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Everything posted by mindtrucks

  1. mindtrucks


    1911/revolver damage is bugged. Not nerfed. Takes 4 shots with my 1911 to kill a zed now :/ tried it on different servers too.
  2. mindtrucks

    Arma update nerfed revolver?

    Yup, can report that 1911 is bugged for me as well. Can we get someone to spank the ignorance out of this lil kid? Jebus...
  3. mindtrucks

    A tense standoff at US195.

    Awesome fight guys. Just pure awesome. This is the main reason I play dayz, even when outnumbered like this it's just more fun ^^
  4. mindtrucks

    What is it with American kids hacking?

    Funny how some people seem to run into hackers every day. While others, like me, have never seen a hacker in action. The only thing I've seen was a burning airplane outside cherno. I guess that must've been the work of a hacker, but other than that, nothing. Oh and I play on EU, mostly swedish or norwegian.
  5. 3rd person on but always on veteran/expert servers. Preferably without crosshairs. I won't even go into how much nametags ruins the experience..
  6. mindtrucks

    Best way to find Heli Crashes?

    This. Why aren't you guys listening? :/ Those maps are useless, helis can spawn practically anywhere in the open not along the coastline.
  7. mindtrucks

    Helicopter Crashes and Other Stuff

    No loot doesn't respawn at crash sites. But you can always go hide in a bush and ambush other people who go looking for loot at the heli ^^
  8. The only shooter game I know of where two people couldn't shoot eachother to death was counter-strike, simply because of the extremely old engine and the fact that bullets had no travel time.
  9. mindtrucks

    FN FAL Spawnrate?

    The wiki must be wrong. At 7 out of 10 crashsites there's atleast one FAL for me.
  10. Just a spoiled brat. Nothing to see here.
  11. mindtrucks


    Whenever I have doubts about humanity, I put on that video <3
  12. mindtrucks


  13. mindtrucks

    Patch 95168 framerate issues

    Oh right, sorry, had some filters on. :|
  14. mindtrucks

    Patch 95168 framerate issues

    Several people have reported that 95168 actually improved their framerate. Odd that it had the opposite effect for you :/ Maybe it was just a bad server you tried it on? Patch 95208 isn't running on any server according to dayz commander though, it was just released.
  15. mindtrucks

    what range is direct talk,chat actually?

    As you can see, it was changed waaaayyy back, in patch 93528. Your wording just makes it seem you're implying that it was changed in the most recent patch.
  16. mindtrucks

    what range is direct talk,chat actually?

    Thanks for the video link :) Also, he does mention near the end of the video that the range for text communication is 40 meters.
  17. mindtrucks

    what range is direct talk,chat actually?

    In my experience, the range of the text is a lot shorter than that of the voice.
  18. mindtrucks

    Ghillie Suits as of

    Would also like to know this, free bump
  19. mindtrucks

    FPS Guru interview

    Rocket has stated that their databases do log data which shows plenty of information on when people log out, IE when they're fired upon, when they fire a weapon themselves, if they are bleeding or not, etc. So with that in mind I do believe this system will be helpful.
  20. mindtrucks

    Maps are weird...

    Seeing your own location on the map is a server-side setting. Some servers have it off, some have it on. In general it's the regular/veteran setting that makes the difference, but not on all servers. I personally prefer veteran server just so the GPS has a value, feels useless to find such a rare item otherwise. Have no idea about seeing other players location though.
  21. mindtrucks

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    Yeah well.. They do run faster than us, but I don't see that as a problem. If you aggro them on your way out of a town and have nowhere to lose them, you'd have to shoot them. But shooting is always dangerous since other players will pinpoint your location. I think their runspeed adds a nice layer of difficulty. Also the zigzagging will be fixed in the future sometime, it's caused by pathing issues.
  22. mindtrucks

    Zombies are seriously too fast.

    Zeds are definitely too easy right now. Started playing just over a week ago and have never died to a zombie, not once.. Whenever I start a new character I just run through the streets in elektro/cherno looting everything I need in 5-10 mins. It's way too easy, it was much more fun being a noob when you didn't know better and "had to" sneak around all the time.
  23. mindtrucks

    Good Heli crash site?

    Indeed it is, a burst from a FAL is pure overkill. Also I think the FAL has the most rewarding gunshot sound in the game. Sounds like a beast.
  24. Sometimes an area is filled with the same types of items, all in and around the same part of a town. For example instead of spawning a mixture of items, like watches, compasses, matches, the game spawns lots of watches in a supermarket and the surrounding buildings, along with perhaps a few makarov mags. But none of the other items. Is this simply because the server has been up a long time and nobody picks these items up, or is it a bug?