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Everything posted by kleutscher

  1. i got loads of requests if i could make a tutorial/behind the scenes how to make your own cinematics in Arma2/DayZ editor. so i made one:) Update: Animations tutorial:
  2. kleutscher

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk - Trailer

    Dayz 2017 Namalsk will be released today on OPENDAYZ.NET and later this week on DAYZ COMMANDER! http://opendayz.net/forums/dayz-Namalsk-2017/ Played the test version and had quite a lot of fun with it.
  3. kleutscher

    DayZ 2017 Namalsk - Trailer

    Thanks! normally i aint the hardcore player too. but enjoyed the namalsk version a lot. the more hardcore gave the survival aspect more back and the small map made it more fun to play. more teamplay more action. feels way different then dayz 2017 on chernarus. felt like a mix of wasteland + dayz
  4. kleutscher

    Questions of how to make dayz cinematics

    For the timelapse like i did in that frankie episode is used this trigger setup. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=9537 only problem is that the timelapse in arma2 editor isnt smooth ( difficult to explain, but the speed up goes really shocky like your watching a 1 fps gameplay). so doing a timelapse and moving around is really difficult. what i did is place the camera static somewhere. then speed up the time with the script. film 5 minutes for example and then speed up in adobe premiere 4000%. something like that to make it look smooth.
  5. superb but that you already knew:) thanks for dropping the tractor on me!
  6. Hey Guys! This is the link for the new version before it goes on PlayWithSix and DayZ Commander. If you'd like to jump on the test server. Download the latest build here: http://opendayz.net/downloads/DayZ2017/@DayZ2017.rar Join this server: Port: 2302 *Note ~ This is the final testing stage so some errors may still be present and you may be asked to leave to make space for development personel. Thank You. To install this mod, please unzip the archive into your Arma 2 OA folder. Then you have two options: a) Run game and under Expansions menu enable folder @DayZ2017, click OK and restart game. B) or just run game with -mod=@DayZ2017 parameter. c) Use a game launcher such as dayzcommander.com or play.withsix.com - expected to be on over the next 24 hours Release Log New Features + Sleep and Weight System + Fatigue System + New Vehicles (Armoured Tractors) + New Death Screen + New Survivor Spawns + Zombies skinned with Survivor skins + M16 and M4 - with flashlights + Single Bullet Spawns + Mosin 38 + Tokarev Pistol + Base Building (Server side) + Gore + Revised Loot Table (More Rare Loot) + New Starter Gear (Flint Fire Starters) + Crafting (Basic Wooden Bolts currently) - Medical Boxes - Blood Bags - Matchboxes - Lee Enfield - 45. Revolver - Tank - Bugs/ Errors - Error Messages on startup (an error message will only appear if someone has spawned a crate or items that are illegal) Known Issues * Gyrocopters have no damage graphics and lack repair options. If you treat them harsh enough they will die, but look normal still. They will however respawn on server restart when destroyed. They can also be saved and refueled ok. * To exit the tank, you each need to go via the drivers seat otherwise sometimes you might get injured. * Sometimes the Bandit model complains about no value for AK_74_M/Burst value. Just ignore it and click ok. * As with standard DayZ the female bandit defaults to the male model. We will have this fixed with a unique model next build.
  7. DayZ SA and Dayzmod are completely different. I know that some people from the Arma community dont like changes and dont wanna see a dayz version on Arma, becouse of the kiddies invading arma and making it more commercial. I'm always for changes just accept those and find a way to get rid of kiddies on the servers. Example: whitelist password protected server with an clan, that you only can join if you get accepted by the clan. Dont get me wrong im an player since release of OFP, Arma1 etc etc, but sometimes a game needs to get more commercial so they earn more money for future development. more money means better updates. Arma got more commercial but look at arma3 its still Arma and not an EA product. I´m sure bohemia keeps following the path they are on now. Back to Dayz. i would like to see dayz on Arma3. reason is. Like you see now there are more different versions of DayZ so people can choose a version they like to play. Dayz plus, dayz 2017, dayz epoch, dayz origins etc etc. Dayz SA is just one version. Let modders do their thing the more mods are released for arma3 the better it is for the game. The bigger the Arma community gets. I dont like all the mods, but if i dont like a mod i dont play it, but im happy that people worked on it in their free time so they could enjoy other people with the mod. and make the community bigger. Thats my thought on it.
  8. Episode 6 is done and released scroll 3 posts down to watch it. Edit 11 december 2012: Already finished 6 episodes of the survival of the fittest serie, Update the OP to make this thread a bit up to date :) Sotf episode 1 was my first cinematic i made with the arma2/dayz editor. Survival of the fittest Episode 1 , 2 and 3 Episode 4: Episode 5: Placed this episode, 3 Posts down, couldnt post more then 2 videos in one post. scroll a bit down if you want to see episode 5 :) Episode 6: Placed this episode, 3 Posts down, couldnt post more then 2 videos in one post. scroll a bit down if you want to see episode 6 :)
  9. kleutscher

    My Dayz Shortfilm. my vision on dayz

    yeah the plane and airfield are somewhat a problem. The only airfield on chernarus they really take off and land is NWA. place the plane on the far end of airfield and then make a waypoint to the other side of airfield, then some waypoint where he needs to fly to. Still then its a pain in the ass to get it right:P
  10. thanks guys! @lickaholic indeed the its always difficult to find a good start. when you get the basics then the rest is really easy. there are so many scripts and tutorials floating on the internet, but they are difficult to understand when you dont know the basics. Haha :) no skype calls till you finished ;-)
  11. kleutscher

    Harlem Shake (DayZ Edition)

    I wont stop you :)
  12. made an new tutorial about animations. updated opening post.
  13. True its not that i need dayz for my cinematics and a cinematic feature shouldnt damage the game. still i would like to see this feature in dayz. Just love zombie/infected stuff. i dont mind if we wouldnt see it in dayz Sa becouse we still will have Arma3 with full editor. and else the cryengine3 is a nice alternative. cinebox and a good pipeline with 3d programms. we'll see:)
  14. kleutscher

    Sleeping at tents

    not yet next release:) they are still working on the effects of tiredness. like hearing and seeing things that arent there for example. sleeping alone is not enough. there should be effects of being tired that will make you find a tent and sleep.
  15. That i understand for me its not ego tripping. In daily life i was a 3d/motion designer that lost his job becouse of the crisis. From origin im an Ofp/Arma player that stumbled on this mod. (got a weak for all kind of zombie stuff). I already knew the possibilities of the editor and had a lot of creativity left, becouse of that i made the Survival of the fittest episode 1. At that point it was just a creativity burst and people liked it and i had fun making it. Kept me busy. I never used my youtube and almost never used youtube for watching stuff and didnt know its full use. from that point i grew and grew. got requests for Intros and stuff. After a while it went from hobby and fun to work feeling. so i kinda stopped doing intro stuff and set my focus back on my own cinematics. For me its not about earning big bucks. for me its a way to give my creativity a place, ofcourse i make some small pocket money with my videos/hobby but why not. i really grew in to the possibilities of the arma2 editor and really like working with it. It would be a shame if dayz SA doesnt have this feature (my weakness for zombie stuff) but still Arma 3 is on its way. So for me its not ego boosting but a way to not sit still unemployed and do something with my creativity. The main drive is i love making videos. if i lose the fun making them i will stop! I understand if people dont like watching cinematics, but i make them for the people that like to see them.
  16. have no idea. the community want to port over dayz to arma3. Else we still have a great editor for different kind of theme videos. Really looking forward to Arma3 and ofcourse Dayz SA :)
  17. kleutscher

    Sleeping at tents

    the dayz 2017 where before origins
  18. True, but still:) really like to see a cinematic option. but there is a difference with gameplay footage and cinematic footage. youtubers with a gameplay channel wont find any problems for making videos. Channels like Fwisky or mine have no possibility to make the same kind of videos we make now. It shouldnt have the highest priority and Arma3 is on its way:)
  19. for download go here: http://opendayz.net/...ort-release.75/ for information about the mod read this article. The map isnt Celle but Chernarus: http://www.pcgamer.c...tary-more-hobo/ Update: dayz 2017 V1.1 is released and now available on DayZ Commander. New Features * Dead Players / Zeds can be gutted and cooked with detrimental effect on humanity and high chance of infection * Zombies Hordes Spawn in Forests * Zombies spawn ratios and sensitivty raised. * Gyrocopters added (land and water based) - water based can also be used on land. * New Female Survivor Model (can wear backpack) * New Bandit Model * New Hero Model * New Tent Model * Bus Interior Retextured * Added Retextured AN2 Civil * Changed Survivor2_DZ to Epic_Beard_Man. * Tank Armour Levels Lowered massively. * Loot rebalanced (matches more common). * Animal Spawn ratios brought back to default. Bug Fixes * Backpacks can now stow weapons * Tank LODS fixed * Male Survivor Rvmats Fixed (they now show blood on the models) * Various start up errors fixed. * Removed Marek_DZ (Medic could self heal) * Missing ice_apo_resistance\data\us_soldier_sabot_body_wound1.rvmat'' Known Issues * Gyrocopters have no damage graphics and lack repair options. If you treat them harsh enough they will die, but look normal still. They will however respawn on server restart when destroyed. They can also be saved and refueled ok. * To exit the tank, you each need to go via the drivers seat otherwise sometimes you might get injured. * Sometimes the Bandit model complains about no value for AK_74_M/Burst value. Just ignore it and click ok. * As with standard DayZ the female bandit defaults to the male model. We will have this fixed with a unique model next build.
  20. kleutscher

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    its a work in progress for weight and sleep system: Quick overview: The weight system: It works on the basis that if you carry a high amount of gear and push youself to hard such as running against an incline or a large distance then you will fall over and be open to attack. You will need to rest or shed weight to recover. The idea is that we thought it far to unrealistic that someone can run half way across the map carrying car wheels, engine parts and an assault rifle. It will not stop people from traveling long distances in sprint (which is where the War Z screwed up). The migration up north is a big part of the game which we don't want to break. If you plan your provisions sensibly then you can maintain a long sprint. Sleep: sleep is an essential need now as much as food and hydration. Sleep / awake ratios will persist in the database and so someone who denies themselves rest willl experience consequences. These we are still working on and brainstorming. Nothing game breaking, but expect some form of hallucination both audible and visual and perhaps shakes and heightened risk of infection / lowered resistance to the enviroment.
  21. kleutscher

    DayZ 2017 Mod Released

    sorry made this post only for release purpose. but ill use it now to give some updates on it:) dayz 2017 V1.1 is released and now available on DayZ Commander. New Features * Dead Players / Zeds can be gutted and cooked with detrimental effect on humanity and high chance of infection * Zombies Hordes Spawn in Forests * Zombies spawn ratios and sensitivty raised. * Gyrocopters added (land and water based) - water based can also be used on land. * New Female Survivor Model (can wear backpack) * New Bandit Model * New Hero Model * New Tent Model * Bus Interior Retextured * Added Retextured AN2 Civil * Changed Survivor2_DZ to Epic_Beard_Man. * Tank Armour Levels Lowered massively. * Loot rebalanced (matches more common). * Animal Spawn ratios brought back to default. Bug Fixes * Backpacks can now stow weapons * Tank LODS fixed * Male Survivor Rvmats Fixed (they now show blood on the models) * Various start up errors fixed. * Removed Marek_DZ (Medic could self heal) * Missing ice_apo_resistance\data\us_soldier_sabot_body_wound1.rvmat'' Known Issues * Gyrocopters have no damage graphics and lack repair options. If you treat them harsh enough they will die, but look normal still. They will however respawn on server restart when destroyed. They can also be saved and refueled ok. * To exit the tank, you each need to go via the drivers seat otherwise sometimes you might get injured. * Sometimes the Bandit model complains about no value for AK_74_M/Burst value. Just ignore it and click ok. * As with standard DayZ the female bandit defaults to the male model. We will have this fixed with a unique model next build.
  22. lol popular star pffffffff:P. just a normal human being. but have to dissapoint you with making something. getting less time to make videos. going to focus more on my own ideas/videos.