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Everything posted by Aciied

  1. I don't understand, what does global ban have to do with stealing CD keys?
  2. Yeah I'll probably be "OH MY GOD I LOST ALL MY VIRTUEL ITEMS IN AN ALPHA TEST.." Wait really? Sad.
  3. Aciied

    looking for one more player

    Might be interrested :)
  4. APLHA TESTER.. Learn what the fucking word means.
  5. Why did this terrible WoW community come? Leave the game please. Really dumb post, game is nowhere only about loot. Loot is a means to what ever you wan't to do in this game.
  6. Aciied

    House of Slaughter

    Tried to save this guy I accidently hit while shooting at zombies. I can confirm that Lee Einfield is a very loud gun! And that DayZ still is full of bugs =( I refuse logging out ot get rid of zombies, so didn't survive this, as the stairs was blocked by ~50 or more zombies :( EDIT: This was just a testupload, recording with Fraps and using handbrake to compress the file, to check if the quality was okay, etc.
  7. Aciied

    House of Slaughter

    Was out of ammo on my makarov, and really wanted to save this guy... Had hoped some other people would have attracted some of the zombies in elektro. Apparantly not :(
  8. Hello.. Every1 just got globally killed on server DE 585, is there any way to catch the hacker and rollback hive updates comming from that server?
  9. Aciied

    Global kill on DE 585

    Thats just fucking ridicoulus.. Bump.
  10. Aciied

    Cannot connect to my server

    I got this too.. Any solution?
  11. Aciied

    Hunting help

    Hi guys. So I've managed to get all the tools needed for hunting, and I'm quite low on blood so would like some meat soon ^_^. Only question is, where do I find animals? I've been running all over the map, and only found like one cow, just outside elektro, which ended in me being shot at by a sniper after i killed the cow, so I had to flee :/. Where do you guys hunt? Where do you often find animals? Thanks in advance.
  12. Aciied

    Hunting help

    Running around for hours now and only found a single sheep :/.. Is it possible to spot them from afar or do you have to run pretty close to them before they spawn?
  13. Aciied

    Searching a player's name and finding their server?

    How does the DayZ Commander friend thing work? I add my friends name, but it just shows the name and nothing else after I've added it.
  14. Just report him for spamming? I've sure done that.
  15. Hi guys. I'm running a double barreled shotgun, and I've noticed that I can load both slugs and pellets into it. Is there any difference? Say something like pellets travels further than slugs or something? Because i honestly have no idea. Thanks for answering :)
  16. Okay guys, that sums it up :).. Thanks a lot. I was wondering why i could oneshot a zombie from quite far away with my shotgun, I guess it was because it was loaded with slugs.
  17. Where do i download the launcher? Can't find any download link in the link you provided :S