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Everything posted by drewsta

  1. I feel I should mention that a contributing factor to why I have survived for so long is that I don't run through Electro or Cherno or similar places, for me there is no need. The amount of posts I read of people dying from bandits, cheaters or glitches in these areas especially is always high. That's nothing new of course, it stems back to the mods first appearance too, remember that text that would never go away in side chat? "Who's shooting in Cherno/Electro?" I do skim the outskirts of those areas sometimes and enjoy the added risk without advertising my position and attracting death. I really can appreciate other players laughing at me thinking how boring my gameplay would be to them and running through Electro causing havoc is way more fun. The players that do that add to my gameplay immensely too, those "maniacs" letting loose in big cities or anywhere are a major threat and I need to be extra vigilant to avoid them or be captured by them, it adds excitement. If I get caught or shot through normal gameplay, it's my fault. If I die through a game glitch or by the hand of a hacker that's Alpha and bad luck. I hope I can survive many more weeks with this first character and enjoy the rush of trying to stay alive. I'm yet to have a full on encounter with anyone and that's ok, when I do end up face to face with a fellow survivor at some point it will be a heart stopping moment. I'm certainly not what you would call friendly, I trust no one but I'm no bandit either, I feel no urge to kill someone just because I can.
  2. Maybe I'm the odd one out? I am extremely attached to my character as we have been surviving since almost day 1 of the alpha release. I do play often and some sessions are much longer than others but I may play a little different to some. I only run when needed and my decision process would be the same in real life, I enjoy the challenge and the discipline. I have never shot at anything other than zeds and rarely see anyone else even when there are 40 people online. I can take along time before deciding to make my next move because I just want to survive and certainly don't want to be murdered or die from a silly mistake. I have worked hard to find and keep the great gear that I have by avoiding conflict and staying hidden where possible. That may simply bore the crap out of alot of you but I really love the challenge of keeping this ONE character alive as long as possible. If I was to get jumped by bandits or the like, I would do what ever It took to stay alive and if that meant giving up my gear then so be it, I can always get more but I will never get THIS character back. If my character dies at some point and regardless of how, I will be a sad panda. I will then get a new character and start fresh which will be alot of fun. I guess i'm trying to say, I'm not one to just say "screw you and your demands" (if someone else has the upper hand) because It's not worth going on without my gear. This game to me is about surviving and thats what I'm going to do at all costs even if it means having a viscious firefight at some point or begging for my life at the hands of a 12 year old, the outcome is the same, to stay alive. Anyway I've hammered this point too long already, thanks for reading anyways. Sorry if the text is all over the place, somethings wrong with my post box here.
  3. drewsta

    Storm sounds

    I'm liking the new rain effects and where they are going with that. Just a thought on the thunder, the same crack of thunder playing over and over can get a little much sometimes. The first few sound great but there is no real variation between them maybe one or two sounds. I read the Dev team have some great dedicated sound engineers on the books so my hope is that it's not overlooked. Maybe a rework of the zed sounds too.
  4. I found 17 on a railway track in Cherno when the alpha first came out and I put that down to a glitch. Make no mistake though, it scared the bejesus outta me. Fun times.
  5. Oh my did this really happen? I feel sick, I don't think I can play Dayz anymore. Op I can sympathize with everything your saying and your exploits are fantastic, I just love the way you play this game, the benny hill thing was a classic, you are the best mate,.I wish everyone could side with you about this. I sincerely hope you will be ok and that this won't affect your real life too much. Not sure if that's the response you were looking for, or why else bother posting another "I'm upset" thread. You could have easily kept that to yourself and moved on. Seems to me it's a more descriptive story about how cool you and your mate play in game but hey that could be just me. Thanks for your wonderful post. Hope you enjoyed my useless response.
  6. drewsta

    2 years on and nothing has changed

    I should have more sense to ignore these threads because the game isn't a finalized product yet. OP, thanks for your rage post, so honestly what now? I mean that as a general question.You deliberately posted on here like many others to vent and let everyone know that you are upset because the game has not progressed how you think it should have by now. So are you quitting the game now and coming back later when it's finalized? Will you continue playing anyway and wait for the updates? Are you expecting the developers to read this thread and rethink their approach to this game, maybe bring a patch out this week fixing all the bugs you have issues with? I'm guessing that you are not alone, there will be thousands of people that share your exact opinion but don't feel the need to start a thread about how upset they are (when it won't ACHIEVE anything), except you can get this all off your chest. If your post rang true after the games official public release, I would have your back my friend but it's far from finished so your post is another time wasting rage for all to respond too. I guess I'm wasting everyones precious time too by just adding another post to an already useless thread but the question begs an answer because I've lost count of how many rage threads there are now. Maybe make a special venting thread for all to see and people can let it all out in there? Be careful how you talk for the whole Dayz community too. "Features that get added that no one ever wanted", are you speaking for me too when you wrote that because you haven't explained what features. Do you get what I'm saying? I just wish this type of post could have it's own thread or be constructive rather than cry to be heard.
  7. drewsta

    What's your average lifespan?

    My character is still alive since the very beginning and managed to survive a couple of start glitches too. Its important to note I don't go running around the coast looking for trouble much and I take my time and move around overly cautious. That's just the way I play which would be down right boring for a lot of players but I just enjoy the challenge of keeping that one character alive as I would me in real life.
  8. Well it had to happen eventually I guess. My character since the very beginning has been wiped about 15 mins ago and is now amongst the other characters that have succumb to the game at some point. I was very attached to that fella as we have been through everything together and had seem some rough times in the beginning, keeping out of sight, avoiding glitches and surviving in general. We lasted many weeks and it was a great experience. RIP old mate! Wait ....what's this..........a new character, ok lets get to it!
  9. drewsta

    So long character 1 you were awsome.

    DISREGARD!! We were just reunited on our normal server. The amazing journey continues on character 1 and we may just see you in the woods.....or not.
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong please but I think they will actually add lots more buildings and infrastructure to the northern map areas. If you have been up there you will notice what looks like development areas ready for a town or buildings to go in. I don't know how close to the beta release before it gets added.
  11. drewsta

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    Wow these forums are good for a laugh sometimes and I enjoy reading them when I can. Folks are we deliberately just skipping over the fact that this game is barely on it's feet or is that point completely mute now? The need to voice your opinions and maintain that they are right seems excessive at times considering the development stage of the game. Some posts actually start with acknowledging that fact. "Now before you are scream at me, I know this is an ALPHA" sounds no different than "Now before you all tell me I'll get electrocuted if I stick a knife in this wall socket, what's with all the zapping!". My 4 cents no one asked for. Cheers
  12. drewsta

    A good use for pen and paper

    I leave notes all the time so I don't have to carry them. Depending on what note you pick up will dictate what part of my story you get. I always leave my name on it so if you see my name in the server you may not be that far away or even being watched.
  13. drewsta

    Why DayZ is no survival game

    I think it all depends how you personally perceive the game. "It's not a survival game?" Don't tell Rocket, he would be devastated at this breaking news. In all seriousness we are entitled to our argue our personal points and I'm allowed to disagree. What ever happened to self discipline or self challenge? Hells bells, play this game how ever you want but "Oh crap there is half a map between my buddy and I, think I will just climb this tower and suicide" is NOT survival, that's simply giving up and dying. Also "Go ahead and just kill me" doesn't ring any survival instincts either , you see where I'm going with this. I think it's quite ignorant to say that this is not a survival game just because you are too lazy, bored or driven to stay alive and just kill yourself and respawn. Why not take up that challenge to survive a given situation, "stay alive in that area mate, I'm on my way" or try and outwit or plead for your life in a hostage situation, anything to STAY ALIVE or also known as survival. The in game ability to respawn does not mean you have to or should, unless you are a victim of the game itself such as a glitch you cannot escape from. I am also aware that some players simply don't have the time to dedicate to this game like others and will choose to suicide etc in order to save time and have more fun with their buddies. If that's your thing certainly jump off that roof or just die as soon as practical but you still have a choice to keep that character alive. Stating that this is not a survival game is something I choose to disagree with.
  14. Right you are matey. I take things slow and always make time to watch around me but still move around the map surviving. I do hope they optimize for around the 100 eventually as that would make for some great gameplay.
  15. Oh dear, my character is very old and I am yet to die from anything (touch wood). I am very attached to this character because we have been through a lot together, so there will be long goodbyes and a memorial day when the time comes.
  16. drewsta

    Computer specs and display configuration

    I couldn't have put it better myself.
  17. drewsta

    Computer specs and display configuration

    I'm using an old i5 760 @3.5 ghz with a 560ti and I get a lovely smooth 40 fps everywhere but the large cities where it drops in the ass to about 18- 20 but still playable I think. Mind you I'm running that at 1920x1080 with setting on high and fxaa very high, antialiasing high, all trees and grass, post process and occlusion definitely off. I have a 27 inch monitor and it's a real rich and smooth gaming experience so far with the occasional stutter or lag etc. The higher end GPU of a series is a plus as the lower end ones simply struggle to deliver the higher graphic options most gamers aim for. I'm not a FPS counter to be honest but more about a smooth game play so while a lot of players may not be happy under 60fps just because, I'm happy at 20-30 as long as it's smooth.
  18. drewsta

    Optimize optimize optimize

    This may be a little off topic but I'm just curious now. May I ask what running even worse for you is? I'm curious because I'm running an older core I5 760 @ 3.5ghz with a 1gb 560ti and have a solid 40 fps everywhere but the big cities where it will drop to 25 without fail. At those frame rates the game is silky smooth and I do mean smooth with very little stutter in the cities. My settings are 1920x1080 with FXAA very high, antialiasing high, all trees and grass, all other setting in the high/very high but no post processing or occlusion etc. Those frame rates produce a beautiful gaming experience on a 27 inch monitor and I'm thrilled at those results as I'm sure a majority of players would agree, I also understand that can vary greatly from player to player. I post this here because I was curious to know what "running even worse" actually was with a 4770k and 780ti?
  19. drewsta

    My backpack.......

    I put down a rifle in a house once and it just disappeared through the floor. I was devastated because I had to go back to the axe until I found another and perfecting axe hits on zombies without losing blood took some practice. My point is I become my character and my rifle slipped through a crack in the floor and landed beyond reach! I'm interfacing the bug into my gameplay so as to continue the challenge I guess. When you woke up or "logged in" your backpack was gone.........some bugger has stolen it while you were sleeping!! They didn't kill you at least so now as in real life you are facing the challenge of finding another or even better one to fill up. I do get that it was a bug that had deprived you of your backpack but your only real choice now is to go and replace it, how you do that is up to you, it's you're game to play. This is just how I approach the game when I play and don't expect everyone to turn a blind eye to bugs, it just works well for me until a fix.
  20. I've never lost a character yet and have been on for weeks now. I do stick to the same server as much as possible.
  21. drewsta

    Cannot find one player in Standalone

    I've been surviving for weeks on the one character because It's important to take the time to watch and observe before my next move. I've yet to die from a glitch "lucky me". I've also seen groups of 4 and 5 running mad across the map and just like I would in real life, I go to ground, stay there and watch. It's quite the rush monitoring possible murderers moving close by who could stumble your way at any moment. If you're having trouble finding people when the servers have many on, as some have already posted, it doesn't mean they aren't there. Groups like that can pose a real threat to the solo survivor and I'm quite happy to let them pass.
  22. Just a take on my experience so far with the Alpha Standalone, I'm really enjoying it! The things that some players are not liking are the things that my personal gameplay is enhanced by. My character which I had slightly personalized spawned somewhere on the coast which was nothing new, yet something was different? The gameplay was super smooth and the graphics looked somewhat better in a noticeable way. The double shadows of the terrain still appear if I try using antialiasing so I left it disabled for now, hopefully a fix soon. It was quiet, very quiet, the wind and the waves were there as well as the birds and other effects but not one survivor or living dead to be found. I'm already thirsty and I'm still getting my head around the new user interface. Going from house to house was a real buzz because most of the houses that weren't enterable in the mod definitely are now. Scavenging is hard and all I could find was rotten fruit and a battery yet my thirst was growing fast, "shit" my view is slowly starting to grey out. I found a damaged can of soda and that will do fine for now I thought but quickly found out that it barely touched the sides on the way down and I was still thirsty! I stumbled on through Kamenka and made for the nearest water pump and then I saw it! A lone Zed stumbling by himself in a new animation slowly making his way away from the water pump. I'm all about the realism when I play so I waited for my moment to drink. It didn't take long to realize that clicking drink once was not enough so I basically spammed the drink button and eventually my character said I was full. I'm now getting hungry too and I haven't even left the first town so ransacking every nook and cranny looking for food yielded me a fresh kiwi fruit and a can of spaghetti! I nearly died of starvation just doing that so there is a real sense of urgency to find your next meal and stock up on gear and supplies, death will follow swiftly if you don't. Still no survivors and only one or two dead walkers seen as I came across a new military base that has been added. I forgot about my clothes and how they deteriorate over time and found some new additions like, new boots, a hooded top with more pockets to put things in. Things now get more interesting as I can now carry more stuff and believe me that's a good thing when your initially picking up anything you because loot is scarce compared to the mod. Also I was unsure of what crafted with what so I grabbed everything I could. Finding a few cans of food was great but not being able to open them really was depressing and I was real hungry. There are a few ways now you can open a can, finding a knife was my savior. I liked the fact that you don't have to just eat the whole can but rather eat it in percentage portions as to keep some for later, very handy. Once you learn how to stay on top of the food and water scenario, things do get a little easier. It was now night when I logged back on and I needed to keep moving to survive which was a real thrill and the fact that I hadn't come across a single survivor gave a real apocalypse sensation around me. 300 meters out of the nearest town I stopped and grabbed a knee, something on the road ahead. I had encountered my first survivor since starting........... and he was dead which was a sad moment really. Looking around first before a quick check of his gear I found a nice clean trappers hat, an old shirt which I made into rags and some duct tape. The hours past and I have acquired a Mosin rifle with ammo plus lots of goodies for crafting and have enough food and drink to last for awhile so I was feeling quite elated when I saw the torch flickering around up on the hill! 37 of 40 players online and I have just seen one of them. I can't begin to describe the uneasy feeling of watching a torch wave around and slowly descend the hill into town after being alone for so long, so I crouched behind a large rock on the opposite hill and followed them through Mosin iron sight. Who were they, where did they come in from and more importantly are they armed? Thoughts of "KOS" and players yelling "friendly" then open firing at first chance came to mind. Perhaps they were injured and needed help or on their last legs looking for that elusive piece of food? Shooting them down in cold blood is not my thing and never has been but make no mistake, get in my way and cause trouble I will pull the trigger to survive. So I watched on with enthusiasm as they jollied from one house to another scavenging what ever they could but totally oblivious to how exposed they were with that torch on permanantly plus being watched through the end of a rifle at times. I chose not to interact as I was strangely enjoying being alone and I had worked bloody hard to get my gear to it's current state. The standalone is delivering a much better experience than the original mod at this time for me and I look forward to the updates. The bugs that are present don't bother me and I simply embrace the Alpha stage. I have since come across other survivors and found them to be friendly yet cautious which feels right given the apocalypse scenario. I do feel that killing each other really hasn't become the norm and have not experienced KOS at all. That's not to say that desperate times call for desperate measures and that killing will occur just to claim gear or survive as it would in a real scenario, just that most people are more than likely at a similar level of threat and haven't found a weapon yet or just want to team up for mutual gain. Bandits and murders are plentiful in some areas I'm sure but I'm yet to encounter that, its just a matter of time. Surviving like I have is fantastic, a challenge and a lot of fun even though I have had little interaction with others or Zeds. I have seen a hoard of 17 Zeds near a railway once, glitch or for real it was bloody scary! Just really adds to the whole Idea of what Dayz is about. Apocalypse........stay alive......watch your back.
  23. The best part about Dayz is the ability to make it your own, including getting back to basics and just good old fashion surviving. I truly enjoy treating the original Dayz (now 1.8) as realistic and true to life as possible. My character is me and I only have that one life! I need to survive and make decisions constantly based on what's going on around me at anyone time. I forgot just how much fun something so simple can be. Moving at normal walking pace for a better vantage then taking a knee and getting out binoculars to have a really good look around all the time can be very interesting. I was actually surprised on a server with 50 players on how often you come across others. Concealed well and looking around very carefully before making my next move I had 5 survivors over 15 minutes transiting around me away from cities, two of which practically ran over the top of me. You would be surprised how many people you pass and never see by running around flat out just to get somewhere quick or trying for that rare loot etc. Stop and think for a moment and be true to yourself, if it was real.......really happening, including the KOS crazies running around, would you just tear ass off across that open paddock or hide and use cover at every turn? For those that would reply that it's just a game or they have limited time to play and taking forever to cross a short distance is not high on their priority list, I say excellent! Make Dayz your own and maximize your gameplay for the time you are on but not to misunderstand my point. I am in no hurry to go anywhere, I am just moving to survive and resupply when needed. To do that knowing that there is probably someone closer than I think willing to blow my head off for cheap thrills because that's how they roll, makes my survival exciting. Navigating the zombies which are quite relentless now I found can be tricky at times, you can manage them quite easily still but you do have to watch yourself if other players are around. You bored with Dayz? Challenge and discipline yourself to treat dayz as real as possible if you haven't yet. How long can you keep that one character alive moving around and scavenging in different areas? Think your next move carefully and really survey the area before moving in. Perhaps you have been infected and badly need medical supplies and time is no longer on your side? Can you still stay in real life survival mode and get what you need without dying, or just run like mad because "who cares I'll just respawn"? You get the idea... This is nothing new and many players have been doing this from day 1 and will claim months of activity on the one character without dying. This is just for those who never really thought about approaching the game with such a realistic approach. This really only works best when there are other players online for the most part. Getting back to basics for me has brought back the "BUZZ" that I first felt when the mod first realeased.
  24. Ahhh yes now I remember why I left. Was just out enjoying everything I posted about not 30 mins ago and was killed by a hacker, I know it and he knows it. This was an interesting one though, that sound when you swing your axe was right behind me but no one there. So I ran...fast and that sound was still there on either side of me, then I saw it. A flash of a figure then gone ...then 20 meters away he flashed and disappeared again..then that axe sound. I tried to log but you stand still and wait for the timer ..then crack..I was unconscious. I logged back in but bled out before I could selfblood. It's such a shame and frustrating to have to restart a character because of some bored child.
  25. drewsta

    It's too late For Dayz.

    I love the fact that people give their precious time to STILL come on here raving and ranting about what may or may not be. You guys are keeping it all alive and that's the most important thing I think right now. For those who think Dayz is all done and dusted, have your wallets handy and have a look at the amount of daily posts in these forums good or bad. When the SA finally gets released and the servers are packed full because we are creatures of habit, your curiosity just may get the better of you. Keep your posts coming I say, It kills time until the release, which is coming wether you give a crap or not.