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About FriendlyBrian

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. FriendlyBrian

    Don't blame the bandits, blame the victims.

    People just need to start understanding that perma-death coupled with 1-hit kills make for some very paranoid players. Even a possible friendly will be really anxious and still pull the trigger if you point your gun in his direction.. even when he wasn't planning to kill you. Myself for example. If I get the drop on someone who's armed I won't reveal my position but I tell them through direct that I have them sighted and ask if they're friendly. 9/10 people so far decided to either start spinning circles trying to find me or sprint away in a random direction, forcing me to shoot them for my own safety. If they would have had responded I would've let them go.
  2. FriendlyBrian

    DayZ Stories

    Let me tell you a story about how two survivors named Brian and Daniel met eachother and later met their ends together. My story starts out with me entering Elektrozavodsk from the north-east. Armed only with a hatchet, a hunting knife and an m1911 with 4 bullets left which I had picked up from a dead survivor I found laying in the field earlier. My plan was to grab some medical supplies from the hospital, find a box of matches and a water canteen and head north where it was safer. Armed with my hatchet to quietly dispatch of zombies on the way I go through a few houses on my way to the hospital and manage to find an empty water bottle. From there I went a straight line towards the hospital where I found everything I needed to keep myself up and running for a long while. Continuing my search for matches I planned to enter a house near the hospital when suddenly I spot a fellow survivor through a window. He was looking in my direction and probably saw me as well because he immediately dove down for cover. Seeing as I spotted a revolver in his hand I pulled out my M1911 to defend myself. First we sat there not knowing what to do, then he asked me if I was friendly. I told him I was and entered the building. Still not trusting of eachother we spoke from across different rooms. I asked him what he was doing here and 'Daniel' told me he got attacked by a group of zombies earlier and had lost a lot of blood. I offered to give him a blood transfusion with one of the blood packs I had found at the hospital earlier. Daniel took the chance and entered the room I was in. As a token of trust I put away my gun and grabbed my hatchet. This however scared my fellow survivor and he ran back into the other room. After telling him I was just putting my gun away he comes out hiding again and I give him the blood transfusion. I asked him if he had a box of matches and he said he had found some in the very same house we were in. He tried to give them to me by placing them on the ground. But apparently the wooden floor in this abandoned house had rotten away because as soon as he put the box of matches down it sank into the floor, never to be found again. Luckily my new friend was so thankful for the blood pack that he offered me his own matches. I asked him what his next destination was and he said he didn't know. I told him it's supposed to be safer up north and that we should move into the hills. He thought that was a good plan and followed me out of the city. We were sneaking at first, but as soon as we reached the town edge we made a full sprint for the hills. Behind the first hill we spotted what seemed like a tent in between some bushes. We hid in the high grass and observed it for a while. Not seeing any movement for a while we decided to crawl our way there. Inside we find a Winchester and a load of ammo for the M1911. Daniel took the Winchester and I stocked up on ammo. We went further up the hills and found a cow. Being quite fond of steak I decided to chop it with my hatchet. We took the meat and set up a camp at the top of a hill. Cooking some meat over a fire we were talking about where we should head next. Daniel said he didn't know so after resting for a while we just walked off into a random direction. Coming down the hill we spotted a fire station (turned out later that this station is actually on the northern side of Elektro, yay for orientation). We decided to check it for loot. We got a bit careless and sprinted down the hill towards the fire station. Inside we found an AKM and a remington. I took the shotgun and Daniel took the AKM. Obviously we were overjoyed but that's when everything turned to shit. We heard flies buzzing around and thought it was a good idea to check the firestation roof if there was a dead survivor with possible loot there. Daniel armed with his new AKM got a bit overconfident and instead of sneaking he simply ran out of the fire station full force towards the ladder that heads up the roof. A couple of zombies outside spot him and chase him towards the ladder. I follow him, shoot down two zombies and climb my way up to the roof. Daniel is standng there and says there is no body here and that he's going to check the roof of the warehouse that's standing across from the fire station. In a rush he climbs down the ladder and climbs up the warehouse ladder. Apparently my shotgun had alerted some zeds earlier because 5 or 6 of them chased him and were waiting for him at the bottom of the ladder. Now we're stuck. I'm standing on the roof of the fire station and Daniel's is standing on the roof of the warehouse and there's a lot of angry zombies in between us. I warn Daniel about the zombies waiting for him and say he should wait. He tells me my ladder is safe so I decide to check it for myself so that maybe I can climb down and clear Daniel's ladder for him. When I looked back up to check how Daniel was doing he was gone. There was just an empty warehouse roof. I ran over to the edge of my roof and just saw a glimpse of a group of zombies running around towards the back of the warehouse. I don't know what had happened to my friend but my first reaction was to try and shoot the zombies as they sprinted around the warehouse. I missed and climbed off the roof as fast as possible to help Daniel. I figured he must've fallen off the roof on the other side of the warehouse or maybe climbed down the ladder and sprinted around the warehouse trying to get away from them. I start running towards the back of the warehouse when suddenly I got hit by a zombie. That's when I noticed there was a whole group of them chasing me. I fired my shotgun at the one that hit me and it goes down. I open fire on the rest of them and drop a total of 7 zombies, but not without getting hit a few times myself. I find a chance to reload and as I'm doing this I get the message that Daniel has died. Shit. Next thing I know I see one of those zombies that walk like a chimpansee sprinting around the corner of the warehouse. I figured that if my assumption was correct and Daniel had fallen off the other side of the warehouse then this was the zombie that had finished him off. I aimed my shotgun for it's face and fired. I missed. The thing took one swing at me and knocked me unconscious, then it started feasting on me as I laid there helpless. I died. I still don't know what happened to my friend Daniel or how he met his end.