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Everything posted by xxstalker24xx

  1. I love Robbaz DayZ videos as they def have more of the DayZ feel rather than Yogs overly geeky/baby feel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjKGgy8STrI&feature=plcp
  2. xxstalker24xx

    removing bandit skin transition is a fail

    bandit skins being removed has also helped to make the servers be a bit more stable.
  3. xxstalker24xx

    THE Firewood thread

    This is a prototype mod so things aren't going to be perfect or make 100% sense, as we all know. Making a fire from any wood around isn't as easy as people make out, maybe so with a lighter and other modern things, but just matches and wood/branches in a forest is hard if you lack the knowledge and experience. Anyway as Oilman has said a system for getting wood from forests is being worked on.
  4. xxstalker24xx

    What was your dumbest death?

    Went prone at the top of the power station tower in elektro as two guys came sneaking into the power station, i ended up getting pushed off the tower and splatted in front of them bellow. They didn't help but prob broke out laughing ofc :(
  5. xxstalker24xx

    Elecktro Cafe - Story

    I was playing the other night on a EU server and the following happens. It was just getting dark, almost dusk when you cant see too far. I had just been through a grocery store in Elecktro and managed to get some good equipment, food and weapons. So i was pretty happy about my situation. I make my next move, to a cafe on the other side of the road from the store. I got into the cafe cleared the front room and decided to go to the dining room, once in the room it light up bright red. The flare was outside on the street and was clearly chucked by somebody very close, i started to panic, do they know i am here, are they bandits, how many are there ? I kept low and still, moving in the light would give me away, at that point a head shot past the window, another, then another and some with bandit skins. That was when the adrenalin really started to kick in, i was clearly cornered and with no cover if they spotted me. I made my move for the dining room door and up the stairs, looking out windows while walking through the top floor hall way. I spotted one guy on the roof of the building opposite. I kept moving trying not to be spotted through one of the windows. I finally made it to the last room on the top floor and found some tins of beans and bandages. I paused my scourging to hear foot steps of somebody running about, very close! The sound was coming from below, and it wasn't one person it was a couple. Decisions started racing through my head, should i make a break for it, should i stay put, should i hide behind the closet as the room is quite dark? I decided to take my chances and hide next to the closet, i could hear the footsteps ecstatically sprinting around without fear of what could be around. That set alarm bells of in my head saying they must mean business. The footsteps stopped, sitting nervously not to be spotted i turned left very slightly to see a bandit going through the cans and other junk left on the floor in the room! With my heart in my mouth and staring at the back of my potential murderer, i hesitate not knowing if i should be the git and shoot or hope he goes away. The bandit runs of out of the room, at which point i start breathing again. but, he hadn't, he walked back in sight and this time he and the barrel of a gun looked directly down on me!, making the bad choice i hesitate to shoot. Bam! i fall to the ground and the hourglass pops up, Bam! Your Died. I WILL find you bandit, take your head and shove it up your ass, then feed you to the zombies! PS i love this mod! :)
  6. xxstalker24xx

    Elecktro Cafe - Story

    lol Sachaztan, i can be happy you got one back @Riemer yea i prob did make him panic but i took that chance (the wrong one), also he prob thought i may be afk.
  7. xxstalker24xx

    IF this was an actual game...

    Game purchase or Kickstarter Community developed & studio developed (Project CARS style)
  8. xxstalker24xx

    Elite Skins (Survivors and Bandits)

    The current bandit skin swapping is using a lot of recourses and causing strain on the servers already, adding more wouldn't be the best, well at least for now.
  9. xxstalker24xx

    DayZ Update 1.5.7

    Happy Birthday! :) thanks for the update, liking the increase in zombies
  10. xxstalker24xx

    Something for the woods

    I don't think chimps or gorillas really fits in with the Czech animal life. These do however: wolfs, bears, wild cats (leopards, lynx, tigers), wild boar oh also badgers...evil badgers!