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Everything posted by chrithu

  1. Imo they are still hardly a threat. Equip your machete run back+left/right and turn mouse to keep crosshair on head and keep hitting them until they die. Still works like a charm. I think before tweaking anything in regards to animations the new pathfinding should be finished and the position updating should be improved so that you can tweak the zombie strength based on a well working base system. In addition to that the LoS checks and view ranges from the mod should also be brought back before tweaking zombie speed and strength. Being stealthy should be apart of gameplay also versus the Zeds.
  2. chrithu

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    How the fuck would the game die off from keeping the internal deadlines and timetables disclosed like it usually is done when games are made???? The way I observe things, if anything then all those games that involve the community and tell when to await what have proven just one thing: Consumers are VERY bad at understanding that such dates in software development and in particular in game development are very RARELY met and delays should be expected, because you cannot foresee bugs and even less foresee how long it takes to fix bugs. You can plan the order in which things are done, but trying to pinpoint the exact time each step takes is practically impossible.
  3. chrithu

    Plan for release of 0.45 to Stable

    Lesson to learn for any dev: STOP TO FUCKING PUBLISH YOUR TIMETABLES TO THE PLAYERS. 90% of them have no clue about how game developing works and will annoy you and the other 10% with endless complaints about how you missed deadline A and are already late on deadline B. Just play the good old "When it's done" on autorepeat and report on progress when it's been made. Heck if you have to keep telling people what's keeping you from publishing next patch. But for all that's good and just: FREAKING STOP giving dates, schedules, timetables, estimated timeframes, whatever to people that do not understand that delivering a working game is A LOT MORE IMPORTANT than delivering bullshit on time.
  4. I say hire the people that write the hacks to write the protection.
  5. chrithu

    Your first kill

    Hehe. I did accidentally kill my first victim yesterday. Was looting at north east airfield in one of the hangers. I went back to the entrance and had a look for any Zeds, since I had seen one on the runway when approaching. Then I turned to the left, when suddenly a dark figure ran around the corner. I had a pistol in hand and simply out of shock and thinking it was a zed running for me shot two times. I think I missed and realized it was a player when the figure went back around the corner, only to come back moments later with his M4 drawn and shooting for me. So he kinda forced me to end the business by drawing my own M4 and putting a load into him and the zombie that ran to him. What I feel most bad about is that a bug that prevented me from using bandages or rags had me disconnect. I usually do not do that.
  6. chrithu

    Old vs. New players in DayZ Standalone

    Played the mod. Had to wait until I have the money to spare, before buying into what is a VERY early access. Can't wait until the game reaches the feature status of the mod. But what improvements over the mod are in so far is quite nice. Hope my money helps the team to reach the full potential of the game.
  7. Ok so I am a bit lost here. Thanks to some guides I figured out how to craft a splint to "cure" a hurting leg. I also brought up my drink and food levels to "energyzed" and "hydrated". But my vision is still blurry after 1 hour. I also tried taking some injection stuff. Is there any guide that tells me how long my character takes to recover from injury and blood loss without the aid of others? Other questions are: Is my assumption correct that in order for "R" to work for reloading I need to find the according speedloader for my gun? Are there servers with active sidechannel and how can I dientify them in the server browser? Can backpacks, weapon attachments, holsters and shoes be repaired? If yes, how?
  8. Thanks. That's all the answers I needed.
  9. Because allthough they got new fixes and additions into experimental (which had them raise the version number) it isn't running stable enough by the dev's standarts yet? Thus they would not transfer the changes to stable branch? That is my guess at least.
  10. chrithu

    Any ideas on fixing "Ghost Walking"?

    As someone already said: The "Master Hive" isn't really much more than a SQL database and multiple position entries per player aren't very costly if you do it right. ALSO: I am talking EXCLUSIVELY about position. NOT gear and healthstate. You can acquire gear on the other server or die and it will carry over back to the "older" server. But if you log back within the time frame you will be at the position where you left it (exception for death is as much as an additional if then condition in the code). Being blocked from a server isn't a good solution in my view. It could affect legit gameplay situations (like going through all your gear stashes that are in same position but on different servers) so it's a no no.
  11. chrithu

    Any ideas on fixing "Ghost Walking"?

    Hmm maybe the solution to ghosting in combat is to save positions specific to certain servers, and only allow a newer position to overwrite an older if the old position is more than X hours old. So if you log out of Server A change your position on Server B and go back to Server A you get back into the game at the same position where you left Server A. But if you go back to Server B you log in at the newer position on B and so on. But if the required offtime has passed you log in at the newest position record found on all servers. This shouldn't affect normal server change situations (crashes, friends there), but will effectively prevent situation as described in the OP. As for server hopping for loot: That should solve itself once loot respawn is patched in server side. Remains server hopping for prey: That is a tough one. I see no solutions that would not in any way affect "clean gameplay".
  12. chrithu

    crafting in patch 1.8

    ok so they are just normal loot and if I find them I get the "loot" cursor? Thx. So I can stop running up to random plants right clicking anything in the toolbelt that could be used for harvesting them.
  13. chrithu

    crafting in patch 1.8

    Ok duct tape and string obviously spawn in civilian, found some. Still no luck with comfrey leaves. Also: Anyone found use for electronic scrap and floppy wires yet? Maybe we can build our own GPSs or NVs
  14. chrithu

    crafting in patch 1.8

    Another crafting related question: Where the heck can I find strings, duct tape and comfrey leaves???
  15. chrithu

    DayZ Mod 1.8 Update

    Any ETA for sixupdater?
  16. chrithu

    how do u hide from heli search light?

    This. I simply shoot at it untill it's off.
  17. chrithu

    Tracer Bullets

    Yeah. I'm no native english speaker. And the german word for it is not a 100% one to one translation thus I did not get it right away and thought he was talking about some kind of target tracking ammunition.
  18. That merely showed how they fixed the bugs the old pathfinding had. Not actual changes in the AI. Pathfinding is just a part of the AI. But it is surely one of the most basic parts. If pathfinding is buggy or even broken you cannot even start changing/implementing higher level AI stuff that would work reliably. So as I read and understand it they have done the pathfinding bug fixes but nothing more to the zeds. For me that counts as progress on Zeds = 0%.
  19. chrithu

    Tracer Bullets

    What are tracer bullets? Edit: Oh nevermind. Got it.
  20. chrithu

    31R0Y's Trading Thread

    Currently on Offer: 2x DMR1x L85A2 Holo1x M40A31x M4A1 Holo1x M4A3 CCO1x M4A1 CCO SD1x M48 Mod 01x M16A4 ACOG2x G172x M67 Frag Grenade4x 100 Rnd M24010x 30 Rnd STANAG6x DMR Mag6x SVD Dragunov Mag 3x Camo Suit3x Ghillie Suit1x Rangefinder1x ETool1x GPS15x Bloodbag Currently Looking for: G36K CamoG36 Mag30 Rnd STANAG SDFN FAL MagM9 SD MagAntibioticsSandbagsTentsInterested in a Trade? Contact me via PM to negotiate a Deal. If the goods fit in a 24 Slot backpack the trade will be nice and easy: We meet up on a TS agree on a location on map, once we are there we look for an empty server to make the trade without interruption by other players. If transportation by car is needed I will only trade with persons that have a trust level above 10 and we have to do it on my home server.
  21. chrithu

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I hope the next patch comes soon. I want to allways take my Machete with me.
  22. Thx for the update, The reasoning behind still not releasing makes sense to me.
  23. chrithu

    Melee is now Pointless

    Melee especially the Machete is absolutely awesome vs Zeds. You just seem to do it wrong. Sneaking up works quite fine if you know how to aim the melee weapon. And once detected get into a house and kill them one after the other as they enter the door. Should that not be an option run out of town to a field. Line them up behind you turn around run backwards. Shortly before the next zombie comes close hold shift, strike, release shift (to run away again). Worked awesomely well for me thus far. I only get infected for making stupid mistakes like ignoring a zombie while looting or fighting zombies with guns.