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Everything posted by Blindingsun

  1. Blindingsun

    Bandit skins.

    I thought they looked cool... they should be brought back imo.// either that or just a greater amount of skins generally
  2. Blindingsun

    Found a SVD camo and no ammo.. what to do..

    I'll trade it for any other weapon you want? /pm me
  3. Blindingsun

    Zombie Survival My A***

    Games : they're for wasting time
  4. Blindingsun

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    Was called Skylining in 1998 when I joined up,. was called skylining in 1960 when my dad joined up. dunno what your points are to everyone going "LOL SKYLINING"
  5. Blindingsun

    Cherno Noob-Sniping

    I shoot people in the leg with an AS50. :D
  6. well I've found several in hospitals.. both ghillie and camo
  7. Blindingsun

    bow and arrows

    Skyrim is >>>>> that way.
  8. I answered you. Football was the first game ruined by hackers.
  9. Blindingsun

    Need help east of Electro

    Join US100 and I'll come put you out of your misery :D
  10. Just found one in a hospital.... like.. now.
  11. Blindingsun

    Suggestion: Natural Consequences For Murder

    why were those white bandit skins removed?
  12. Blindingsun

    So you want immersion and realism?

    your gay quiff breaks my immersion. along with your emo face.
  13. Blindingsun

    I have a dog

  14. OP wtf are you talking about? Football was ruined by hackers like 50 years ago!! /newfag
  15. Blindingsun

    Last night I killed a man.

    I had a wank. went to bed and ignored the missus. I win
  16. Blindingsun

    Suggestion: Natural Consequences For Murder

    what the hell are these bandit things everyone's talking about? o.O
  17. Blindingsun

    How rare are NVGs?

    they don't have any duped items. all were found. i've personally found 3 sets since last respawn... there's not THAT rare.
  18. Blindingsun

    How rare are NVGs?

    you any idea how skilled bsm are?.
  19. Blindingsun

    This mod's community is awful

    you think this community sucks? go play league of legends. let me know which is worse..
  20. Blindingsun

    How rare are NVGs?

    http://www.britishsergeantsmess.com/index.php/roster yeah. not enough members to have that many night visions. nope. not at all. plus Bsm are playing with a 2nd clan... yeah kk
  21. Blindingsun

    How rare are NVGs?

    no actually the clan I play with is BSM, and they've got. more than a few members.
  22. Blindingsun

    Hunting help

    in fields between woodland. mostly near the outsirts of the map to the west or north. and boars are sometimes in trees. look for white dots on the edge of your screen
  23. Blindingsun

    How rare are NVGs?

    my clan has a set on every member plus about 20 stashed somewhere