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Everything posted by chaossound

  1. chaossound

    Some kind of ALt+F4 cheaters on DE393

    ive had this happen to me aswell. a friend two. I"ve shot people in the head seen them drop then dissapear go over and hear flies but no body
  2. I just do direct connect to the IP through the client
  3. who the fuck uses gamespy?
  4. chaossound

    Server shotdown when Admin goes offline

    Scheduled downtime isn't server is down untill the owner comes back online.
  5. chaossound

    Server shotdown when Admin goes offline

    No they can't. An admin shutting the server down when he's offline to protect his camps/ vehicles is against TOS
  6. chaossound

    US #500 locked

    This is not good
  7. chaossound

    Suggestion: Sex System

    lol not sure if trolling or just retarded, but it made me giggle.
  8. chaossound

    So I found a Huey!

    what command interface is open that dayz doesnt use?
  9. chaossound

    So I found a Huey!

    you mean by server hopping. Also as far as NVGs go you can get them from heli crashes fairly easily. you just need to kill pilot zombies around it untill they drop some. as far as landing choppers yes. if you know how to fly them. I can land quite easily. Practice in Arma.
  10. chaossound

    US 493 Admins cheat.

    yeah always save the vehicle before you even look at bodys.
  11. chaossound

    So I found a Huey!

    Probably a hacked chopper that got damaged.
  12. chaossound

    US 493 Admins cheat.

    This is common they do it to reset the location of the bus back to where it was the last time they saved it. A little trick to avoid this. Next time you take a vehicle off someone after killing them save it right away incase it's an admin.
  13. chaossound

    *Things I think this game needs

    1 no 2 G17 and M4A3 3 no 4 no 5 no 6 yes inventory is abit hard to navigate at times.
  14. chaossound

    Damn you, Brazilian Servers!

    an ignorant forum mod really? He admitted to DCing whilst being chased by a HACKED IN CHOPPER. As you know choppers last I checked WERE NOT LEGITLY IN GAME. But god forbid a staff member knows the state of the game. You should lose your position.
  15. chaossound

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    1700 kills rofl yeah sure you do.
  16. chaossound


    You know what all of a sudden I don't want to make a camp on the island anymore because the boat could poof....
  17. Good luck, not part of a group I play with a small group of friends every so often so I know what it feels like.
  18. chaossound

    I hope you compensate for your small duck..

    Most of the people who do that are practising with their snipers to get better so that when it comes to a firefight they won't be outgunned. They figure whats the harm in killing someone who has nothing. I know i've done it a few times.
  19. I decided I would raid the NW airfield in hopes of finding a camo SVD to complete my setup, hit the north barracks just ammo decided to hit the firehouse while I was there make my way towards it aggro two zombies drop them with my 1911, aggored another on the way there I was almost inside so I ran inside and then crouch walked and lose the zed. Turned around looked seen nothing heard flies figured it was just the mass grave behind the building. so I go towards the stairs to check out the tower and I hear the sound of someone eating and drinking like crazy. I feel abit of poo come out my rear I turn around see nothing I look up and I see a player backpack stickign through the ground with a gun...someone was dead up there...I slowly creep up the stairs backwords my M4A3 ready to fire at the first sight.I see him he's still in his backpack. I fire once he starts shooting with his 1014 I shoot two more times he drops I go upstairs and unleash 3 more rounds into him to be sure...he isnt moving now but he could move later....Nothing all clear....I get downstairs and watch all the doors incase he has friends I wait...5 minutes goes by...nothing...so I go back upstairs and loot both of the dead survivors the one he killed and him he has a bear trap...abit of food and a canteen I take what I need from the both of them along with some more 1911 ammo and I book it out of there... Sorry I had to kill you but...I didnt have a choice...But for the record....you took 5 shots at me with the 1014....at close range....you should of killed me...but you didnt even touch me...
  20. chaossound

    Sorry to the guy I killed at NW today.

    Yeah I probably should of seperated it abit more....I'll do that now. He deserved it, he killed someone else and was in the process of chowing down on the guys beans.
  21. Kind of bored being a lone wolf all the time, yes I know the dangers of trusting people on here but if I do get double crossed i'll be sure to start a list of unreliable people. Kind of surprised the forum doesnt have one started already. Anyway I only have a few simple requirements. Must have played the game for atleast a week Must be 18 or older. Use ventrilo
  22. chaossound

    Looking for a partner or two.

    All good i'll be around. Right now im just trying to work on getting a Unreliable/trator thread going with steam profiles of people who've stabbed others in the back.
  23. Did you group up with someone on the forums only to get shot in the back? Put there name up here so that they can never do it again. Proof is appriciated but not 100% required. It will be up to them to clear their name.