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Everything posted by MagicalSkyWorm

  1. Was wondering if anyone wanted to team up and run around. Maybe other noobies as well? I just got it running today, I've had it for a week and it seems it has fixed itself lol
  2. MagicalSkyWorm

    Can I run Day Z?

    Dude the "requirments" don't mean a fucking thing. If you have the basic requirements on most games, you'll run at unplayable FPS. You want at least optimal requirements, or MUCH MUCH higher then required at least. Basic requirements are a fucking joke.
  3. MagicalSkyWorm

    Sup guys, First time playing Day Z, need a squad.

    Also, that steam user name doesn't exist. Spelling?
  4. MagicalSkyWorm

    Sup guys, First time playing Day Z, need a squad.

    Aight I'll shoot you a message. I'll be playing for a while now. I'm online, just ran through some random city I spawned in, avoided like 300 zombies, and the only thing of loot I found was a fucking tire lol This game needs more open doors and less buildings as scenery.
  5. MagicalSkyWorm

    Basic Day Z Controls

    The games actually pretty cool, but the voice acting, oh jesus christ the voice acting, It's fucking horrbile. I love the game but god damn, the voice acting almost makes it unbearably corny, It sounds like 5 dudes in their garage with a mic just overlayed them talking over a game. It's hilariously bad.
  6. MagicalSkyWorm

    Stuck at loading.

    Please die in a fire and take all of your offspring with you.
  7. So I've tried the six updater, I've tried manually installing everything. I've followed like 412 guides and I still can't play a single match of Day Z. Could someone please walk me through how to fix this?
  8. MagicalSkyWorm - stuck on "wait for host"

    Where do I put those files? I'm not that good at modding etc.
  9. Okay so 98.9% of all tutorials online are completely retarded and look like they were written by a horde of kids with autism who have no hands and are useing their faces to compose an online tutorial. I managed to find one that made some sense. Installed the steam version, it works because when I open it I can see the @dayz in the top right hand corner and I can view the servers in the server browser, Only down side is EVERY fucking server is the wrong version. I'm running 1.6 whatever the hell that is and apparently you need 1.6829037429378428930r284-023842308.1123123 or whatever the latest version is. Before I found out my version was wrong I'd be stuck at the loading screen for fucking ever, at first it was the building character screen, and now it's permanantly stuck at the loading screen and now I can't even acess the fucking game because of some version error. I've read 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tutorials and they all are just dumb as hell. "Here's 3 billion links to a thousand other sites that make absolutely no sense, download all of this so that when you visit satans lair and obtain the staff of zorgon you'll be able to play Day Z! :D" Shits retarded. So could someone give me one link, or a simple explanation of how to fix this horrendous bull shit? Because at this point I'm seriously wishing I hadn't bought this nonsense. Please help.
  10. MagicalSkyWorm

    ArmaX problems thread

    I can't even get past loading and or character generating.
  11. MagicalSkyWorm

    Server side stuck at loading.

    I'm about ready to stab someone in the face, I just spent 30 bucks on steam for no reason.
  12. MagicalSkyWorm

    Clear something up about Six Launcher

    The six launcher makes no sense what so ever, I followed all 9 hundred trillion of the tutorials, patched it, bought both the games on steam and when i ran it and got into a server I just sat there behind a loading screen and a character generating screen for EVER. It's useless.
  13. MagicalSkyWorm

    Stuck at loading.

    Everyone is having this problem, Fuck this game dude. I can't believe I spent 30 bucks on this. I've read a billion tutorials on this bull shit and I still can't get into a fucking server.