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Everything posted by Blindingsun

  1. Nvidia users can turn off Ambient Occlusion. Ati don't have it LOL. erm Try enabling vsync in your card settings. that "should" help
  2. Blindingsun

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    then you weren't being vigilant enough. learn to cover and conceal and don't take risks when scanning your environment
  3. Blindingsun

    m9 or g17

    http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3200/2647422986_19e878bcd1.jpg this is why,. different length casings./
  4. Blindingsun

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    2 snipers. In ghillies. on top of a building? if you can't kill 2 snipers in the WORST possible place in the world for a sniper in a ghillie. then you deserve every death you receive from them. they're obviously terribad and you can't even kill them. for shame
  5. Blindingsun

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    Bunch of tosh. provide us with figures oh mr consoles are better. eve and WoW have an insane amount of players. then there's everything else. think about how many users are on Steam? cmon I wanna see figures to back up your fabricated statement
  6. Blindingsun

    Weapon Poll

    M9SD for obvious Shooting zombies in the quiet reasoning. m4a1 sd for the same reasons. accurate and quiet. m24 is my favourite sniper although it's underpowered. as50 is my favourite just because it 1 shots those Alt-f4'ers
  7. and what If you don't know you're using hacked gear? say the script kiddie hacks in some stuff that is already in game, puts it in a tent,. and then you find it? sup now mr morally superior?
  8. Blindingsun

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    you don't NEED to play split screen co-op on a PC. you can play "we both have our own screen co-op" like in portal 2. which is far superior than playing on half a tv regardless of the size of the tv. which also means you dont take a performance hit cos you're both playing on the same console either : you both have a PC, omg it's like having your own food and not having to share!!. ALSO. I play DayZ on a 50inch LED tv. also I do so from the comfort of my sofa. Tbh you're just butthurt cos you can't afford a mid-top end gaming pc. sorry bro. I forgive you/ *edit. if your views are representative of the console market, then I don't want to see a console port. keep the CoD kiddies as far away from DayZ as possible please. there's enough moron's currently ruining it.
  9. Blindingsun

    The New Bandit Skin Is Garbage

    Personally the original bandit skin was alot better... I think they should have just used that, and given a full army camo setup for hero skin, with camo paint on the face COMMANDO style
  10. well from what I've seen, Rocket said Duping is impossible to stop at the moment because it's a flaw with the Arma2 engine,. no doubt it won't be a problem in the standalone so therefore it's a bit of a moot point..
  11. personally the server difficulty should dictate things like how many shots kill you. I play on veteran for example. so It would only be logical that 1 shot kills are fine there.. but recruit servers should take more for example
  12. that is the most illogical idea I've ever heard....
  13. the game shouldn't be balanced. people with high end weapons SHOULD have an advantage. same as someone in the real world with a pistol going against a soldier with a mp5... screw balance. seriously. just make the game have a purpose
  14. Blindingsun

    The problem with modern gaming

    the biggest problem with modern gaming is no "INSERT COIN" and no joystick.
  15. with all the hackers lately. I've been playing more combined ops /British Armed Forces/Private military company,. and i only bought combined ops to play DayZ but tbh..... limited sand box game gets a bit dull after you've spawned and ran north 20 times
  16. Blindingsun

    Is server hopping a banable offence

    you can't server hop now. you just spawn on a beach. you have to wait like 4 mins before changing servers or you will be having a long walk so Im calling fishyness
  17. Blindingsun

    Why the Hero skin is useless

    I think you should be given perma ghillie for taking 50% shots above a 700, range
  18. no it's not the 1 hit kills. it's the people force quitting the game which means instead of me getting 2 shots into them with an m24 and killing them. I have to resort to using large bore weapons.
  19. Nvidia Users can turn off Ambient Occlusion. worked for everyone I know
  20. Blindingsun

    WANT GHILLIE - will trade for...

    I find ghillies and camo maybe twice a day in Vybor in the school on the roof.. sometimes in the rooms below
  21. Blindingsun

    thinking of buying a gaming pc and need advice

    Dear OP where In the UK are you..? I can build you one
  22. you're an idiot. do you know how hard it is to NOT dupe? as soon as you put something in a tent and save the tent you've duped it. put items in tent and save = keep them = ur a duper next reset. or put items in tent and don't save = lose them? yeah kk mate I think I can see how losing your gear constantly is pro
  23. Blindingsun

    IF this was an actual game...

    erm Yes actually it is.If Rocket has stipulated he wants 1-2 hundred players. I think that's enough to give it Mmo status .and Game purchase only. and developer only. don't let the community contribute. it'll only end in a kids fps game because people with beg for guns to be balanced
  24. Blindingsun

    Haters gonna hate (AS50)

    Dear OP. you can get M107 rounds in deer stands. not "hard" to find at all. keep trying. anyway. As50 + any thermal gun in your bag = better =D
  25. Blindingsun

    In need of some SERIOUS guidance.

    why do you need a vehicle? leave that till you get a group of friends together, or find a clan