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Everything posted by Blindingsun

  1. Blindingsun

    BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

    yes actually. do you know how much they make per year JUST from WoW? 12 million x £8,99 x12 = £1294,560000 yes that's one thousand two hundred and ninety four MILLION per year. JUST from Warcraft, and that's BEFORE Diablo 3 + real money AH. + Call of duty + Skylanders yes they have overheads and staff to pay. but trust me, only maybe EA are close to having that much money. yeah mate. they're the poorest.
  2. Blindingsun

    BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

    Even world of warcraft has hackers. and blizzard/activision are probably the richest software developers out there.
  3. Blindingsun

    Why don't I just go play some DayZ?

    relevant to a completely pointless thread? okay kid
  4. Blindingsun

    Willing to trade X for DMR

    you got a ghillie suit?
  5. Blindingsun

    Why don't I just go play some DayZ?

    it's not irrelevant at all. if you'd bothered to read his "reduce gun power" rant. you'd understand. get back to your bridge little man.
  6. Blindingsun

    Why don't I just go play some DayZ?

    why do you want to play OP? it's too hard for you.. you need games like cod where it takes 5 shots to kill a person and the skill cap is higher LOL
  7. Ghillie suits got put back in yesterday actually.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBmz83gSYlo
  9. Blindingsun

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    well it is. there are "zombies" and you need to "Survive" I don't understand the confusion
  10. Blindingsun

    BattleEye is shit. Bring on Punkbuster/Admin bans

    Punkbuster is shit..... has been forever. kicks LEGIT players before hackers. dafuq?
  11. Blindingsun

    Why is this advertised as a Zombie game?

    this game has been advertised? in alpha stage? cool story brethren
  12. Blindingsun

    Is there a RP server?

    inb4 RPFAGLOL
  13. Blindingsun

    My M107 for your AS50?

    AS50 - 37551 (M107 rounds) /174204 (5 Rnd 12.7x99mm NATO rounds.) M107 - 37551 yeah I can see how 37k damage is better than 174k damage with the As50 rounds.. lolyea
  14. Blindingsun

    Is the ghillie suit not ingame anymore?

    lies. they spawn in churches. schools. deer stands and hospitals. *edit* I found mine in a deer stand. and clan mates have found them in various other locations
  15. Blindingsun


    I'll trade you for a ghillie suit
  16. Blindingsun

    A movie some of you may enjoy

    is it porn? cos if it's not porn I can't enjoy it
  17. Blindingsun

    Rules of Day Z............

    Rule 12. don't talk about DayZ
  18. Blindingsun

    I want to trade!!

    Your Ghillie suit. for any weapon or item you want. leave me a message here or inbox me..
  19. Blindingsun

    Ghillie suit question

    anyone found one today?
  20. Blindingsun

    Yep i am done, i quit

    you just leaving cos you suck face it. HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAHAHA also ALPHA
  21. Blindingsun

    I want to trade!!

    haha Irish!! don't make me shoot you haha!! nah but really.. Itz legit
  22. you didn't give me a challenge you bellend. and your logic as to why more shots = higher skillcap is a fucktruck load of bollox. you go tell that arguement to the SAS and watch them laugh in your face and call you a ponse. I don't need to learn maths. Surviving being killed from 1 shot is a higher skill cap than being able to survive 5 shots. end of. dipshit.
  23. Blindingsun

    Kicks by ping, and why its annoying

    I've got a 60mbit line. and I still get 120 + ms on servers. people have to understand that your connection speed is not just down to your line. but the nodes between server and yourself, and other factors.