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brentp (DayZ)

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About brentp (DayZ)

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  1. brentp (DayZ)

    Lost In Taviana - Who Is Mr Smith ? LOL

    LOL Thanks come again
  2. brentp (DayZ)

    15 FPS on dayz, 50 fps on arma 2?

    If You can't remember details why are you posting lol
  3. brentp (DayZ)

    Lost In Taviana - Who Is Mr Smith ? LOL

    LOL Thanks for the support people can say what they like it doesn't bother me
  4. brentp (DayZ)

    Lost In Taviana - Who Is Mr Smith ? LOL

    Thanks for the feed back McCullins, I actually trimmed all the fat in this video I have plenty of others videos that are 20 mins or longer on my page. I also like to put up short clips of kills most people dont wanna watch 20 - 30 mins vids. I havent played or recorded in a while and had a blast last night playing with my buds so I wanted to put something up :) we thought it was funny but thanks for the comment. Oh just so you know I've been making vids for a bit and have had some success so I'm not a complete noob LOL
  5. we are just trying to find our way through Taviana when I spot Mr Smith creeping up on my friends. Watch and see what happens
  6. brentp (DayZ)

    Never Give Or Take Rides From Strangers LOL

    LOL rules to live by
  7. I was walking through the forest when I find a car with a guy just sitting in it. I hop in the car and just as I do so do two others making it four in total, the driver drives off and the weirdness begins.
  8. In this episode we roll intoTaviana and right away the action begins. we find humvees and cruise the streets looking for trouble and we find it
  9. brentp (DayZ)

    No More Flying For Me LOL

    I think this might be my last attempt at flying lol
  10. brentp (DayZ)

    Helicopter Plus Three Back Flips Equals Disaster ?

    LOL awesome dude thanks for the video
  11. brentp (DayZ)

    Helicopter Plus Three Back Flips Equals Disaster ?

    Not really I knew he was gonna mess it up soon as he thought it up lol.
  12. brentp (DayZ)

    Helicopter Plus Three Back Flips Equals Disaster ?

    LOL ya that would have been great, I swear he was drinking:)
  13. brentp (DayZ)

    Kidnapped Or Was She In On It ?

    I really had no idea till the end it was my buddy LOL
  14. brentp (DayZ)

    Kidnapped Or Was She In On It ?

    Thanks a lot :) had fun making it