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Everything posted by Blindingsun

  1. well that's funny cos I was using my as50 with 107 rounds just 5 mins ago and was getting headshots at 500 meters on zeds. no problems. it's not inaccurate at all. sorry.
  2. makes no difference to me I can still take you out at 400 meters with a lee enfield and iron sights.
  3. What he said lol ^^ /beat me to it.
  4. mines working fine. are you playing on a server that has updated on hive properly? or a private one that doesn't connect to hive?
  5. I call bullshit. blanks in real life still have a discharge that would still fuck you up at close range. the discharge is a hot wax last time I checked. you can't just shoot people with blanks at short range. Brandon lee was killed by a blank round.
  6. Blindingsun

    A real sniping example.

    300 Meters LOL. lame,. lame lame. my granny can make that shot.
  7. Blindingsun

    Thermal Scope, How OP is it?

    DMR with nightvision is better....tbh
  8. Blindingsun

    Retarded server version?

    it doesnt ever show higher than 1.61 on the arma log in screens...
  9. Blindingsun


    How do you turn Fxaa on and disable the other AA types? is there a config file somewhere? I'm playing on the steam version. cheers in advance :P xxx
  10. Blindingsun

    YES! I got killed

    Spiffing tale, brethren
  11. I've found lots of nice stuff in deer stands. from m24's to shotguns to ghillie suits to ak's
  12. log out in deer stand = server hop ftw =D
  13. we had 3 massive camps raided last night be 3 people. and even though we shot 2 of them they managed to get back from the coast and continue raiding us within minutes... all our vehicles went. and 2 of them were AMAZINGLY well hidden away from camp I call B/s
  14. Blindingsun

    MK 48 Mod 0 for Gillie Suit

    Ghillies aren't bugged at all. stop listening to these scrubs playing on servers that haven't updated
  15. Blindingsun

    Massive Burst in Life Expectancy?

    People who learned to play are surviving longer. noobs who cant survive are rage quitting. that is all.
  16. Blindingsun

    Gladiator Arena.

    do we has to have 2k xp to join team yo?
  17. Blindingsun

    DayZ Lagg. How do I fix it?

    Is it Lag or FPS drop? a lot of people can't differentiate between the two.
  18. erm the Devs for DayZ work for the company that Made Arma2. so it KINDA is the devs fault we had to buy Arma2. it's a good cash model "make cool mod = people buy our shitty 5 year old game again". and it worked too,
  19. Blindingsun

    "Hey, I just shot you" - Call Me Maybe ft. DayZ

    Mc chris is a MASSSIVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE nerd. he's always on my facebook any time I post ANY geeky shit haha
  20. Blindingsun

    Help ASAP!

    450watt will workbut tbh I'd go for no less than 500 watt for an I5 and a 560 (which is what I'm using)
  21. Blindingsun

    Setting up a camp

    great. time to start server hopping and raiding all the camps in that area