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Everything posted by chaossound

  1. chaossound

    11th recruiting

    Hopped in your TS earlier sat in the lobby for about 10-15 minutes I guess everyone was busy added you to steam, so I guess i'll wait to hear back from you.
  2. chaossound

    To whoever took the chopper on 1145

    I don't suppose another vehicle was a covered ural transport up near skalka was it? -_-' if it was I'de like you to consider grouping up with me. Since we seem to be doing the same things.
  3. chaossound

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest):23 In Game Name:Chaossound Country/Timezone: Canada EST (gmt-5) Are You Active?: Yes Experience In Dayz: Been playing for over a month I have a full loadout of gear all tools, ghillie, nvgs rangefinders m4sd dmr. Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes.
  4. Sorry about that I walked in and seen a guy in a ghillie suit standing there with an m16 pointed at me my first instinct was to put a clip of 1911 into his head. That was the last place I expected anyone to be I guess you were thinking the same.
  5. chaossound

    Dear Bill Murray of US 1145.

    Yeah that was the time Im talking about. Sorry about that murray. I don't suppose you were the one who came back later that night and took the chopper.
  6. chaossound


    It is frowned apon by both the dev team and players. There is no current "rule" about it as it's un enforceable. Rocket is working on a way to enforce it through the database but it takes time to get a proper system in place to punish people who do this,
  7. chaossound

    US 1145 Official server thread

    *identity confirmed*
  8. Thanks for that quote that is goign right in the signature.
  9. It was removed for very specific reasons.
  10. Yes it was hard but most of us other than the couple thousand before the starting guns were removed had to do it. We died we learned from our mistakes. You can't expect to be given everything on a silver platter and then whine when it gets too hard because you didnt learn from day 1 The people who whine about not having a starting weapon are the same fucking casuals from WoW who complained that raids were too hard so blizzard nerfed them so everyone besides the people who spent weeks wiping on them to learn them could beat them and then go on the forums again to complain that they are too easy and theres nothing to do now.
  11. It's al good guys I found his problem. Perhaps I can give you some assistance. Here is a list of games that would probably be better for you than Dayz World of warcraft aka World of whinecraft Call of duty modern warfare aka Call of doody modern war kids Battlefield 3 aka battlefails 3 Counterstrike, aka cunter strike Anyone else have any suggestions for OP for easy games?
  12. Great guys enjoyed playing with jackbo tonight and two other guys he picked up, took us out in their chopper to fly around to chopper crashes. total items we found were a bunch of fn fals a few l85s a ghillie, a ammo box of stanag SD and reg, some dmrs from the chopper crashes and a couple ghillies in some apartment buildings we hit before he picked us up in the chopper.
  13. I mean hoenstly is there? it's 2 slots less than the one we spawn with? maybe it should be the other way around?
  14. i would but i dont have a server
  15. I don't want to live on this planet anymore
  16. the enfield is nicknamed the dinnerbell for a reason
  17. somtimes it's not really disappeared if you relog it will show up occasionally..
  18. Yeah the zombie detection in .4 is pretty sketchy, but. I don't usually play on day servers so it doesnt bother me that much. but I have to agree with zombies being aggored from 100+ meters away when crouch walking is stupid. Considering that rocket said that the zombies rely primarily on sound. Zombies shouldn't be aggored from more than 50 meters unless the placer is making alot of noise.
  19. chaossound

    How much ammo should I carry?

    I usually carry 6 mags of secondary ammo and 4 mags of primary
  20. chaossound

    NW airfield firehouse

    probably night time and he missed it
  21. chaossound

    To whoever took the chopper on 1145

    6 to the main rotor, 2 to the tail rotar, 3 to the pilots cockpit if the glass isnt already broken 1-2 if it is.