a discussion on reducing it but because it's a virtual world the very nature of "KOS" is too overwhelming. Some people hide, crawl, run, loot and then come across Jonny newspawn and reduce him to pulp with an axe purely because he's there, why? Simple, because they can! If that was real life would you have stopped and chatted with him? "Hey, Johnny your alive! Do you have any supplies? Have you seen anyone else alive? To be left alone in a shitty apocalypse just might be your worst nightmare and killing the first person you see may not be high on your list. I have no doubts that there would be real life gangs and bandits killing and looting too, hell there is plenty of that going on without an apocalypse. People can turn nasty quickly when it comes to survival so I believe you would still have to be cautious when approaching others. Survivors killing other survivors for fun is something I have learnt to adapt and incorporate it into my decision making when entering a town or simply crossing a field, it makes for some pretty intense moments at times too. I don't necessarily agree with "KOS" but I can still enjoy my gameplay through adaptation.
  3. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Dayz experience since it's creation and hope to enjoy it again as a standalone. Getting thrown into the ocean from a great height or coming across survivors that simply cannot be killed seems to be the norm, by that I mean all the time. The old days of .."Nice one you got me" seems to be replaced with "awww...you shot me, here enjoy the ocean!" Anyways I'm not hear to start one of "those" threads because this has been happening for some time in Dayz and we are all aware of it. I'm posting this here because I would like to ask the community is there a server or 2 out there still where this happens...lets say less frequently? I do realise that there will always be some hacking but I'm just trying to see through the time until the SA. Cheers folks.
  4. That's sounds good, but i'll have a ping of around 250-300. Will I get kicked for a higher ping like that?
  5. Ok thanks for the replies. To join say a private hive or say a whitelisted server do I need to go through a website for a password and joining process or similar?
  6. I rarely ever respond to these forums because most people couldn't care less what I think and that's fair. Occasionally I read a post that makes me laugh and this one did. Dayz original concept was survival, that became a lot easier when people worked out how to deal with zombies. Once they fled to the woods and camped out for a time etc, the spark they first enjoyed "for a lot of players" was gone and they needed a new spark. Kill on sight became popular and the excitement returned for some followed by hackers, cheats and the rest is history. I'm not talking about bandits robbing, kidnapping or terrorizing you, I'm talking about spawning in and running down the beach only to be shot dead at your first encounter with someone with the means to do so. The original concept I think is still there but somewhat lost amongst many who just couldn't care less about others or only have 45 minute window to play so they want to create as much havoc in that time as possible, hence kill on sight. Lets face it, a lot of COD players and the like are more than likely not going to be stimulated in anything less than a faster pace action scenario. A couple of minutes to join a server is not going to end your world is it? 5-10 minutes or so is ridiculous I would agree. The original post for this thread reads as an angry individual who is having a crack at the developers because of having to wait for something that simply isn't finished yet. From what I have seen and read about, Dayz stand alone is ready for alpha right now but the coding to have everything server side is not complete yet. Once it is, it's going to be released in alpha. Rocket is taking a break climbing Everest while that is being completed. Personally I don't see that as any major crime. If you have better things to do while waiting impatiently for the stand alone to be released, I strongly recommend you go do them and let the chips fall where they may. I say that because your pissing and moaning about it allows you to vent your anger sure enough but will do absolutely nothing to bring the release date any closer. The stand alone will surely have many improvements over the current version and hopefully bring back and keep that initial survival concept "spark". I have no doubts there will still be kill on sight because that's just the nature of some players and Dayz allows you to play how you want. That doesn't mean it has to be liked by all though. To predict that the standalone game will fail because it hasn't been released on the correct date or the developers are rubbish because they are not doing what you think they should, is a pretty bold statement considering the massive following and interest it has. The game as a standalone isn't going to fail because YOU have lost interest. This thread is just another angry vent in a sea of many just like it. My 2 cents worth which I know nobody asked for.
  7. I was in Cherno the other night (starting from scratch again) building up my supplies such as morphine, knife, water bottle and cans etc. I could hear shots ringing out around me but not at me. I was thinking now is a good time to blend in with the northern woods before I become another players statistic. I ended up inside the old construction building with the fire burning in it and used that for cover as I planned my exit to the woods. Not 30 seconds later I hear a voice and a player coming up the stairwell geared up to the hilt. "well at least I only just started and won't lose much when he puts a round in my cranium" I thought. That never happened, instead he said "Here have this AS50 TWS and 24/24 Coyote backpack ...oh and here's some NVG's". He just seem to be spawning this stuff in front of me and I had heard about this sort of thing but had never experienced it. I thought it was a trick and was expecting to die any moment so I grabbed the gear and the player was gone. So now I have some cool gear and this massive rifle I had only seen in Arma2 or OA. As I make my escape north into the woods something just didn't feel right. I realised I couldn't keep all the gear, I just couldn't do it. I should have been over the moon that I had all this awsome gear but now the game just felt slightly less colourful so to speak. The guy who gave me the gear wasn't just being nice and handing me "his" gear , he was just spawning all sorts of stuff through hacking or one of the glitches that you all talk about. Therefore noone earned it and I didn't want it anymore because I want the challenge of finding or fighting for it myself. So I dumped the gear in the northern barn of Cherno and found a winchester in that same barn and I much prefer that weapon anyway. I have since found everything I need to survive again and have the challenge of finding a nice silenced weapon on my own now. Some of you may think I was crazy to just throw away some of the best gear you can find but that's my point. "Finding" it or even looting it from someone is much more fun than just having it spawned for me. I'm a huge fan of this Mod and survivng on my own with only the gear I can legitimately aquire gives me alot of satisfaction, knowing I have alot to lose by getting shot or eaten makes me survive ingame as I would In real life and thats the Dayz that excites me. If you found goodies in a barn you thought would never appear in a barn north of Cherno a couple of days ago, your welcome.
  8. Geared up in a Guille suit with all my goodies and ammo but unfortunately I only have an AK74. Gunshots heard nearby at a deerstand so I crouch and watch the survivor run straight at me from the deerstand about a minute later. Holy shit I'm really going to have to murder this fella or get shot, so I took aim and put some rounds straight at the guy. Lmao, I've been playing Arma for along time but I tell you, this day I couldn't hit a deer in a petting zoo!! Either my internet went to shit or I was just straaaaay shootin. I'm sure I could hear him laughing (hell I would have too) and then he put a single round into me. 12 days gone to the shitter. If that was you that day, enjoy the suit and other goodies you better have taken! lol, it was funny though!
  9. drewsta

    Yep it's official...i'm a twit!

    It's just something we have to suck up unfortunately, we certainly don't have to like though. However I was at a deer stand once and just climbed down and accidentally swung my axe and a zed dropped dead from a distance with that typical axe swinging thud.
  10. drewsta

    This one is for disconnecters..

    I've never disconnected on purpose to evade a bandit etc. I guess people are doing it so they don't die and lose their gear, I do understand the thinking behind that. Isn't that going against everything the mod stands for though? Survivng on your own or with "friends" using planning and patience is obviously too hard for alot of players and although highly unrealstic, disconnecting is an easy solution. Knowing you have survived for days or weeks without disconnecting or purposely jumping servers for an advantage is extremely gratifying for players like me. I guess I just learn to adapt to what ever is going on around me because I have to. If people are disconnecting or randomly appearing in different places I'll have to integrate that into my game play. While it certainly pisses alot of players of and there is a huge amount of negative feedback on that topic, it just becomes another twist in the game now that I have to plan for to insure survival. my two cents which noone asked for :)
  11. drewsta

    Why Day-Z Fails

    I think it's rather simple....play it and enjoy it ..or....don't like it and uninstall it. I haven't had to pay a cent to enjoy what has been brought forward so far and if by chance I get bored I certainly won't piss and moan about it on here, I'll simply go play something else.
  12. I've been watching bandits do their thing for a long time and must say it's interesting to watch and adds something extra to the game in my opinion. I have been snuffed out by a bandit once when I first tried DayZ and never again. More often than not you won't ever see me or find me because I choose to play that way and that also means I probably won't take a shot at you either. I have been playing for weeks and surviving for as long on that principle and I find it very exciting. I find stalking Bandits who are stalking other survivors alot of fun because you have to try and keep as many options open as you can and you learn to read the terrain very well. I'm certainly not saying that I'm better than you or that you haven't followed me through your scope and showed me mercy at some point which just adds to the unknown realism factor. That may sound boring for alot of players but for people like me it allows the stalking of players who are on a killing spree or just trying to survive. Getting to watch others fight it out without killing anyone else is not that easy without becoming a target yourself but sure is fun. If I screw up at somepoint and become cornered or outsmarted I look forward that moment of truth. Happy DayZ! Drewsta
  13. drewsta

    DayZ Stories

    I have been playing the Arma series since the begining and I'm a huge fan of the massive sandbox we get to play in. When I first heard about Zombies being introduced in a mod for Arma2 I was less than impressed. "How unrealistic" I thought, knowing that Arma2 is a brilliant game about warfare, who would want to go and fight a bunch of dead carcases roaming around instead of a life like combat scenario? How WRONG I was! When I did my homework and actually realised what the Dayz mod was all about, I became very excited and immediatley went about the somewhat painful process of downloading and patching everything in the right order. Spawning onto a beach somewhere on the map with a few items in my kit and nothing else, not even a clue of what was going on......brilliant!! Almost instantly I had the feeling that I was having to adapt to a rapidly changing situation. I had a new purpose....a real purpose.......one that would make this experience true to life for me and that was to just stay alive! I had become my character and very attached to the fact that I was a surviver of something horrible and treated it as a real life scenario which made the game all the more immersive. Stalking my nearest town and scoping out the situation was my first priority and I quickly settled into scout mode. I quickly realised this is getting more interesting by the minute "literally" as I'm now starting to get thirsty and hungry and will need to source food and water without detection. I was excited and shitting my pants all at the same time hiding inside a small shed as a zombie making some pretty nasty sounds stumbled past. Going undetected I looked around and noticed some items next to me. A can of soda, bakebeans and another bandage was quickly stuffed into my kit with a big smile on my face. Manoevering to the next building sparked a high pitch squeal and I immediately saw a flesh eating bad guy coming at me ....and fast! "Damiit" now I run and run like hell and to nowhere in particular which automatically inspired about 5 other zombies to start chasing me aswell. "Holy shit" these guys are fast and they just don't give up, so I kept running with my heart in my teeth for about 2 minutes until I only had 2 of them on my tail. That was enough and they finally caught me on a shitty uphill slope and made short work of me. As I lay there on the ground amoungst a mild bone crunching sound and a couple of stinky dead guys chewing on my ass I knew that this mod was going to keep me busy for some time. I'm out there now in hiding as I type this getting some well deserved "character rest" and have been alive for almost over a week now and have really come to know the Chernerus landscape very well. The reason I am still alive is because I take my time and treat every decision as if I am actually really there and trust me, when you have worked hard to get the gear you have and survived for days on end, you want to keep living as long as you can. I was so proud of my first 24 hours of straight survival I decided to share that with someone and that was another survivor I came across near a deer stand. We saw each other and he called out "friendly" as did I and we approached each other. I was mid sentence asking if there was anything he needed and .."BANG" ...I was dead....just like that. I had worked my ass off for the last 24 hours only to be snuffed out by a real player. Trust absolutely noone, even your so called friends as DAYZ is all about survival less about what you can do for someone else. Thats an interesting turn of events considering I have a considerate and helpful nature, but make no mistake If I cross paths with you, I will kill you the first real chance I get. Sorry if I already have and the truth is I probably didn't need anything from you I just didn't want to get shot by you. I make it a habit to "save" my game every couple of hours by finding a good hiding spot and aborting the game then reconnecting. Why? I spend 3 hours one day looting and survivng etc only to have the session lost and the server restart or something similar. Then when I came back in I was right back to where I was when I last logged off which was not the end of the world just frustrating. So now I know if the session is lost I will be put back in at the last spot I aborted which can be handy. Once I was getting mauled to death by some zombies and I just couldn't get on top of them and I thought I was going to die as i'm lying on the ground getting smashed. Then the message came up session lost and when I reconnected I was right back to where I last aborted the game....lucky me. I love this mod and have some great stories to share at some point. I also like the fact that you can not just survive, you can team up with others if your brave enough or purely hunt down other players whilst surviving etc, not something I actively do. Working hard to stay alive by making good decisions, survival skills and lets face it .".a bit of ass ..or luck if you will" makes DayZ a great mod even in it's Alpha stage. Good luck out there. Drewsta