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Everything posted by mindtrucks

  1. mindtrucks

    How does the gun sounds work?

    Yup, this is correct. The audible range on the charts are only for zeds. For example, an M14 or FN FAL with an audible range of 180m can be heard from atleast 300m in my experience.
  2. mindtrucks

    Clothing sets as rewards for past feats

    I like this idea, would love to see something like this implemented. Have some beans!
  3. Well, he was defending himself. When your clan is hosting several gaming servers and a thriving online community, you wouldn't want some kid to soil your reputation.. You're forgetting that the OP accused them first. Just, enough. I don't know why I'm wasting my time here, I don't even know the clan personally. Will not respond here anymore.
  4. Caring for the hackers privacy? Maybe personal integrity? I don't know.. If I was an admin I wouldn't go off showing proof of hackers on forums, it's not for the public to see, it's for the admins and the people in charge of the bans.
  5. ... This isn't about breaking the law. This is about a kid who got mad cus he got blacklisted cus he thought there's no consequences for hacking. The important thing to consider is credability. But sure, if you don't wanna listen to the pointers I gave you that's your choice. Be ignorant.
  6. You guys accusing this clan of being the hackers themselves aren't the brightest bunch. You could go check out their website, you could go check out OP's post/topic history and see what kind of an idiot he is, you could have some faith and just believe these guys are warning you about douchebag hackers. But if you wanna be ignorant and cry "proof plooox" then go ahead. Your loss.
  7. mindtrucks

    What is the nicest thing you have done in DayZ?

    Avenging a newly met friendly player who got picked off by a chickenshit sniper right after we were done looting Elektro for starter gear. It felt so good. Here's the story if you wanna read it: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36185-a-story-about-men-and-chickens/#entry344436
  8. You're playing the wrong game if you think disconnecting is ok. This game is built on risk/reward mechanics, you'll feel a lot more satisfaction by surviving a 3-on-1 ambush than by disconnecting every time you're in danger. What's the point of surviving if there's no danger involved? This isn't an MMO where the point is gathering loot, the point is the adventure, all the crazy shit that happens if you actually play the game like you're supposed to. Also, grow some balls and some self-esteem.
  9. How is this the games fault? You have a choice in being friendly or not, the same goes to the guy who shot you. He chose not to be friendly. Simple.
  10. mindtrucks

    Fix tents and car saving FFS

    The alpha stage is meant for adding new features. It's only supposed to be stable enough to be able to test the new features. Betas are for stabilizing and squashing bugs. I'd much rather have this game in an alpha stage for 2 years, than rushing into beta and missing out on possible features.
  11. mindtrucks

    Why Don't the Zombies Just Run Straight?

    NPCs in Arma 2 don't have to get close and melee you. They choose their own paths instead of altering it every time the target takes a step.
  12. mindtrucks

    day z demo?

    DayZ is a bit more demanding than arma 2 though. I can run arma 2 just fine, but whenever I play on a DayZ server with more than 25 players I get lower framerates.
  13. mindtrucks

    What do you do, to get that loot?

    I've always played solo and don't have any trouble getting sweet loot. Heli crash sites are definitely the easiest way to get high-end weapons if you know how to search for them efficiently. I've never found anything worthwhile in NWAF (except from murders) even though I've been there 30+ times. But 8 times out of 10 when I set out to look for helis, I find one. Just be sure to have a knife, a hatchet, matches and a water bottle before you leave the coast and you'll be self-sufficient like rambo.
  14. mindtrucks

    Are ghillies back in the new update?

    Found camo clothing at a heli crash :)
  15. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/27604-download-dayz-commander-unofficial-six-launcher-alternative/ Use that instead of six launcher. You can filter for day/night and even see the time of the server.
  16. mindtrucks

    What happened?

    In the link that guy above us posted, there is a video "How to fix a broken bone". You can see both the "shock" icon and the "broken legs" icon in the video. The shock is the above one. You probably just glitched on a rock or roots or something. Try not to crouch or prone near anything that sticks out of the ground, and especially no proning in doorframes ^^
  17. mindtrucks

    Pending Update: Build

    The patch hasn't been released yet. The 5 sec timer is therefore not implemented yet. I agree that 5 secs is too short considering that most firefights are fairly long range and behind cover. If someone disconnects behind cover, those 5 secs aren't gonna help me run 100 meters to go kill him.
  18. mindtrucks


    Supermarkets are your best bet for cans of food. Basically any residential building and farms has a fairly high chance of spawning knives. You'll need matches and a hatchet aswell to be able to make a fire and cook the meat. Stay away from the coastal towns and any towns with military camps if you don't wanna risk running into other people. Other than that it's not risky at all running into towns. Unless you're unlucky ^^
  19. You're calling me stupid when you say rocket should change the values back? And no, the patch notes do not state anything about weapon damage.
  20. Yeah it's weird that the patchnotes didn't mention it. But weapons did get nerfed: http://dayzdb.com/news/weapon-changes-in-arma2-162
  21. mindtrucks

    Lee enfield damage reduction????

    http://dayzdb.com/news/weapon-changes-in-arma2-162 Apparently plenty of guns have been nerfed. The lee enfield did get its audible range reduced though.
  22. mindtrucks

    Pending Update: Build

    To all the people wondering about the changed release date It's not a typo. He was JOKING!! If you've read the last pages of this thread you'd know he's been working on the patch all day and it's finally being tested right now. He can't give you a precise release time because he doesn't know! He's sick and tired of people coming here posting nonsense and stupid questions without having read the thread. Also, don't ignore the word TARGET. Its meaning is quite important in this context. TL;DR: Target date is july 24th. :|
  23. mindtrucks

    He's the hero Chernarus deserves.

    Good luck have batman!
  24. mindtrucks

    Screen keeps shaking excessively.

  25. mindtrucks

    I guess 1911 was a bad year

    Arma OA got updated. Not DayZ, not the "beta" part of Arma. There's no question that it's a bug, it's not mentioned in the patch notes. They did say the patch included several tweaks and optimizations which should improve DayZ though ^^