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Everything posted by SiSi

  1. "your are dead" on every server. regular and hardcore :( respawn doesnt work. Help!? :3
  2. SiSi

    I'm now killing on sight.

    fight fire with fire... always works since begining of time. Also start cheating cause other do it as well and all get better. *THUMPUP*
  3. seems to be a bigger issue with that bodies :(
  4. SiSi


  5. Just WAIT! ;) aaaaand WAIT should also help here ;) P.S. at least till 8pm CET
  6. https://twitter.com/rocket2guns try to read the last post ;)
  7. ah yeah u right thank u thaught i have to look for it in the character select menu
  8. and maybe not the best timeplan to maintain the experimental servers while the first patch after 2 weeks will be released^^
  9. shouldnt it be in right now!?
  10. arent the experimental servers the de 1-1 to de 1-5 anyway!?
  11. SiSi

    Wild Animals/Aggresive Animals

    yeah we shouldnt feel safe in the forest fare away from the zombies. by night it would be great to run through a forest and boom stand in front of an wolf with lightning eyes and a scary sound. <3
  12. SiSi

    Ultralight Aircraft

    like the idea... it should be craftable only with a hack of recources and tools needed. would love it! <3
  13. tonns of beans! thank u man, great work!
  14. SiSi

    Should they bring back General chat?

    no offence just a fact... maybe u should read exactly what kind a game dayz is and is going to be. i think nobody is enjoing the loneliness but your global barbie wonderland chatting entertainment is 1000000000000000 mile away from the concept dayz.
  15. SiSi

    Should they bring back General chat?

    just... no. no..no... nononononono NO! :) for chatting and stuff u should not play dayz. this is zombi apocalyps survival not pricess barbie wonderland^^
  16. SiSi

    Update frequency?

    there was a statement from rocket where he's talking about the update situation. i'm looking for it atm in the mean time u have to trust in what i'm remember. patches will come daily, weekly, or similar. as soon as we get new progress. (if they are working... btw atm is christmas ;) )
  17. Server logs show the following error and the BAF OFFROAD do not spawn on my server 11:50:32 Cannot create entity with abstract type BAF_Offroad_W (scope = private?) 11:50:32 Cannot create non-ai vehicle BAF_Offroad_W, player told me there is no baf offroad on the server for about 2 weeks, so i checked the vehicles and id's. there is a vehicle id safed/open for it but no spawn. can i do something to fix it or is it a hive issue whatever bug?
  18. its a problem with the hive connection. have it on my server every restart. server needs everytime 2 restarts until he gets the full information especially the cars and tents from hive. so check the place where u leave it after the next serverrestart and im sure it will be there. think it is because there is no logout on the hive db. so every restart server send an new request and hive said ok u're already connected and kick him first so there is the loadingproblem on the first restart. secound its all normal and server will run how it should. solution could be a double restart everytime or wait the time between shutdown and startup until hive has an timeout from your server and kicked him. (dont know how long that is).
  19. SiSi

    BAF Offroad Errors

    push same error in logs no BAF offroad on the server but an vehicle id is safed/open for it can i do something to fix it or is it a hive ir whatever bug?
  20. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/69320-stuck-at-loading-screen/page__hl__%20signature%20%20timeout__st__40
  21. SiSi

    Signature Check Timed Out

    SOLVED! Its a serverside problem with the -maxmem 2048 command. Serveradmins: remove it and all will be fine! alter a week of trying everything. i solved it (for me and my server)! seems that some people have problems with the bigger package size. remove the -maxmem 2048 command from server start parameters and set it in the arma2.cfg back to 1400 and your server will be run fine. way less battleye client not responding kicks and the signature check timed out is completly gone. if u are not the admin of the server try to contact him. link him this threat. if they have questions contact me. have fun with Dayz again!
  22. SOLVED! Its a serverside problem with the -maxmem 2048 command. Serveradmins: remove it and all will be fine! alter a week of trying everything. i solved it (for me and my server)! seems that some people have problems with the bigger package size. remove the -maxmem 2048 command from server start parameters and set it in the arma2.cfg back to 1400 and your server will be run fine. way less battleye client not responding kicks and the signature check timed out is completly gone. if u are not the admin of the server try to contact him. link him this threat. if they have questions contact me. have fun with Dayz again!
  23. SiSi

    Signature check timed out.

    SOLVED! Its a serverside problem with the -maxmem 2048 command. Serveradmins: remove it and all will be fine! alter a week of trying everything. i solved it (for me and my server)! seems that some people have problems with the bigger package size. remove the -maxmem 2048 command from server start parameters and set it in the arma2.cfg back to 1400 and your server will be run fine. way less battleye client not responding kicks and the signature check timed out is completly gone. if u are not the admin of the server try to contact him. link him this threat. if they have questions contact me. have fun with Dayz again!
  24. SiSi

    Stuck at loading screen

    SOLVED! Its a serverside problem with the -maxmem 2048 command. Serveradmins: remove it and all will be fine! alter a week of trying everything. i solved it (for me and my server)! seems that some people have problems with the bigger package size. remove the -maxmem 2048 command from server start parameters and set it in the arma2.cfg back to 1400 and your server will be run fine. way less battleye client not responding kicks and the signature check timed out is completly gone. if u are not the admin of the server try to contact him. link him this threat. if they have questions contact me. have fun with Dayz again!