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Izii Helfari

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About Izii Helfari

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    Stalking you, making certain nothing bites.

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  • Bio
    I'm a fan of survivalist games. STALKER, Fallen Earth, and Fallout.. alas.. Fallout is now Bethesda's plaything. Fallen Earth is all but shut down, and STALKER? Well.. I like to rename my shortcut for DayZ "STALKER 2.0"
  1. Definitely not being dramatic. Serious face all the way, eh?
  2. I'll bite. Normally because I get bored of joining my friends who form a group of 5-10 roving mass-murderers. Aside from having the occassional 'large scale' gunfight on DayZ SA, I do bore of sitting around waiting for some poor schmuck to walk into the Airfield or Military Base. Only to get touched off by our sniper. So! Biographies you say? Name: Isabelle "Izii" Gibbson Prior to the outbreak, Isabelle was part of a military response team tasked with evacuating non-infected. Her convoy having been overrun, she was left behind in the lovely and scenic areas of Chernarus, left to fend for herself. She almost always carries a modest supply of medical equipment. Willing to help those who are obvious raving lunatics. Her goal is to simply survive until some solution arises for the madness that is Day Z. Fin. So, not a masterpiece. Though I see your teamspeak is somewhat empty at these current hours. I'll be taking the poise of protecting myself from those who have 'guns raised'. Or those who get within fifty meters with a melee weapon equipped.. pesky ax-murderers, you know? As much as I hope this idea flourishes, I can only surmise it'll be a rough and rocky start to get this ship out to sea. Let us hope we don't breach the hull as we strive to marshal her bulk through the tide of raging, semi-psychotic tormentors who prefer to keep Day Z as a 'pure' bloodsport. Bleh..
  3. Izii Helfari

    Hero skins have bullet proof vests?!

    You know, I've been playing with the 'Hero Skin' for two days now, I regularly hook up with the regular players on my server to help them out. I'm more of a Co-Op player, less of a PvPer, certainly this doesn't mean I won't get a window to see through my chest when the 20+ other regular players wearing ghillie suit shoot my ass with a AS50. As for the run faster thing? Sure, fine, lets just have the people cry about how this is apparently a way to punish everyone else. I guess people forget about the fact, when dealing with snipers: I've been killed by snipers twice already with my handy-dandy 'Hero Skin', and I literally get told - because asshats with .50 caliber rifles like to brag - the 'Hero Skin' is shit because anyone who shoots first and asks questions never will just blow away the nice guy. So fine, sure, keep crying you bandits, I just fail to see how all of this debate as to how this makes the Hero Skin more powerful. If anything, it's been getting my ass shot more often.
  4. Izii Helfari

    Introduce yourselves

    Izii Helfari here, been crawling through DayZ for a while now. Can't say I've met many strangers, they keep trying to shoot at me. Though I figure it can't hurt to let a few folk know I'm not here to kill players. Much prefer to believe that there's a few worth saving out there. In game name is Izii Helfari, usually got a [CPWNY] tag on my name. Be seeing you all out there.