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Everything posted by Blindingsun

  1. Blindingsun

    Why can't two prone guys shoot each other?

    I didn't find it funny at all. I found it dull and asinine.
  2. go intel for CPU.. and there's NO benefit in getting an 8core processor for gaming over a quad.. that's more for things like 3d studio max and video work. intel destroys amd price to price
  3. Blindingsun

    Why can't two prone guys shoot each other?

    stick with the miffy books kid
  4. Blindingsun

    Favourite vehicles? [POLL]

    there's a skoda? and why is the yellow VW not in the poll?
  5. Blindingsun

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    well until the Alt-F4 issue is fixed ; I feel it's perfectly acceptable to have a 1 hit kill option available.
  6. Blindingsun

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    personally I'd like to sey the CheyTac m200 in the game.
  7. Blindingsun

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    I have. and not just usmc either. I've seen sbs and sas doing so. and other british units. take em with you and swap them out where you're going dependent on the target situation. its not hard to shoulder a smaller bore when carrying the 50cal on a sling
  8. Blindingsun

    AS50/M107 used against light armored infantry?

    the ONLY reason that scout snipers use 7.62mm rounds over 50.cal is that 50.cal rounds cost more. but 50's do get put into soft targets where convenience calls oh and there's no legality issues regarding putting large rounds into soft targets (just look at vehicle mounted 50.cals).. it's just more cost effective to keep the expensive ammo for higher priority targets.
  9. Blindingsun

    The Outlaws: Military DayZ Clan

    I'd like to join Delta squad as I've relevant experience. but my mic isn't working unfortunately so I'll have to give it a miss.
  10. I hope this means that 2.4 servers will have to update!!
  11. Blindingsun

    How can you even call this a game?

    Dear OP. You can't call DayZ a game. Just the same as this forum isn't your personal Blog.
  12. Blindingsun

    DayZGame graphics...

    rocket has stated it'll be on real virtuality4 which is arma3 engine unless I'm wrong. which I don't think I am
  13. any chance of getting someone to trade me an m24 on a different server?
  14. great all that walking for nothing.
  15. can we have confirmation here when it's safe please? I'd really like to trade
  16. still getting hacked i see.... Just had to AltF4 again. great job banning them...
  17. and now the server is full and I cant get on -_- great. after that 4k walk too -_-
  18. waiting for confirmation by one of the trading co guys before I re-enter server
  19. just D'c'd cos I noticed that alot of people suddenly just died right now.. hackers?
  20. thanks. On my way now. Ghillie and m4 silenced.. will come in from road as stated but i've NO mic... so will have to type if that's okay?
  21. how do you lower your weapon btw? when I walk it stays at firing position
  22. KK I'm not on Teamspeak as I have no mic + cant get it to work.. Is typing Okay? I'm in a ghillie and Blindingsun