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Everything posted by Blindingsun

  1. Blindingsun

    How do I Alt+F4?

    Trying to hard.
  2. Blindingsun

    The rush of not alt-f4'ing

    Alt f4-ing and server hopping is just lame and proves you have no skills. that is all.
  3. Blindingsun

    Calling for backup with friends in-game?

    I play with a clan of about 20 people + another clan we've agree'd to play with so there's prolly close to 30+
  4. Blindingsun

    Pending Update: Build

    On a tangent, will bandit skins be re-added in future?
  5. Blindingsun

    Pending Update: Build

    Will bandit skins be re-added?
  6. If you get killed by a sniper - you asked for it. snipers can be owned close range . nerf close combat arms. close quarters arms can be owned by snipers at range. nerf snipers. it's swings and roundabouts. if you're getting owned by a sniper you've got a l2play issue. it's not the weapons fault you're dancing out in the open like a ballerina for my bullet to penetrate.
  7. if you find 2 I've got anything you need up for trade
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN7bf1ZdPGI
  9. Blindingsun

    What Item Do You Need

    Bullshit. I had one till last night. and I know at least 2 people who have spares hidden... they weren't removed from game. they just dont spawn now.
  10. Blindingsun


    Isn't IP banning a bit counter productive? I mean any hacker with half an ounce of sense would be running through more than a few proxies right?
  12. Blindingsun

    What Item Do You Need

    Ghillie suit please?
  13. Put ghillie suits and bandit skins back in game.
  14. Blindingsun

    M4A3 CCO(?)

    less recoil and improved accuracy, obviously.
  15. Blindingsun

    For those who don't know, ghillie suits

    I've had no such issues with my ghillie suit. soz bro
  16. Blindingsun

    i dreamed about dayz :D

    No, you "dreamt" about DayZ.
  17. you mean "THE SAME PEOPLE" because really. who do you think Rocket works for? idiot.
  18. Blindingsun

    Sky-lining and How to Avoid it

    I'm from the UK. the RM use Skylining.
  19. Cmon Op. we call bullshit, reply please.
  20. Blindingsun

    DE 239 ADMIN ABuse

    grow some skin and play on a different server. problem solved. stop crying like little whiney bitches
  21. Blindingsun

    Sniper rifles

    Rastamouse says no.
  22. 2 of the lads I play with found ghillies in schools and churches last night
  23. it's fine the OP is lying. you can't shoot people with blanks ...certainly not below 30 meters.
  24. fairly is considering the fogging in game recently cuts the map off at 700m most of the time.