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Avis Nocturnae

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Everything posted by Avis Nocturnae

  1. Avis Nocturnae

    Reactions To DayZ Trailer

  2. I am personally on track with the fact that I will wait for things to stabilize a bit, and will come back to play the game later, but the answer is your entitled opinion.
  3. Avis Nocturnae

    Poll: Your status in Dayz

    Yeah, probably could have, but I was just trying to think of the ones that most people would come up with, cant have 20 answers haha. And in a sense, I agree with you, I burned out a bit quickly after playing so much, BUT I think it is reasonable to say that some new and/or fixed materiel could have kept me in for a while longer.
  4. Avis Nocturnae

    Perfect stealth

    You sir, deserve a medal.
  5. Avis Nocturnae

    AS50 or M24

    The question is: who do you want to kill, zombies or people?
  6. Avis Nocturnae

    The Gordon Freeman Challenge

    Creative, I like it.
  7. Avis Nocturnae

    u guis r suk at deyzee

    This is the most productive thread I've seen in a while.
  8. Avis Nocturnae

    Battleye Free server

    Lock this. Not productive by any stretch of the imagination.
  9. Avis Nocturnae


    -Plays music- It's the end of the world as we know it
  10. Avis Nocturnae


    Just use Dayz Commander. 10x better than six launcher.
  11. Avis Nocturnae

    We should wear the zombies' clothing

    I call the beret.
  12. Avis Nocturnae

    US Servers down?

    Have been noticing everything going a bit apeshit since the last update... It's a bit unfortunate.
  13. Avis Nocturnae

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    A someone with multiple ping issues, computer issues, etc., as well as trying to find a server that agrees to my friend's computer also may present problems once I update...
  14. Avis Nocturnae


  15. Sounds like a good opportunity! Count me in.
  16. Looks like someone tried to land on the roof and the rotor hit the tower.
  17. Avis Nocturnae

    Cant see any loot.

    I have found a few servers that have this happening, I seem to be able to just go to another server and be fine.
  18. Avis Nocturnae

    I have a confession to make :(

    Great to see that you admit to things like this. Move on a continue to have fun! There is always another try!
  19. Avis Nocturnae

    DayZ Stories

    Okay so I enter the church in Cherno yesterday, and begin to loot it. I had just spawned so there is quite a bit to loot. I find a makarov with a bit of ammo, but otherwise nothing. Shortly after that, all of the loot in the church disappears. I was about to go and report it to the bug forums, but decided to march on to the pub. I check around the doors, leaning in 3rd person to be sure that no one is there, then I begin to walk away from the church. Literally, 10 feet away from the church, I am shot down by a fully-automatic gun and the person keeps firing and firing and firing in to my now stiff corpse. By this point, I believe I had around -26000 blood. Some people can just be sick fucks some times. Oh well, he got a Makarov, a coke, and a watch.
  20. Thank you for agreeing with me. Maybe if you actually were aware of what the devs are trying to go for...
  21. Avis Nocturnae

    Weight v. Movement Speed

    I was thinking about players that are carrying full coyote packs with exteremly heavy snipers that can in theory run just as fast as a newly-spawned player. I was thinking that each item could have a weight value and an equation similar to this one could be created: Actual movement speed = Intended movement speed x (1 - percentage of maximum weight) So say you want to move at 3 MPH and you have 25% of the maximum weight that could be carried then you would have this equation: 3x(1-.25) or 3x(.75) or 2.25 MPH and possibly make it so that there is a limit to the slowness that you have and possibly make it so there is an exponential curve to the weight value so that a small amount of weight has a small impact on the speed and a large amount of weight has a large impact on movement speed with a generous middle zone. And tell me if I have majorly messed up the equation and how to fix it and I will edit it as needed. Just a general idea to try to add some realism to the game
  22. Avis Nocturnae

    Weight v. Movement Speed

    Yea, that is why I was suggesting an exponential curve of sorts
  23. Avis Nocturnae

    Abandonded cars

    +1 for awesomeness